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Heart Confessions

Read the best #heart confession stories

I still have contact to my ex boyfriend... It's not really my ex BOYFRIEND... we had some kind of friends with benefits relationship and it didn't take long until I fell in love with him or crushed on him quite hard... he didn't return the feelings and that almost destroyed me but I couldn't stop seeing him. I lied to him and said that I also only want the sex and the friendship, nothing more...
After a while we saw each other less and less which was terrible because I wanted to see him every day... He started to become more distant and then I found out that he met someone else and tried to woo her.
At the beginning he didn't even tell me about it and just told me new excuses why we couldn't meet.
I was so heartbroken... And I told my best friend about it. She said I need to block him, ghost him and never talk to him again. But I was just so infatuated and I didn't wanna lose him.
Then I met my now boyfriend and the situation got easier. I wasn't that heartbroken anymore and we still texted from time to time.
I am still jealous when I think about him and his new girlfriend, but it's not like I want him more than my boyfriend.
I couldn't tell my best friend that I am still in contact with him. She already thinks I am stupid for keeping up with him for so long... so now I am keeping it a secret that I still text and maybe meet up with him some time.
I just want to be friends with him again. Not anything sexual. I love my boyfriend but I also do not want to lose my friend...

#liar   #boyfriend   #sex   #friends   #friendswithbenefits   #love   #crush   #heartbroken   #lie   #bestfriend  

I have been with my boyfriend for two months now, in these two months I am not allowed to follow any boys on Instagram while he follows girls, he made me delete pictures of me on Instagram, he’s insecure and I hate it. I always have to change and do something for him to just be like yes I trust you now. I loved him at the start but now it’s just annoying.

He wants to marry and have a baby but I’m more scared of never having a life besides him. I’m not even 21 yet he is. It’s just unfair how he wants me to just give him that kind of promise. When all he does is make me change change change for him. I’m to afraid to even say hey that is kind of hypocritical of you following girls. He’s just not good at keeping his temper down, he has called a bitch to fuck off and whatever fuck this and you, laughed when I said oh well I’m trying to not to cut or anything right now could u talk nice and help me. Then when we makeup get cry’s and says I didn’t mean it why do u want me and it’s just a game at this point . And I’m tired of playing it.

he’s my first boyfriend the first one I showered with first I slept at his house wit h first to do a lot things. I just do t think this is how trust and a relationship goes

#heartless   #done   #digust   #loveless  

I have a crush on my classmate and he is one of my friends. He always holds my hand and of course i thought that he likes me back. When i ask him if who is his crush he said he likes one of my classmates. I become so sad that even breathing is hard for me. I wish that i will have the chance to change the past. To be not a part of his life anymore because its for the best. I like you eros even if you dont feel the same. I know you like andrea but im always here for you. I love you but i know that you will never feel the same.
From your bestfriend

#love   #sad   #heartbroken  

hmmmm... i don't know what to do. there's this boy from my school, we are friends for some months now and the last weeks we met almost every day, he wrote me textmessages all day long and he was a very good friend. but now, since 2 days, he doesn't answer. at night he sometimes came over to my place, so we could smoke a cigarette together. the last time i met him, he acted kind of strange and since then i haven't heard from him. i texted him yesterday evening but nothing!
what's wrong? i didn't do anything, why is he ignoring me right now? am i annoying or something?
it drives me crazy and i don't know what to do because i don't wanna run after him all the time.
i have to confess that this bothers me more than i want to. and this although i thought we are just friends.

#friend   #ignore   #despair  

I was told once that you'd have to build a wall around your heart, so you won't be able to feel anything towards another human being. But, I was naive, and accepted people in right and left. I felt that no matter what I could trust anyone.

Dumb me.

That lonely road took me straight to hell. I've been molested by a cousin, Father walked out on me, Mom was the typical party girl - and have men in and out her six kids lives, homelessness, bullying and other things kicked in.

I even had a friend whom killed himself.

I learned the hard way, but, you have too not give too fucks about random people bullshit, and say Fuck you to those whom think that they could hurt you physically and mentally. Heartlessness is the way too go. Trust me. It is.

Now I do not cry (don't even remember the last time I did) I feel no humanly emotions, and I care for nothing, not even myself.

#advice   #heartlessness  

So here I am confessing about a mistake I made and regretting now. I have a pyrosexual fetish and it basically means that one is aroused by the use of fire on self or even others or anything like that.
At teenage I had realised about my fetish and since then I have been masturbating with fire like burning a little portion of the cloth that I am wearing or pouring flammable substance on my clothes and teasing myself..however I don't do anything harmful, it's always on limit. 6months back I got engaged to my bf and now we broke up because I showed honesty and told him about my fetish and it turned out to be very bad. Now He don't wana be with me at all.. I am broke af now. He even started dating other girls.😭

#heartbroken   #firefetish   #pyrosexual  

I am into masochism, in in emotional. I want to read those heartbreaking stories. I want the feeling of being always hurt. I want the feeling of being always the lonely one.


There is this man I meet regularly in the park when I am walking my dogs and we started talking a few months ago. He also has two small dogs (I do not know the breed) and we let our dogs play together. It is really nice, we talk a lot about everything, he has the same humour as me and he is very attractive. I am always looking forward to going to the park in hopes that I meet him. And then it happened, I couldn't believe it. He kissed me one day. Out of the blue.. while we were laughing about something (I can't remember now what it was) and the moment was just perfect...

The thing is... I am single, but he is married!!!!
He never mentioned her to me, never muttered a word about her! And he is never wearing a ring (I've checked). She came by the park when our dogs had a "play date" to bring him is phone (because he forgot it at home). That's how I found out. That was after the kiss, I think like a week later...

We never talked about the kiss since then and I don't know what to do.. I actually thought I was going to fall in love with hime before I knew he was married. Now I am heartbroken and I don't know if I should tell her?

#crush   #dogs   #kiss   #married   #wife   #heartbroken   #confession  

I'm a 17 year old female. I have been masturbating since before I knew what the word even meant. I just think it feels good and I know it isn't bad, but I feel very lewd and hate that I do it. I tried stopping at one point, but I'm now addicted to it....

I also believe I am a lesbian, but still a tiny bit unsure (pretty sure I am though). Although, I've only ever liked girls. Mostly straight girls. I feel like I have the worst luck when it comes to the love life that I don't have. Everytime something good happens, soon after, something bad or heartbreaking happens. Cupid is just fucking with me and screwing me over every time. I've never dated anyone before. I'm still in the closet, but I think I'll come out on my 18th bday. At least to my family.

I've liked several girls, all unrequited unfortunately. Right now I like one of my classmates who sits next to me, but we aren't that close. I was pretty sure she is straight and seeing her a Homecoming with a guy made me confirm that in my heart, which really started hurting the rest of the night. Everyone says love is the best, but even though I have liked someone, it has mostly only been heartbreaking. I know that I would never ever get the girl I like, even if I was a guy. This has been going on since 6th grade now and I'm getting tired of falling in love. I try so hard to get rid of my feelings, bit then something happens and I fall right back in. Then, like I said before, Cupid will screw with me and soon after something depressing will happen. I sometimes wish I didn't have feelings as I fall in love way too easily and all it does is hurt my heart. I'm going to wind up an old, lonely, cat lady...I just know it.... ._.

#lesbian   #heartbroken   #unrequited  

I just laughed at a guy in a wheelchair who got stuck in a gap in the street. He wasn't able to get out there by himself but I didn't help him either.

#wheelchair   #laugh   #streets   #help   #heartless   #confession  

I am in love of a man that's twenty years older than me, and I'm pretty sure he has no clue I exist. He's clearly in love of someone else and every time I see them together, I feel like my world is falling apart.

#heartbreak   #sad   #lonely  

It's been over a year and three months since the last time we talk, but every day I think of him if he is alive or okay because I know he has been kicked out of house and lives on the streets. Like our story is so complicated and hard but I can't stop thinking about him and I don't know why like every guy I ever talk to my stupid brain and heart keep comparing them to the guy who I love so much and broke my heart. Part of me wants to contact him so badly like I did contact him to have closure but he thought I had closure of him and I thought the same way but I guess now because deep down inside of me my heart wants him. So my question is should I contact him again even though the last time we talk I tried to get closure....

#love   #movingon   #heartbreak   #wondering   #gay   #stupid  

I am totally and irreversibly in love with my biology teacher. He's about 40 years old and such a sweetheart. In his class, I am not able to focus or concentrate on anything, my grades are therefore very unsatisfying.
Now I hope that he will offer me extra private lessons, private tuition.
Why I think this is such a problem? I am a guy.

#biology   #teacher   #sweetheart   #focus   #concentrate   #private   #tuition  

It's funny, I used to sit in bed while on the phone with the one person I thought I would never lose and read people's confessions from this page. We would always say how some of the people on this page where so messed up and how we would never do any of that stuff.
One of those things was leave eachothers side. I mean he even gave me a promise ring to make things more convincing... for a while I thought this was it. He was my one true love, he was everything I ever wanted. Turns out, that promise ring was just an empty promise. All those times he said "we would never break up, we will always fix it, we always have.... we always will" were lies. He left. Of course he would, what guy could ever love me ? I scare them, apparently.
I really wish I would have known this was going to happen, because out of all people I never expected him to leave me when he knew I was alone.
Well I'm glad he decided to go find himself, I just wish he would have told me when he lost himself.
This ones for you Loyd.

#lies   #heartbreak  

I am in love with a married man. We met on a "fling" site and he told me up front he was in an open marriage. At first i declined him but we talked more and i really liked him. We met at a hotel and had sex and first time wasnt all that great. It was really hot in the room and the lights were on and i just wasnt feeling it. After that I ended it and for 2 wks didnt talk to him but i always thought of him. I reached out and after a week of on and off talking we decided to meet up again. I was about to move out of state with my husband my husband was actually coming in the next morning to drive our truck and I got a hotel room and he met me and we had the most mind blowing sex i have ever had. Everything i thought about its like he knew and did. I have never climaxed this way with anyone. We had sex for 2 hrs I rode his cock, he pounded me every which way, he was the most amazing kisser and i could have gone longer but he had to go. I said goodbye knowing this is last time for me cheating. I left and he knows nothing about my husband i just told him i was visiting family. He text me while i was gone and i told him i had to stay a little longer. 3 weeks go by on and off talking and I miss him so much. I fly in to see him under guise of a work trip and he meets me at my hotel and we had the 2nd most amazing sex of my life. I never knew what an orgasm felt like but he gave me one that night. The way he fucks me its amazing he takes me every way possible and then he kisses me and i could get lost in his lips. I went back to life and still off and on talking a few more weeks go by and i fly in to see him just for day my husband has no idea im even out of town. We fucked like rabbits and I was ready to give up everything for him. He admitted his marriage was on rocks but everytime she text him he wld respond while with me. When i went home i felt like shit thinking he doesnt feel the same so i ended things and basically gave him opportunity to tell
Me he wants me in his life. He never even responded back. I feel so empty i check my phone daily hoping he will text or call its been 4 days. I guess i get what i deserve since he never knew truth about me.

#sex   #adultery   #lies  

Although our time was brief, I know that I really liked you and I still wish that it could have worked out between us.
What hurts the most is not anything that you did but all that didn't happen.
I believed I would never find love in this life and that this was enough.
Meeting you has taught me that I want to love.
It was so easy to like you and easy to imagine and desire more.
However, in our time together it was inescapably evident to me that I am not the person you would love. Not now, not as I am now.
Would there have been a chance for us if this was another time in our lives?

#longing   #wistful   #heartache   #alone  

my report card came out a month ago and my dad is still mad at me. he emotionally abuses me by calling me names and insults. i’m 16. the fact that i am scared of him, scared to explain myself is frustrating me. i got 2As, 3Bs, and 3Cs. my school’s grade boundaries go down to a U. i thought i did pretty well until my dad screamed at me about it; how i was a “lazy bitch” and how i “don’t deserve anything.” until this day he still says that i am useless and scolds me. last night, he told my mom that he was sending me to public school and that that was that. i was devastated. this is my last year. i can’t just be pulled out and put into a school with a different system. he isn’t giving me a chance. he doesn’t trust me. that breaks my heart that no one in my house trusts that if given this last chance, i can get better grades. i hate to be constantly screamed at and insulted at. i hate that my dad screams at me for every single small mistake i do. my dad never lets me turn the ac at night. last night i was sleeping with my grandparents and they had told me that they wanted the ac turned on. so i did. this morning my dad had lashed out at me for wasting electricity by turning it on. my mom came in defense of me and explained that my grandparents had wanted it turned on. he stormed off and left. i want to run away. i’m 16 and there’s a certain extent to how much i can sustain myself. what do i do?

#abuse   #dysfunctional   #heartbreak  

In highschool I was a loser. But one day while I was eating lunch in some corner this cute girl asked if she could sit with me. We talked and exchanged numbers. We then texted all the time. It was so cool and I was really liking her. I would get butterflies when I’d see her messages. She asked me to meet her at her house one day to watch movies. I showed up and all her friends were there and they all started laughing at me and calling me names. I went home so upset and asked her why she did this and she said she bet her friend she could get the “weird” kid to like her. Flash forward 10 years and her mom works for me and tells me how miserable her daughters life is and how she has no job. I asked her mom if she wanted I’d hire her daughter. That’s going to be real fun if it happens. Her mom has no clue what happened between us either.

#love   #heartbreak   #relationship  

Breaking the hearts of others. I’ve broken a lot of hearts. It’s nothing I’m proud of. As a dude I’m not supposed to care, but I do. Whether a person is poor; rich; famous; or just a kind person, they all deserve to be treated kindly. When you look back at the pain you caused, it makes you cry. Wish I could undo it. I thought being rude gave them the best out. Make them hate me. Blame me. But I now realize there are people who never got over me. That hurts me to realize. I’m sorry. I didn’t set out to do that.

#sorrow   #broken   #heart  

How do I fix myself? I don’t want to break another heart. I can’t fix the hearts I’ve broken. I can’t fix my heart. Life would be easier if I was like most men & just didn’t care. But it deeply hurts me to know I hurt others. To see someone hurting & know I did that. All my muscles & good looks won’t fix this.

#pain   #suffering  

Pray and roll the dice for #heart

Confessions by

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