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Lies Confessions

Read the best #lies confession stories

I get really fucked up on Crystal Meth and go on true confession sites and start typing stories I have heard, or at least I think maybe I heard them sonewhere, but it really doesn't matter cuz once I start typing I can't a to and I must just kinda keep on making up shit as I go along, although they seem pretty real no matter how fucked up or sick and twisted or just down right plain unbelievable or whatever and.then I come down and see what I've posted or at least try and figure out which ones may have been mine or not - I dunno. But it's pretty fuxked up and they aren't real and some take like hours to type and whatnot and I think maybe I need to get some serious help or something. Anyways, I think I posted a shit load on this site and they aren't real. The end

#meth   #sick   #twisted   #lies   #stories   #unconfessions  

I don't know my own gender. I tell people online that my name is Zach but it's not. I'm biologically a woman. My friends know that I'm trans. I think I'm a man. I usually tell myself I'm a man but there's this voice in the back of my head that shouts that I'm a woman. I don't know what to believe. Maybe I'm gender-fluid? I don't really feel like a woman at all but how do I know if I'm really trans. Is there a way of knowing? I know about dysphoria, and I think I have it but what if I don't? I believe I have it seeing as I hate my body. I don't like my curves, I've kinda gained some weight, and not to mention genitalia. It's odd how there's nothing there. I don't know if that's normal or not. I just think it's weird how there's nothing between my legs. My chest keeps growing. I'm 14 and almost a D cup. I'm not overweight either. I don't know if this is gender dysphoria or just normality. I don't constantly feel weird in my body though; it's very on and off. My boyfriend sees me as a woman but that's a rant for another day. What do I do? Do I ask my mother for me to see a gender therapist? What if she says no? I don't want her knowing.

#trans   #ftm   #lies   #confused   #gender  

For over a year I’ve been leaving comments and stuff on the net. Part of it was looking for someone. So id leave these crazy stories. The hope was some one who needed me would reach out. Well it worked. They just called up out of the blue. Sadly they need me much more than I thought. I’ll try my best to help, but a lot of damage is done. So sad. Good person that just needed someone to help and love them. Prayers that God will heal this person.
There’s other people who need my help too, one desperately so. I’m trying to help them too. Prayers that God will help me help all of them.
I did try to do good along the way too. I played roles and games. Pretended to be things I’m not.
The goal was to get some positive change. I think I did that.
The pandemic forced us all to try to survive. I played roles: a conservative; a liberal; a moderate; a victim; a funny person, all with various goals.
I wanted to be helpful; educate, and entertain. Try to help the world survive, & myself have interaction. I’ve had basically no human interaction for over a year. So these comments were my inter action with the world.
It’s so strange to see yourself have an impact. At least mine seemed to be for greater good on versions scales.

#hope   #help   #lies  

This is gonna age like a fine cup of piss, but...
I'm something of an activist, and it's a huge part of the resason why I'm majoring in social work,but despite my campus having a strong social work program, it's tough to find a cause I'm genuinely passionate about as I attend a predominantly conservative campus. However, I thought that since I'm Asian and recently a few other Asian students had recently formed an Asian American Association this past semester and I was somewhat involved in the planning process that I could use it for my advocacy as a student activist. However, I soon got removed from the group me (we also have a discord, but we use the group me chat as our main platform for communication) for pushing certain "ideas" that people were "uncomfortable" with, despite there having been some arguments among the leaders and admins, as only one person removed me with little to no input from the leaders. I sat down a while back to speak to the advisor, who had zero involvement in all of the group me stuff, and when I asked for a follow up, I got an email back pretty much saying the same thing: the chat was created for "light hearted" reasons and they didn't want me making it uncomfortable. I didn't respond to it until a few days ago. I claimed that them taking me out of the chat had sent me on a downward spiral, how it had caused me to cut again, how it had caused me to stop eating.

It was all a lie. I just thought that I could guilt trip them a little to get back in the chat. I honestly don't feel much if any remorse over this.

#cutting   #starving   #lies   #drama  

I pretended to be a guy in an online relationship because the guy I like is bisexual with a preference towards guys, so I lied about my name my age and my gender, I just told him the truth and he said he still loves me

#lies   #gender  

I'm not a real lawyer. I've been faking it for 10 years. But I went to law school and got my degree, passed my exams...I just couldnt do the whole admission because it made me feel anxious. So I lied that I had been admitted to practice and I take certificates whenever anyone asks for proof. I've gotten away with it.


I mess with people who believe in UFOs. I think it helps them. They need to realize they probably aren’t real.
I know a woman who thinks she’s a witch. Thing is. She thinks she does stuff. But nothing happens. She deludes herself.
Worked with a lady who thought her dead grandma planted crops in her yard.
Many brains don’t work right. They see what’s not there. It’s only there in their minds.


I was in love with my friend freshman year. Fully, whole-heartedly in love. She knew it, and she used me. I was her proxy for verbally abusing our social group, so she could seen like the innocent saint. I would have died for her. She threw me away because I was depressed. I hate her now as much as I loved her then. I look back and see her as the selfish hypocrite she really was. Love really does make you blind. Never fall in love with a sociopath.

#abuse   #manipulation   #hate   #love   #sociopath   #loyalty   #liar   #lies   #sad  

I told one of my friends that I was depressed when I was 11 because my mum and dad had a divorce. Except they didn’t and they’re happily married. It’s been on my mind a lot and honestly it really bugs me. I don’t want to tell her because we’re really close and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I told her my sister didn’t know so don’t ask her but I’m scared she’s gonna bring it up in conversation.😬 what should I do

#secrets   #lies   #bad   #fake   #ashames  

Lies. During the pandemic ive told many lies. Some on purpose. Some from confusion.
I saw the web as this big fun place. Tell jokes. Tell stories. Make up
Stuff. Entertain each other. I figured people were like me. During this mess ive slept in my car. Went days without food. Been so cold. Been so hot i passed out. Nearly died. Been in a daze. Days & days without sleep. In desperate need of medical help but unable to pay for or reach it. Id use this phone someone else provides for me as a way to pretend im not all alone. But i was. I was all alone.

But there are those who need me. I still do what little i can for them. But its not much.

My mind is clear for a moment. Im sure it wont last. It occurs to me that my funny & entertaining stories may not seem that way to everyone. Yes; we are all trying to lift each other up, to survive this pandemic. But what about the mentally ill with problems worse than me? What if they take either my funny musings when im in a rare stable moment; or my meanderings as i drift thru this pandemic & have no clue what im typing trying to hold on, as “literal”. Oh i dont think i do things like that. Im a pretty nice person. But occasionally my damaged mind focuses enough to see that there are people with the oddest of beliefs. Im not sure how people believe in such things; but some do, so i hope to force myself to just set alone & close myself off. I wouldnt advise that to most. But i spent many years doing exactly that. So if anyone can & stay more or less rational, it should be me. I need to quit using my phone to pretend i have a purpose or meaning beyond my real purpose. Oh if someone reads this dont try it yourself. Its not good to close oneself off. Its quite self destructive actually. But as a child i was forced to be completely isolated for a long time. So i got used to it. Im currently not outdoors. But my situation is tenuous at best. Sinking within myself will be my best way to survive where i am
Besides there are others who need me. They definitely need more help than im currently able to give. I need to take the little thats left of me & give it all to them.


i stole seven dollars from my mom in change and i lied about it to her and now im vomiting my insides out, but i can't stop lying

i think god gave me a sickness

#lies   #stealing   #sickness  

I dont know how to tell my friends that I lied.. I lied about how much I drink. I want them to know I'm not addicted. But they think ill do anything for a little bit of beer.

#lies   #friends   #addicted  

I have these desires with my girlfriend, like watching her with other men, swinging, threesomes, gangbangs, orgies, bondage, MFM bi sex, but i'm scared she'll think i'm weird and leave me.

#lust   #sex   #desires   #lies   #cheating   #threesome  

Ever since I was a kid I’ve lied. Little and big for no particular reason. Sometimes I get bored so I tell lies. They don’t always affect anyone, and sometimes I don’t tell people. Other times they do hurt people. I’ve lost friends to lies but at this point I can’t stop.

#lies   #evil   #sinner  

I took attention seeking to the next level I pertended to have a stalker for 3 years to get guys attention and I'd make fake accounts to show them messges of what happened and stuff and they would fight with the fakes accounts which were me

#lies   #attention   #fake   #stalker  

I am a big liar.

I came to a point that I am living the life I lied about and completely forgotten who I really am.

I quit my job, I am flying to a different country and hoping that this will help me to start over. Start a truthful life.


About a month ago, I had a miscarage. I’ve only told my parents and husband about it and they’ve asked me if I was okay. I keep telling them I am and to not say anything to anyone else because it won’t change anything. But the truth is I was never okay to start with and i cry whenever I’m alone and no one can see it.

#depression   #miscarage   #lies  

I mess with people. Tell jokes. Pick. Annoy. Not in real life. People with influence. Not in a mean way. To challenge their thoughts. My goal is to slip in thoughts to audiences that don’t expect it. Homelessness. Health care for the poor. Disabilities. Gays.
I’m trying to help make the world a better place. But I stretch the truth and crack jokes to do it. Lying is wrong. But if your lies don’t hurt others; and do help others, is that fully wrong?
I can’t tell the truth. I’m disabled and a loser. No one likes to talk to me in real life. I’m an outcast. So I pretend to be s person someone would want to talk to. Not for me. I’m doomed. But for others. I just want the world to love each other a little more.


hi,i am m 22
i don't know where to start. i am finding myself in a horrible situation these days. I took admission in a costly university for my graduation degree. I had spent all of the money for my fees over the years on myself and my girlfriend who does not have a clue about this. She thinks i am some rich brat. She loves me a lot and i love her.I always had thought i will make out a way out of my misery. But the problem is now my days here are going to end and i don't have a single clue for what i am going to do next. I want to support my family, i want to give everything to my girl, but all these hopes are fading away. i quit smoking 2 weeks ago, and that is the only thing i had done right in my past 5 years Now i am restless all the time.

#hopeless   #despair   #lies  

I live in a multi story building with many foreign families and a lot of them have some kind of trouble with the police, distrainors, lawyers and other creditors. When I'm at home, I often hear that there's someone who keeps ringing the door bell, to talk to one of those families. Apart from me, almost no one of these people work, they are sitting at home all day and watch TV and therefore they know who's standing in front of the door and therefore don't open it. But I'm a helpful person so I let them in by pressing the buzzer for the front door down stairs. It's funny to watch the police while they are trying to get entrance to the flat.

#building   #foreign   #families   #funny   #police   #lawyers   #confession  

Pray and roll the dice for #lies

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