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Read the best #bad confession stories
Today I saw my crush and a girl laughting and I felt very bad I'm not jealous but I don't why when I think to this scene I want to cry but I don't!
I am a divorced mom of two. And I have to get something out of my chest.
About two yrs. ago, I discovered that my then husband was having an affair with a coworker from the office he works for.
As angry as I was, I found the way of keep my head cold. I turned the blind eye for about a year while getting evidence of his actions, so I could build a strong case against him in the court so, I did.
A year went by and he acted very surprised when confronted with the evidence my lawyer presented to him. He knew he had no choice but to sign the papers.
Two weeks later after he moved out of the house, I threw a party to celebrate my long awaited divorce.
I work for a big company with medium to small branches all over the city (Monterrey, Mexico) which specializes in selling construction and builders materials.
Every branch has a secretary and two male workers. The big branches have two secretaries and up to four workers. where I work it's just me and two guys.
I would be lying if I said I've been an angel. Every now and then I would accept an invitation from my coworkers to have a drink and some kissing and fondling had happened when we were drunk but that was all. Never had sex with them even thou there's mutual attraction; much less an affair.
So I threw this party to celebrate and of course; friends, family and coworkers were invited.
Everything was so great, plenty of music, beer, tequila, carne asada and above all, happiness and laughter.
It was around 1 am that the first guesses started leaving so I told my then 6 & 8 y/o kids to go to bed, and by 2 am every family member and friends were gone. But back at the patio my two coworkers were still drinking and listening to music so I joined. We danced some more and at some point, I started to feel dizzy. I'm not a tequila drinker but I was so happy that I had a few shots while dancing.
All I remember from that moment on, is my coworkers helping me undress in my bedroom.
The next morning I was awaked by my sons moving my shoulder and slapping my face. MOM WE ARE HUNGRY!!!
Well it was still morning.11:40am
I opened my eyes and raised my upper body a little just to find out I was completely nude in the middle of my also completely nude coworkers who were still snoring.
I told my sons get out of the room... I have to get dressed.
As soon as they walked out I awaked both of the guys so they could get dressed and leave.
Feeling my anus a little sensitive, I jumped in the shower not before I took a pee and relieved my guts in what appeared to be a mix of liquid and foamy substance without the smell of... well you know what I mean.
"It must be the tequila"... I said to myself
That day was what appeared to me an endless Sunday. I was avoiding almost all day to approach the subject with my sons but, they were in a funny mood with awkward faces and attitudes all day long so by dinner time I had to finally ask them.
Roberto was watching!!! one immediately told on his brother.
Yeah but you too!!! replied Ricardo the youngest.
What those men were doing to you!
OMG! I didn't know what to tell them so I changed the subject and send them to sleep with the excuse of their early school tomorrow.
The next morning I walked into the store. Pedro and Raul (my coworkers) were there already.
So I asked them both... what the hell happened that night?
Raul very nervous asked me... you don't remember? nothing?
I said... of course not! otherwise I wouldn't be asking!
They told me that I was like in a trance, yelling at them to fuck the shit out of me. Pedro was going to start while Raul was going to wait outside the room but I told him not to. I was already undressed so they undressed as well and started to fuck me both at the same time.
And then what?... I asked
Well you wanted to have anal sex.
And?... I asked again
We gave you a beer enema
Omg!... I started to laugh. You did???
So you went to the restroom and then came back and we both had anal sex and all kinds of sex with you.
Ok...I said. That's pretty much some kinky night but still pretty normal don't you think?
At that point they looked each other to the eyes.
Ok OK... now what???... I asked
"Well... we told you your sons were peeping because the door was open and you told us to let them watch"
Omg!... I said that?
"Yes. not only that but you told them to get closer so they could see better"
And what did they do?... I asked
"Well they were there watching the show at the edge of the bed the rest of the night"
And that was it right?
"Ok you asked for another beer enema before sending your sons to sleep and we went to sleep as well"
I was in a shock but at the same time somehow felt a little aroused by the thought of me being capable of doing such things.
Not surprisingly, days later my sons asked me when was I going to throw another party.
We've done it four more times without the need of a large party, just tequila and beer. Just the three of us and of course those two who wouldn't miss the show.
#divorced #bad #mom #exhibitionist
I'm malel, 21 years old and I love my family.
I was raised by my grandparents and I always had great respect of them, but at this moment I can't "not respond" to the provocations of my grandmother.
All she tells me annoys me and I answer her badley, because I just lost my stepfather for about a month ago and she now wants to control everything that is happening here at home: (that hours we enter, that hours we left, where we go, what we do...) We currently need privacy and let us do our "grieving", but she is always on top of things happening.
Everyone tells me that I have to give her a "discount" because of her age, but I can not, but right after I answer her badly, I regret.
#family #grandma #stepfather #dead #bad #confession
I like leading on girls that repulse me. Maybe it’s a new fetish or maybe I’m just evil. I feel good doing it. I even can get it up for them as I lure them into bed. It’s quite easy actually. Getting it up for the ugly however, depends on how big the lie and buildup is.
Many girls I was with that once looked good now look like detritus, but they’re easy. Easy to fool. East to play with and easy to sleep with.
My best friend is like this. She’s a man eater and a self proclaimed whore. She likes using men for anything but she’s about money and power. I’m more about mind manipulation which I can do on either sex and sex with someone beneath me. It’s more fun with the weak I find. I know this is bad but the climax is just too good to stop. Love that payoff.
Sometimes we’ll go about and surprise people with what we go home with and other times just look around for an easy mark. She will go with anything while I go for the desperate ones to get off with. It’s so easy, it’s delicious.
The grosser and more pathetic they are the better the release. Plus I’ve found the fat myth is actually true, they are often incredible in bed and c*m boatloads more than regular bimbos.
Are they just that grateful and turned on, or is it just how they are? Likely, I have a lot to do with it as it’s easy with any girl whether hot or yuck, but the pathetic ones it’s become an obsession as the sexual release is so great that I just cannot help myself.
#bad #manipulation #sex
I screwed up my relationship and it ended because I was too scared to tell the truth. Unknowingly to me at the time I was suffering from depression, I got myself into debt and I couldn’t get out of it. Instead of telling my partner I tried to deal with it myself. My partner had a temper, often wouldn’t speak to me for days or weeks on end if I had upset him even though I didn’t know what it was I had done wrong. He never asked me if I was ok, he never took any interest in me and I was constantly walking on eggshells. None of this excuses what I did. He started spending time away from me, told me he wasn’t happy with our relationship anymore and I think he had met someone else but would never admit it. I desperately wanted our relationship to work but it was too late. Several months later, we were still living together and he found out about my debt, I didn’t tell him but he found out and hit the roof. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to die, he wouldn’t listen to me and it was the worst night of my entire life. I often have flashbacks to that night and even just writing about it makes me so anxious. I left our home the next day, our relationship was over. He told everyone we knew what I had done, people spat at me in the street and rightfully blamed me for everything. I lost everything, my home, possessions and a big part of myself that I will never get back. Years have now passed and he’s moved on with his life, met someone new and sold our home. I can’t move on. I hate myself so much, I can’t forgive myself for what I did and I know that I am a bad person. I haven’t rebuilt my life, I still have nothing and no home of my own. I have depression and I realise now that I have had it for a long time. I paid my debt off which should have been a big relief but it wasn’t, I desperately want my old life back and I know that I will never get it back and that is my punishment. People think that I have shown no remorse but I feel it every second of every day. I deserve to have a miserable life, I am scum.
I have become a hoarder. I go on eBay late at night when everyone is asleep and I buy luxury clothing and shoes that are not even my size. I started working from home so I can accept the packages without my husband knowing. I have boxes on top of boxes and I tell him that they are inventory that I am selling online but I'm not. I haven't sold anything online in over a year or two. I am so sick over my deception and addiction that I just lay in bed all day and make plans on how I am going to rectify the situation. But all I do is wind up unpacking one box and repackaging the items in another. I don't know why I am doing this. I never cared about things like that before but now it's like if I see a Tory Burch bag for $5 with free shipping and I dont buy it I feel like I'm about to take a huge test that I am completely unprepared for, or like I'm about to jump out of a plane. The only thing that stops the anxiety is buying the item. I am out of money and I can't remember the last time I did dishes or made dinner. I just lock myself in my room and obsess over this all day and all night.
I am at the hospital right now. It was a standard procedure, but I have to stay here for 5 days in total. It is day 2 right now and I would like to say that the nurses here are so rude!!
They are unfriendly, do not smile, only talk to rant and snarl at you.
Is it too much to ask to show a bit of kindness? Especially when you are working with sick people? It is not like it is their job to take care of people and I think that also includes some kind of courtesy and friendliness?
But the doctors are the complete counterpart - always happy, friendly and take their time to treat us patients right.
When I am out of here, I will stop smoking altogether. I will never set another foot in a hospital as a patient again!
#hospital #bad #nurses #doctors #unfriendly #rude #surgery #patient
Trying to figure out how I am going to pay for my kiddo's tuition this semester. Blew $100 right up my nose this evening. I'm a selfish prick.
I told one of my friends that I was depressed when I was 11 because my mum and dad had a divorce. Except they didn’t and they’re happily married. It’s been on my mind a lot and honestly it really bugs me. I don’t want to tell her because we’re really close and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I told her my sister didn’t know so don’t ask her but I’m scared she’s gonna bring it up in conversation.😬 what should I do
I get depressed when I hear how well friends/family are doing but when they tell me something bad or when something went wrong I feel better about myself..... also I fucking hate people in my home town i have fantasys about a post apocalyptic world where I'm the new leader of my town and I execute and torture the people who I don't like..
There are two women that I am very interested in dating and the interest with both seems mutual. I know one is totally crazy and will do nothing but piss me off once we start a relationship because I've seen how shady she can be but I find myself drawn to her more than the other. I know she'll likely cheat on me, or take advantage of me, because I see her doing it with her current boyfriend with me but I just can't help myself. The other girl is really sweet, kind, sexy as hell, and for whatever reason, I'm just drawn to the psycho.
Dear confession community, I'd like to confess that I don't want to kiss my boyfriend anymore. Not because I don't like him or anything but he's got very bad breath and it's really disgusting to get near his mouth.
I know I should tell him but I just don't want him to get mad or embarrassed. It's something very personal and I don't want to insult him. So I decided just to stop kissing him as long as it takes until he finds out wants going on...
#bad #breath #mouth #boyfriend #insult #disgusting #confession
I made a pass on a married woman. It was just for fun but she wants to get divorced now.
I feel bad. :(
I am a married 23 yo female. My husband's younger sister visited for the past two weeks. I have never been with or attracted to another girl until her. When her brother was not around, she was not private. I don't know that her door was ever closed. I saw her nude several times and found myself dressing with the door open thinking she might catch me. The bad part was going overboard by masturbating two different times, nude on the bed with the door open. The master bedroom is on the opposite end of the house so I was more easily emboldened. And o so horny that I could not stop till I came. It was quick and not overwhelmingly noisy. I imagined her walking in on me and eating my pussy. I was so into it that I don't know if she saw me, but I hope she did. Her actions were no different and nothing was ever mentioned. She is now my fantasy girl and I cannot wait to see her again. Maybe something can happen next time, but she is straight. Curiousity may have her and I try for first time.
#sisterinlaw #pussy #eat #horny #lesbian #straight #nude #masturbation
A man tried to force his way in to see my wife nude. I enjoyed hurting him. I made him lay on the ground & beg. I’m not sorry. I’d do it again
I have a bad tendency to get violent when I'm angry and I'm scared of my self I forget who I am and what I'm doing and I blank out and don't remember anything unless I'm told what I have done and tbh it scares me not knowing what I do when I lose it I feel like I should be in a mental asylum I hate myself for getting violent
I get turned on committing crime, I love the thrill, the risk. I don’t even mind getting caught and going to jail. Being a felon is so sexy.
#crime #felon #felony #arest #arrest #bad #criminality #criminal #badgirl
I have two crushes and they are both idiots. Often other girls choose smart guys, tall guy, handsome, funny, etc. But mine is different, those are not my type. I can't really say their names because I will be dead for sure. J and V, first letters of their names. So J has been my crush for a year and a half, and I am sure for how I feel about him. And V was my crush for 7 months, after that 7 months he admitted that he did not like me even though I haven't confessed to him yet. So I ended my feelings for him and continued my feelings for J. He values my feelings even though he force to do it so I don't get hurt. After 1 year, my birthday came, V message me and greet me with a simple birthday message. I was shocked at that time and I felt pain in my chest but I was able to resist. Then, I realized that my feelings for him had returned. Damn for being soft-hearted. I do not want this.
Because I had a cold the last few days I didn't shower. But I had to drive my kids to school nevertheless and I had still some tasks to do. So I took my youngest boy (5 months old) and drove off to buy food. The only thing I could think of while in the store was a hot shower and I decided to drive home quickly to get one.
I bought all the stuff we needed and drove home. In the car on my way home I was sure I forgot something but I just couldn't find out what it was. At home, I immediately hopped under the shower and then I remembered!
I left my little son at the supermarket!!
I got back to the store and indeed, I left my son in his maxi cosi at the cash desk....
I know it's no excuse but I was very sick and I haven't slept for a few days. I can't tell you how sorry I am and this will not every happen again...
I want to confess that I am a terrible mother.
#mother #bad #terrible #cold #sick #shower #kids #forget #son #supermarket #store #confession #sin #despair
Confessions by