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Jealous Confessions

Read the best #jealous confession stories

I envy all women and would do anything to be born a girl. Women are smart and beautiful and get guys whenever. I love everything about womanhood I even wish to God I had periods and could get pregnant. Pregnancy is something that I have always had a deep desire to do. I cry sometimes because I can't do all things that woman can. I already have almost nothing down there, it is around an inch long and I can't get hard since I never had testicles. I am also small like a girl and around 100 pounds. I am wearing a minidress with tights on and of course my bra, I am on estrogen and I have boobs. I had to learn it hurts like shit when they get crushed, but I still love them. I am hoping that this guy named John is coming over he called and said he was. I love men even though they can be real dicks at times, but I will not go lesbian.

#jealousy   #envy  

Im a guy and I went out with my dude friend to the bar. the next day I was walking the best I could. And our 3rd friend got mad we didn't invite him to the bar. If your friend is walking funny the morning after being out with another guy friend. Give them high fives not grief. Ugh


Me and my boyfriend tried to lose some weight in the last couple of months. Together we weigh around 450 to 500 pounds. We registered at the gym together and started changing our diet. It was a miserable experience for me!!!

 I couldn't lose weight although I tried so hard. I cut out carbs and stuff and only ate a pizza or a burger once or twice a week on my lunchbreak from work.He on the other hand started to lose weight rather quickly and he enjoyed it! It's just so unfair!!!I thought about sabotaging him and maybe put sugar in his detox teas or something along those lines..

.I just hate seeing him so happy while I am so miserable...

#hate   #jealousy   #fat   #overweight   #gym   #sport   #diet   #eating   #food   #confession   #sugar   #carbs   #why  

There's a boy in my secondary school who is absolutely gorgeous, with green eyes and brown hair. I've been obsessed with him for over a year. I feel embarrassed to tell anyone, even my two best friends, because I'm a black female with short hair and a wide nose, and I'm quite chubby, so why would a boy like him go for a girl like me? Even worse, there is chemistry between him and my curvy Asian friend, who has long silky black hair and is gorgeous. No matter how much I try to beautify myself, I still look like a big ugly lump.

My 19 yr old cousin is a prostitute and she has all kinds of nice things including the new Samsung Galaxy that just came out not to long ago but she has no remorse for being a prostitude. I'm envyous Bec I'm busting my ass working 10 or 11 hrs a day at 11.00 an hour a week to try and make what she does every three days. It makes me jealous just because of her cash flow. She has sex with guys who are rich and they spend 400-500 a visit and take her places. It's crazy... I just wish I guess that I was wanted like that. Idk.. It's pathetic I feel like this...

#prostitude   #cousin   #jealous  

I put this under waste because I've wasted my life. Here it goes.

I'm bad like really bad. But looking at me you would never know. People are catching on as my life falls apart. I've been living like a quadruple life I guess. I don't even know who I am anymore. I can't think of anything I like. I hate everything and everyone. I have no friends left, the women of my life cheated lied and stole the entire time I've known them. Most of my buddies too. Just users you know. I always offer too much and people gladly accept my generosity. I always try and help but it eventually becomes them being entirely dependent on me. Then they go and I've lost so much in them. I never see the fruits of my labours.

Now I'm totally alone. And financially ruined. Relying on booze and drugs to feel better about the shitty person I am. I pray to god thanking him only, not asking for more. He still rewards me a lot. Gives me great opportunity and strength to conquer challenges. But I can't conquer myself. I want to end my life. Nobody would notice except the few leeches who still cling to my generosity. Everybody I've helped is doing great. I never took time to take care of myself, or set myself up better. My friends, wife, in laws, girlfriends, and associates have all benefitted greatly from my efforts but I'm fucked mentally physically and financially. I even still protect people after they betray me. Keep their secrets, bend to their requests.

I'm going to blow my brains out.

I hate this world, it's ruined anyway. Goodby you fucked up people. There's a good chance that there is someone in your life going through this who helped you a lot. I bet you won't even reach out to repay what's owed. Sick fucking society world wide.

#suicide   #hate   #jealousy   #lies   #cheaters  

I would like to confess I get very angry as soon as my girlfriend picks up her smartphone. This thing is her constant companion, she can't do anything without it. There's no minute she isn't texting, telephoning or something and almost every minte this stupid thing begins to ring or vibrate. We can't go out, watch a movie or talk to each other without this thing instantly ringing. I feel like I am unnecessary because she has all her friends and all information right in her pocket, why talk to me?

I am jealous and angry in the same time - I never wished to be in a triangle relationship with a mobile phone. Sometimes I imagine to take her phone and smash it and if she would as me why I did it I would knock her head against the wall to get some sense into her.

I even have some more violent thoughts about that and I really regret that.

#jealous   #smartphone   #phone   #friends   #anger   #violent   #relationshop  

I've made an online friend;
She's 2 years younger than me, she's not legal yet. I'm 18 and she's 16. (Shes straight)
About a year ago, we started fighting, she doesn't know why. But I do.
I'm jealous of her boyfriends, her friends, her family.

I love her, I've started loving her ever since I was 15. I keep fighting with her because I cant keep hiding my jealousy.
I'm drowning in my sins.
I'm lesbian, my family is christians. They said they'd disown me if I was gay.
I cry everynight.
Why cant I hold you?
Why cant I love you?
Why cant I just confess
All my stress would rest,
I love you. I'd die for you.

#unforgiveable   #love   #undying   #depression   #online   #gay   #lesbian   #secret   #family   #jealous   #jealousy  

I have lusted through the act of masturbation, I have judged others, I have envied others, and I have wished bad upon other people.

#masturbation   #lust   #jealousy   #judging  

I know my girl is being very dishonest with me because nothing adds up and there is so many far feched excuse but I don't know exactly what she is covering. I don't want lies to make our relationship Fall apart from the extended time of lies I don't know if I can forgive her. how do I get the truth out? I have tried having the most serious and adult understanding conversation with her because we both said we really want to grow old together we have 4 kids together but I have this trust issue only because I really love her and want to be sure we are not wasting time by living lies. I have some proof of her guilt but no confession so it's complicated. What should I do?

#desperate   #girlfriend   #guilt   #jealous   #relationship  

I am jealous of the royals. The British royals. I want to be famous as well. I want to be adored and idolized.

#idol   #royal   #hate   #famous   #jealous  

I want to caution other males. I have never told other males about my secret training as I grew up. But this is a confession site.
There are those who think it would be cool to be able to live off the land. To be able to sneak up & kill any animal. Be a Ranger. All that.
It’s not cool. It’s survival. Some of us are genetically pre disposed to be greater warriors than the rest of you. If we are trained the rest of you stand no chance. It’s like watching sprinters. You could run in the yard your entire life; but without the DNA you’ll never outrun some of them. Well that’s the way it is with people like me. I have the DNA for combat. Throw in an entire lifetime of training & you get me.
Big deal. I discovered I’d rather be educated in a classroom. So at one point I taught Physics. Modern civilization beats the crap out of eating bugs.
Leave that to those who enjoy it. I can scale a cliff with my finger tips. I’d rather watch football on the big screen


Each day, I am jealous of my cat because she doesn't have to get up every morning, go to work and live a daily human life. It just sucks. I wanna lie in bed all day, lick my balls and sleep, too!

#jealous   #cat   #morning   #busy   #life  

I am so envious and jealous of my best friend. I do not know what to do. I sometimes feel like I am in love with her. Maybe I just do not want her to be happy. Does this make me a toxic person? How can I change this negative mindset? I feel kind of heartbroken when I think that she's happy or that she is enjoying her without me. But I do not think that I am in love with her? What is wrong with me? Can I not be happy for someone else's happiness?

#bff   #lesbian   #confession   #love   #jealous  

Sometimes I get jealous of my two bestfriends because they're both skinny and pretty

#jealous   #skinny  

i fell in love with an actor at age 10 (not gonna say who) i am now in my teenage years,,but seeing him with women in a romantic/sexual way makes me want to puke. especially this one woman...i hate her. i don't usually say i hate people but i think i actually might really hate this woman. just looking at her ugly face makes me want to rip my eyes out. they are in many movies together and i hate it so much. of course i want him to be happy but still...she is terrible. He passed away in 2010 and i feel like maybe he knows my feelings for his female "friends" and i feel like a creep. oh well..

#jealous   #jealousy   #anger  

I did something horrible. There's this website and there you are able to fake text-messages and stuff, so like pretending to be someone else.

I sent nasty messages to my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with another girl several months ago and since then, those two are inseperable, they love each other so much, I could throw up...
So back to the story, I wrote him some sms, pretending to be his girlfriend. He now thinks she broke up with him and no one has heard of him since (this happened 2 days ago).
He had some problems with alcohol and drugs before and I now fear that he's drinking and smoking again.

I confess I am a jealous bitch.

#horrible   #jealous   #bitch   #alcohol   #drugs   #text   #sms   #fake  

my ex has feelings for me and I have feelings to but she has a husband and I have a girlfriend....I'm so confused on what to do...I love my ex and always will but I dont know how far this can go

#lust   #jealous   #love  

My Parents get jealous whenever I accomplish something great for myself. I am really good at my profession and have gotten big celebrities to like and comment on the work I do. I feel like all of this happening for me has caused my Parents to alienate me even more. Growing up they always try to tear my work down and never gave me a genuine compliment.

As for my older sister AKA “The Golden Child” she can accomplish mediocre things in her life and they’re more interested in that.

Overall these experiences have made me want to leave this house and never return.

#jealousy   #jealous   #hate  

I masturbate, I didn't know it was a sin until I watched this movie, yes God yes,I am scared I don't know what to do.

#i   #masturbate   #depression   #anxiety   #disrespectful   #jealous   #low   #self   #esteem   #anger  

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