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Man Confessions

Read the best #man confession stories

I like the relationship I am in. It will be 3 years when the semester ends; the longest one I've ever had. The issue is I don't think I'm in love with him and I don't see me completely falling for him for superficial reasons, but I want to make it work. I feel troubled and shitty.

#boyfriend   #relationship   #love   #relationships   #romance   #selfish   #vain   #appearances  

I love having sex with my man when we got together his hot lips and my hot lips where having sex all night long for the first night and his my cousin and I love him so much cause I knew things about him and I knew I could and when I did I never him and its been over 14 years of sex and more then ever I love his everything

#sex   #man   #love   #cousin  

Hi, I'm writing this Anomynously, and I'd just broke-up with My 1st Boyfriend. And I thought about moving on with My Life by NOT thinking about him, but when I told him it's over, he said that Women are:

I didn't like him much, because he didn't notice me, he'd NEVER paid attention to me, never notice that I was there, and he'd always played his video games than actually spending time with me.

#boyfriend   #life   #woman  

I've been secretly having sex with my aunts best friend. they're both 36 and I'm 26. they actually used to babysit me. one night my aunts friend got into a drunk argument with her fiancé and he left her at my aunts for the night. at that point it was just me and her left because he left and everyone else passed out so we went out side and talked. she talked about me as a baby and little kid and all that. there were times of not seeing her for a lot of years so when she said I look really hot all grown up wasn't weird. I told her she looked like she was still 20 and she blushed. this woman has had 3 kids and managed to keep an amazing figure. flat stomach and no marks from pregnancy. eventually we say close to eachother and ended up kissing very passionately. we were on the side of the house so we wouldn't get caught. we then went up stairs quietly and locked ourselves inside my cousins room and had sex as quietly as possible. we had sex for at least an hour. I had never experienced anything like it. when we were done we went down stairs for water and walked to the back yard and started kissing again. we had to sleep separately so no one knew what we did. no one knows to this day and even after all these years we still meet up and have sex. she's now married to the guy that left her alone with me that night. my favorite times are when he takes the kids on a camping trip for a few days. she never goes but I go there. I know it's wrong but she always reels me in and we even said I love you to eachotger a few times during climax. sometimes I really feel like I love her and she loves me but our relationship would destroy lives. so we stick to the affairs and secret meet ups.

#sex   #cheating   #affair   #olderwoman   #young  

I am male and 20 years old and it drives me crazy when someone says that one is not allowed to hit women. I don't agree! If they want to be treated like us men then they should face the consequences. If there's a woman who punches me first, I hit back! It's just as easy as that.

#hate   #woman   #punch   #fight   #hit   #men  

I kinda like women, and I am a man!

#wtf   #man   #woman   #love  

I am living in sin for several months now. I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and we only see each other every couple of months. We've been together for over 10 years now and I am now 25 years old. We promised each other our virginity and wanted to save each ourselves for the other one. I am pretty sure that he will propose to me on Christmas, the next time we see each other.
My secret is that I've been seeing some else since summer. And that is not the worst part. The person I am seeing is also a woman.
I don't know how it happened, but we met on the bus, started to talk and it was just like BOOM! I've never felt anything like this before. I, of course, still love my boyfriend to death, but with this woman... I feel complete, I feel so happy I never thought I could feel.

We went out for drinks rather quickly and that was the same night we shared our first kiss. It was electric. It was magical.
I know now that I am totally and irrevocable in love with her.

But that is not all... She doesn't know anything about my boyfriend either.
We have to keep our relationship secret, because my family is very very very religious and they would never talk to me again if they found out.
And they of course wouldn't talk to me anymore if they only knew that I cheated on my boyfriend.

Why am I writing this now? Because yesterday... yesterday was the first time we had sex. I do not feel bad for the sex itself because it was rather spectacular and I am more than happy that I had my very first time with her. But I feel bad that I am living a life full of lies and that I betrayed and cheated on my boyfriend, best friend since middle school...

I don't know what to do know. I know, someday everything will unravel, but I just don't know what to do....

#betrayal   #cheating   #woman   #boyfriend   #inlove   #love   #sex   #lesbian   #confession   #sin   #lying   #lie   #family   #religious  

I'm in love....with my therapist! There, I said it! Damn me!

#love   #woman   #therapist  

Male, 29.
Because I recently changed my mobile phone number, I get some strange texts from strangers who think I am a lady called "Nancy" and they are all offering me help. They want to give me money, or buy me things or invite me for dinner. But those people are not just men, even women write to this number.
I don't get it. At first, I didn't answer but now, I reply. One of those nice gentlemen even transferred money to a bank account of mine. Thank you dear Mr. Ben because of your friendly donation of 5 000 dollars, I am able to buy me a new car!
I don't understand why they all have my number, but now I appreciate it and won't stop.

#phone   #number   #help   #money   #gentleman   #car   #lady  

Well I don't have the right category I wanted but just wanna share this.

I am a Filipino girl at around 14 years old. I just confessed my feelings to my friend a few hours ago.

I will hide my name as "Anon" and her name as "Asuna"

I met her last November. Me and my best friend always go home from school together with her squad. And because we always do that after school, I met Princess. That time I had no feelings for her. But she was always so kind to me, and I don't put any meaning to it, until this year, February 22, she hugged me for around 15 minutes, maybe a friendly hug but it was so tight and after that, she acted strangely, she has a marker stain in her face and she asked me to remove it, because her friend volunteered to remove it, but she refused so and chose me to remove it instead. After that, I knew my feelings toward her was real, so, I suddenly had a crush on her, at first. At this month april 15, we went to my best friend's older sister's party and she was invited. We were only few that time. When we are walking on our way home, it was only Asuna and me. We walked together but kept quiet. It was kinda awkward until she said that she will miss me, but yeah, I just said its ok bc I COULD NOT SAY THAT I WILL ALSO MISS HER. When she was at her destination I said goodbye and turned my back on her. Until she called my name, grabbed my arm and suddenly gave me a goodbye hug, like the ones in movies, even though we were in public, I just took the moment she hugged me for like 10 seconds and didn't mind the people looking at us, and she left me, confused on what she just did, and she ran to cross the road.

This day, we were on our way home, from our family trip. While we were on the car, I opened my messenger and I suddenly confessed my feelings to her. I said that she must not reply me, saying sorry bc she cant bring back my love for her or something like, so thanks to the feature in messenger, I just blocked her, because I had no choice, I know she's not a bisexual like me, well kinda. And here I am, writing this. I just, love her. I wanted her to feel the same way as much as I feel for her. But I will never know unless I unblock her, but I've already made some possible outcomes that she will just leave me in the "friend" zone. Help me :(((

#shy   #love   #bisexual   #romance   #confessions  

I have been cheating with a married woman for years. We dated in college and started talking online after we were both married. One thing led to another and we started having sex again. The sex is incredible and neither one of us wants to stop. Recently she told me, while I was inside her, that she wanted me to get her pregnant. Needless to say the sex since then head been incredibly hot! We track when she's ovulating and get a hotel room. Then have sex seven or eight times until we are both spent. This afternoon she sent me a pic of a positive pregnancy test. With the text. "Our first." It got me so horny.

#married   #woman   #pregnant  

my partner has been getting very distant with me over the past month or so and i keep nervously walking myself through the benefits of being single to brace myself for being broken up with. they’re... not the person they were when we started dating. they did a complete 180° as a person since then, and i like who they are now and enjoy talking to them even with that change, but i’m worrying.

they’ve been busy and distant, and asked for me to just label them as a partner while they question if they’re aromantic or not. but because of that i can’t tell if they’re being distant over this month to prepare me to be broken up with, or if they’re just busy and reflecting on themself. i don’t even know what i would do if we weren’t romantically involved anymore?

we’ve been together more than a year now and were best friends for years before dating - they’re my closest friend, the person i trust and open up to more than anyone ever in my life. feeling distance between us is painful and scary... sometimes i wonder if i would be happier in a romantic relationship with someone else who better fits me, if us becoming friends instead of lovers would be good and i could find someone with a matching sex drive who’s more masculine and dominant (which is more my type than they are now). but they’re so close to me and i really feel like a happy old married couple with them, like i feel secure and cared for and i have someone i trust always by my side.

i just don’t know what to do, mostly because i don’t really know if there’s anything to do at all. it basically all hinges on whether or not they’re aromantic - if they are, we’re back to being best friends. if they aren’t, we’re together still. i don’t know what i would even prefer at this point either; all that i want is, selfishly, to be #1 in their life and more important than anyone else. that’s selfish, i know, but i want them to myself and i wouldn’t be able to stand seeing him date another person... when we were best friends they dated their current friend, and seeing their relationship constantly shoved in my face when i just had a hopeful crush was so painful. i can’t even imagine having to see it and knowing i’d been effectively replaced.

i’m just scared and nervous and confused. i don’t even think being best friends would really be too horrible at the end of the day. i don’t think i even know what i want.

what the fuck do i even do, man.

#relationship   #breakup   #aromantic  

For my study I have a room in another city, but now I'm going home for the weekend.

My parents don't know I don't sleep during the week in my own room but in the bed of my plump, buxom landlady, who is a widow of 64 years and having a great time with her!

#widow   #landlady   #plump   #sex   #student  

One of my friends is a total loser. He only had D's in school and in worklife it's even worse, he got fired the other day because he couldn't remember his bosses name. And I don't want to start about his woman skills, there are non.
First, I tried to help him but it's just not possible. Now I began to expose him in every arising situation. You can't imagine what fun it is to she him struggle and fall. In a metaphorical way of course.

#loser   #friend   #school   #worklife   #woman   #exposure   #confession   #evil  

I'm an Indian girl who lusts after black women. I love light skin women to dark chocolate strong, independent black women. I think they're beautiful, and sexy and so dominating. I want to serve one and be dominated by her, and to satisfy her womanhood.


I want to seduce a married woman. (M/35)This woman will come visit me this weekend. She lives in a rather unhappy marriage. 2 kids, stay at home mom, she only cooks, cleans, cares for the kids and let's her husband have his way twice a week with her.She's been to my apartment before to talk and we noticed rather quickly that we like each other. She said she wants to get out of the house for a little bit, talk, watch a movie, maybe cuddle a little bit. But she also told me that she wants to see my pride and joy (aka big dick) some time. She also sent me a really really cute braless pic of her. Ok darling, what's started will be finished.My confession is as follows: I want to seduce her and make her fall in love with me. But I am not willing to start a relationship with this woman.I want the adventure of the forbidden. I know she's forbidden fruit (as she's married) and that's why I want her even more. And she has kids. I don't want kids. So forget it.The world's cruel, dirty and dark. So I am, too.

#dark   #dirty   #sex   #married   #woman   #fuck   #confession   #sin  

I have broke other people's trust, I fully admit to this and we will happily live with banished sin and banished against our pillars, boundaries, morals, values, honors by God.

Thank you so much

#god   #love   #fulfilment   #righteousliving   #justice   #fairness   #equality   #promise   #forgiveness   #living   #jannah   #happyeverafter   #wow   #beauty   #embrace   #growth   #life   #woman   #man   #humanity   #unity   #peace   #harmony   #alligmenet   #mutuality  

I masturbate to pictures of my enemy - I secretly have a crush on him.

#gay   #crush   #truth  

As a happily married man, to a wonderful woman, I should be grateful for what I have, but I do need to confess, before I go crazy. I sell my body, whilst dressed as a woman, and my doesn't know

#married   #man   #woman   #confess  

im truly a sloth im actumally an animal not a human guys please dont take me

#sloth   #nothuman  

Pray and roll the dice for #man

Confessions by

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