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Selfish Confessions

Read the best #selfish confession stories

Selfishness. You watch people who are Uber selfish. No matter how much you help them they just use you and everyone else.
You don’t have to give your stuff away. But you shouldn’t just take other people’s stuff.


I have a disease that weakened me & causes endless pain. Ive nearly died many times. Before my transplant I emotionally closed myself off; ignoring my wife, who was getting health problems of her own. After a transplant I started to be my old caring self; but it was too late, my wife had kicked me out. Now she & my kids are going thru tormoil; & I'm not there to help. Its all my fault because I became selfish. They are suffering because I put me first.


He made me hate men. now I want to use them all until they no longer make me feel good. no man can ever make me feel like he did. so there's no point keeping them

#selfish   #asshole  

I like the relationship I am in. It will be 3 years when the semester ends; the longest one I've ever had. The issue is I don't think I'm in love with him and I don't see me completely falling for him for superficial reasons, but I want to make it work. I feel troubled and shitty.

#boyfriend   #relationship   #love   #relationships   #romance   #selfish   #vain   #appearances  

I just wanna be in a happy loving relationship when I'm alone I feel empty and pointless when ever I meet someone I Bury myself in them and my whole life basically revolves around them, then after a month I get bored self destructive and the relationship ends (on my end) I'm worried that the relationships that ended when I was still, I guess in love with the other person where my only chances at true love and I fucked them up, I can't be alone I can't stand it I feel trapped just I need someone to love me cuddle me and force themselves on me when I feel bored and never leave me when I love them I just wanna be happy

#selfish   #alone   #sad   #lonley   #love  

It's me again, The guy who works at Giant Eagle. I might as well confess that this very selfish but, when you hardly make any money working at Giant Eagle, all you want is more money. Usually whenever a customer has too many groceries, I will get another cart and then put their groceries in both carts. After that, I will help the customer out to their vehicle. This is where the selfishness comes in. After I help a customer to their vehicle and, depending on the customer, put their items in the vehicle or the customer will do it themself. Either way, every time I help a customer out to their vehicle, I'm always hoping they will give me a big tip of $50 or more. If a customer doesn't give me a tip, I walk away feeling cheated. If a customer does give me a tip but it's only a few dollars, again I feel cheated and wish that they would give me more money.

#selfishness   #money   #customer  

I was in a long distance relationship with a girl on and off for the past 6 years or so. We sent nudes and all that shit, However she decided she was going to text my best friend (rip) and ask him if he wanted to see what i sent her. She was clearly obsessed with betraying me and lying to me constantly, so i had to spend my days stalking her online, she used to flirt with guys on stickam (rip stickam) behind my back and get high on cam all while telling me "i dont smoke anymore".

So one day i took a picture of my computer screen and what she was doing and sent it to her. She promised to straighten her shit out, long story short she didn't. after her constant betrayals i spammed her entire dox and nudes all over the internet and encouraged people to call the number. i left a bot on that repeated the message every 3 minutes. i was very hurt, and still am, she kept apologizing and wanting me back so of course i said yeah im sorry too. but a few months later i got sick of her shit AGAIN, so i blocked her number, her reaction was moving to kansas to turn into a drunk, while telling me all kinds of great lies, she got herself pregnant (for the second time, she had an abortion the first time). eventually on her birthday she called me crying like a bitch because nobody cared about her birthday and it was her first taste of the real world.

So for the next 2 years i tried to make things work with her even though she had somebody elses kid now. she didnt understand nor care how much it affected me. we had alot of arguments and instead of calling her a slut or a whore or whatever like i normally would i just started dishing out the truth on her and told her "you arent going to find somebody who wants a 22-23 year old single mother whos a pathological liar, that has fucked an excessive amount of people, is a complete bitch, has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, nobody is going to want you, and after all of that i am still talking to you." apparently she couldnt handle that.

she wanted to be FWB and that lasted all of 5 days. a few months ago she told me "its not going to work between us" so i replied "because im not good enough?" she says "No thats not it" "i want to live in a big house and have nice things and have more kids". I damn near died i just said "so basically im not good enough, sick contradictory statement". I told her i refuse to be friends with her under those circumstances if im going to be friendzoned and never given a legitimate chance at making a life with her.

I keep having dreams about her, i dont know what my problem is because i cant stop loving her, i wish i could, and i wish i could get over what she has done to me, i wish i could go more than 4 months without trying to talk to her. Hopefully this outlet will help me move on and i will find somebody who is actually worthy of my affection.

yes i know i didnt use proper punctuation and i dont care.

#betrayal   #lies   #unfaithfulness   #selfishness  

I got my bf a headset for his birthday when he broke his phone because I wanted to talk to him, you know I’m attached and shit, but now I completely regret it because he spends ALLL OF HIS TIME TALKING TO HIS FRIENDS AND IGNORING ME, like it actually makes me depressed.

#depression   #regret   #birthday   #selfish  

Living in fantasy land. I know a guy who wants his wife’s kids gone. He’s getting old & in poor health care. He votes republican but doesn’t realize he’s fixing to be too old to work. He’s fixing to see what it’s like to be extremely poor.
He was mocking someone for trying to keep an old car running. He has a nice but high mile car. He’s got a home with his wife.
his son in law used to help them. Only reason they got & could afford a home. Helped pay their rent before that. Provided the $ for their used cars for yrs.
When his or his wife’s cars break down; both are disabled. How does he expect new ones?
He will soon discover it’s hard to fix s home with Medicare checks. He is trying to push away her kids who live in and around them. He has no kids. Who does he think will take care of them when they get bad?
It amazes me.
Best part. He tries to push her kids away. He was adopted. You’d think he’d appreciate poverty, & that her son is the only reason he has a home in his old age.


Male, 30 years old. I'd like to confess I'm glad I had a date with my early love, Sara. I really liked her back in school.
I've found out a couple of days ago that she has MS (Multiple sclerosis), it's an incurable disease. Because I know how this disease progresses, I was quite glad and congratulated myself for not being with her, I'm just too selfish. I don't want to care for her when she can't walk anymore or be there for her when she's tied to the bed.

#confess   #selfish   #date   #ms   #disease  

i guess im going to write this in the most unknown topic saying theres only 2 pages lolz anyways hey my name is jake and maybe ill find this sometime in the future or maybe i wont because ill be dead or happy but im hoping ill be happy but selfishness man do i have a lot of that i mean if you consider the fact that i am mentally and emotionally and psyically

#depression   #selfish   #confession  

When I was 15 i done some shit I wasn’t proud of like watching porn , then breaking my laptop by biting it, then going on Facebook via unlimited web to talk to 5 older guys about sex and then 6 months later I attempted suicide from the guilt of it all.

#lust   #selfish  

I started sleeping with a guy I’ve always wanted to fuck last year even though he had/has a girlfriend.
I’ve always thought he was hot but have never been single when he’s been around (meaning he was in jail for the short time I was free between relationships since I met him about 8-9 years ago).
It was supposed to be one “encounter” … We had about 5 days while she was away and that was supposed to be it, however every time she’s been away since then he’s contacted me, the last couple of times even coming to me at my house (we lived just over an hour apart and I’d always gone to him). I’ve not once tried to reach out or been the one to instigate further hookups, it was always him, but not once was I going to turn him down. The connection is AMAZING, honestly I’ve had some of THE BEST sex of my life with this guy.
The weird thing is, even though I know his partner I just don’t feel guilty, I don’t give a fuck, I would and probably will continue to fuck this boy every time she is out of town.

#ifuckedyourboyfriend   #illdoitagain   #mostselfishthingihaveeverdone   #noguilt  

I am selfish. Lust I am bad man I am terrible sinner I ruined
I deserve burn in hell forever.

May God have mercy on my wicked soul.

#lust   #selfish   #snner  

i cheated on my emotionally abusive partner when we were together before. and although he hurt me a lot and scarred me, i shouldn’t have done that. i should have just left, but i was so attached, that finding someone else was what i believed would help me leave him. still, im not proud of what i did at all. we would often break up on and off, and during those off times i would find someone else. then get back to him, and acted like nothing happened. but even once when we were still technically together, i was speaking to guys. in my heart at that point, i already knew we weren’t going to be together for long, but instead of breaking up to see other guys i did it behind his back. i ended up being just as toxic as him. the worst thing is that i didn’t feel that bad in the moment, it felt like i was allowed to, because of the shit he did to me. in my heart i felt like i was already single, because he never truly understood me. but still, i broke one of my values and i never thought i would have. i hope that doesn’t make me a cheater forever. i know in my heart that i wouldn’t do that to someone who truly treasured me. either way, i am sorry. please forgive me.

#lie   #cheated   #regret   #selfishness   #hypocrisy  

I recently got engaged to the sweetest man in the world. I honestly don't deserve it. He has a very demanding job and out of the 5 years we have been together he worked away for two of those. The relationship was really strained and somewhere along the way the resentment grew and we lost the passion which once brought us together. He came back and wanted to work things out and just as I was about to fully commit I reconnected with an old friend. Now this friend of mine looks amazing and thinks the world of me, where as my fiance stopped taking care of himself and I don't desire him as much. For the last year I have been sleeping with both. Sex with my friend is hot, he makes me cum like crazy. He has the most beautiful cock, He is tall, dark, and handsome. He constantly texts me dirty stuff and we even had the most amazing phone sex. All I think about all day is fucking him and seeing the lust in his eyes. He makes me call him daddy and dominates me without being too rough. I am very petite and he says he loves fucking me because of my extra tight pussy. I want to stop but I feel addicted to this man. I love my fiance but I don't lust for him this way. I am constantly in fear that this will come back to bite me in the ass.

#adultery   #selfishness   #sex   #addiction   #betrayal   #unfaithful  

i cut off a person because they didn’t make me happy. i don’t know if it was the right thing, i have a hard time putting myself first. i feel sorry for being so harsh.

#friendship   #sorrow   #selfish  

Ok so this one is going to be a complicated one. I broke up with my ex boyfriend last summer, but we still talk to each other and text a lot.
He also found out that his dad has cancer. He is very very close to his family so this is a tough one.
His dad is deteriorating and the doctors say he only has a couple of weeks left.
I met my ex quite often the last time, we met up and talked and watched TV. But only just as friends. I want to be there for him when his dad passes away. I really like his dad, so it's gonna be hard.
We agreed to be friends, but I think that he waits for an opportunity to make a move or something..
I really like spending time with him and I of course still love him, but I am not sure if this is the right time. Or if there is a right time at all.

I broke up with him last year because of long distance and little time for each other and stuff like that. And one part of me wants to get back together with him. But I guess I could have those feelings because I pity him or something? I don't know..

Well, I confess that I am selfish and spend time with my ex because I do not want to be alone. And because I pity him because of his father.

#cancer   #dad   #ex   #boyfriend   #confession   #selfish  

Im sorry I made you cry. I cant take back what took from you. I knew it was wrong I did it anyway. I'm so sorry.

#regret   #betrayal   #selfishness  

Drinking. Two of my roommates went off for a beach party good time when Covid hit. Just a cold.
Came back & it swept thru everyone they knew.
One of them had her family hit hard. She ended up in family. So did some of her relatives.
So after people she loved went on permanent disability & worse. She got cautious. So did her friend.
But now each of their oldest relatives are vaccinated. Nothing to worry about. Party time. They stuck their kid back in school. They are going to bars mask less to pick up men. They are in there hung over. But bragging about all they drank & the good times.
Now that the south has their beaches wide open with the deadlier mutations it’s time to go to the beach for a week again.
You can’t fix stupid. They are confident they will survive the new virus because they did the first. Their elders are vaccinated. So they have nothing to worry about anymore. Time to go live again.
That is why our nation is having so much more death & stuff than most countries. We have spoiled people who only worry about themselves.
This is why our not vaccinating sick young people & parents with young kids once we knew it was safe is wrong.
Oh I get that hospital staff is first. That group home disabled & elders are second. Even prisoners.
But none nursing home old people should be behind the immune suppressed kids. Behind very sick & immune suppressed adults with underage kids. Behind the disabled who can’t follow PPE type rules. Not to be rude, but they are old. Already lived.
Or; put them all in the same group.
Then should come any high risk.
Then anyone else.

It’s obvi with selfish people who do not care about anyone else, that we can’t rely on them to look out for anyone but themselves.
That’s a cost of freedom. We have to let a lot of people die because they want the freedom to go get drunk & spread the new variants of death.
One thing this has taught us is why some past plagues were so deadly. You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix selfish.
If a really deadly virus hit us it would spread thru America like an inferno, because too many just don’t care.
I do wonder this. One came home stumble drunk. Talked about how the other drunk more than her & kept drinking. Both came back same time. So who drove?
The one is saying the other drunk even more. So did the other set & sober before leave? I didn’t see other come in. I’ve never seen either drive drunk. So I’ll assume the driver sobered.
I have never drank so I don’t even know how it works. I think bartenders check them. Hope so.
I worked with two drunks that got arrested after leaving bars drunk. They were so mad. Said the cops were waiting. I made a lot of people mad. I said good. I’m glad. I pay the cops to set outside the bars. Have a cab take you there. Then one has to take you home.
One guy said well what if I find a woman who only gets loosened up when she’s drunk?
You’d think the world would like me. I’ve never drank; smoked, or done drugs. I worked hard. Charity work. I volunteered to help people in life or death situations.
But you get sick & discover you don’t matter to society at all. You don’t ever want to be homeless.

#selfish   #covid   #pandemic   #drunk   #drinking  

Pray and roll the dice for #selfish

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