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For Confessions

Read the best #for confession stories

I have to admit that I am one of those men who pee in the sink. I think it's time saving, I also do it under the shower. You save time and water and it's much more comfortable.

#admit   #sink   #pee   #time   #shower   #comfortable  

Yes, i have waited long enough to confess what i have done in the past, i feel like just can't stomach it anymore. The sins, the misdeeds and wrong doings that i have committed can not be expressed in words......

I have done those horrible and terrifying things for all the wrong reasons. From voyeurism,eroticism,frotteurism, stalking,self indulgence, excessive masturbation, child abuse, abusing myself,destroying my career, being a sadistic faggot, greatest sinner,being an asshole of the grandest kind, an unemployed jerk to not being a dependable son, brother or name it and i write it.................

I feel like if could commit suicide by consuming poison or jumping off a 10 storied building or laying on a railway track or just setting myself on fire, or reporting my horrible pathetic crimes to the nearest police station or just cutting my body parts(hands, fingers, piercing my eyes and or cutting my legs)........ i have thought about everything.... i want to be punished for what i have done.. but i couldn't ...cause no matter how hard i try to punish myself i think of my godlike brother and mother and my family... i am really lucky to have a family like this. I guess they need not bear the burnt for the the sins that i have committed. But i needed to confess my dangerous and horrible sins to somebody and somewhere... had i decided to go ahead and confess my countless sins in public then my brother and mother would be hurt, they will be insulted and will no longer be able to go out in public, what i have done is what i will suffer from, they don't even know about all these things and they need not know cause they are very good, honest, godlike, understanding,caring and responsible persons....and i don't have any right to ruin their image and hurt them.... i am still suffering and maybe i will suffer for the rest of life for what i have done...i have been suffering for the last 10 years, i don't have any friends left, i am unemployed for the past 6 years, my girlfriend left me because i was a complete jerk to her, i really loved her, but now she is gone. I wish i could die or just end my life, i just don't want to experience pain anymore.... i am sick and tired of being afraid and miserable....i am isolated.. nobody misses me or wants me or loves me except for my parents and brothers.. i really thank god for giving me such wonderful brothers and parents....but i think i don't deserve them. I just want be good, responsible,dependable,caring, loving,honest.... i just wanna stop lying to myself and the world.... i just want to perform my responsibilities towards my family and the society... i just want another chance with my girlfriend and make everything alright... cause i still love her very much and want her back in my life..... i wish i could personally apologize to all the men and women whom i have hurt and mistreated and committed sins to... but they are not around... oh almighty lord, god...hey BABA LOKENATH please forgive me of all my sins and give me one last chance to rectify myself,to purify my soul, to love and like again, give me another chance to make my parents happy,make them smile and go all those worries about me go away and make them believe in me and make me a dependable son of them and a dependable brother.....please please please forgive me for what i have done... to all those whom i have committed terrible sins to....i unconditionally, on my my knees apologize to you all and beg for your forgiveness....please forgive me..............

#remorse   #regrets   #asking   #forgiveness  

I am 12 I admit to going on the internet and searching for erotic stories I even use this site to arouse me at times I have masterbaited several times and although it is nothing compared to the horrible things on here I pray I have the power and strength to control my sexaul urges.

#strength   #forgiveness  

Hi, my name is Charlie and im 17. Last week, i was housesitting with my girlfriend for her mother. I knew her mum wouldnt be back for about 2 weeks and only me and Vanessa where in the house so i walked around Naked, like i would in my apartment. Vanessa left to do some shopping, and getting munchies and films for our night in. She locked the door to keep people wandering in on my nudity. I decided to start cleaning the house as a surprise for Vanessa when she returned. And i knew no body without a key could get in and see me and my manliness in all our glory. Little did i know that her neighbour, Annie, a middle aged woman was instucted by Vanessas mum mother to come and check in on her daughter every so often with the spare key. She entered but didnt say a word. She krept in so slowly and stealthily, she could of robbed us and i would never have knew. I was doing some cleaning up as i said and i picked up a lacy pair of black panties, i held up close to my eyes to see if they were clean or not. However, stealthy Annie saw it a different way.
"What the heck do you think you are doing, you little Panty sniffer, i come to check how my friends daughter was doing and i walk in on her boyfriend sniffing her panties, what is it? Do you like the feeling of them? Do you want to wear them? Oh, your member likes the sound of that, look at it, sticking in the air, hard as rock! You want to wear them!" However i really didnt, i was just so aroused of a sexy middle aged women walking in on me why i was so naked. But i still felt intimidated by her. Her eyes meant buisness, she looked dominant, and definately wasnt afraid of an old teen, no matter how muscular i was! She snatched them out my hands. And she shoved them in my face, pushing me back against, the sofa, i tried fighting back, but she was strong and dominant! She thrown me down, my feet sticking in the air, whaling around everywhere, i was so aroused. If only Vanessa was like this. But no way was i about to put on this panty, without a fight. I kicked her in the head, but it was no use, she pinned me down, and started pulling the g-string up my legs, and before long, i was stood in the living room wearing only my gfs mums panty. I was so embarressed. But totally aroused.
"Oh you like the feeling of womens clothes, well before tonight, you will have to get used to it anyway." What did she mean? I looked at her confused, she jumped on me, pinning me down, she pulled out some rope from no where. Why did she think to bring it? She couldnt of known this would be happening! She tied my hands to the radiator. "Right im going shopping, so dont go anywhere, Phh like you can" She left, i waited for what seemed like hours until she returned.
"Im not wearing that, or them, and especially that!"
This was my reaction when she pulled a corset, stockings, and a bra from her bag when she returned!
"Right,"She said "I have been out, bought all this with your credit card, used up my time, to buy you this sexy things, and you reject, them well your tied up so you dont have a choice!And you need to learn your lesson for sniffing panties, you little pervert!" "I didnt sniff the panties, you bitch" I yelled back agressively. "Oh you shouldnt of done that, now im definately showing Vanessas mum the pictures!" What pictures? "Now, i will release you but if you so what kick, or run trust me, the picture of you in the panties, tied up, aroused, and you will never live this down no put on your lingerie!" I was scared, petrified infact, i got up after she untied me, and i stood their! "Well? Give me the lingerie, i cant belive your making me do this!" She through the skanky lingerie at me. At first i stuggled putting on the bra so Annie helped me, and then she put on the corset, pulling them so tight, im sure my rib cage was going to colapse! Then she pulled down my panties and took the off me, throwing them in the hamper. Next was the girdle, and at first it was uncomfortable, but then it got comfier. Then annie started rolling the fishnet stockings up my hairy legs. She pulled out two massive breast forms, and squeezed them into my bra. To my horror, she then pulled out a thong. I shivered at the though of wearing it. "Im not wearing it," I said. She turned around " Oh really, but all the glue on the rest of your lingerie will have set by now so you will look silling without the thong. Glue? Set? I was horrified and attempted ripping off the lingerie, But it was stuck. It was useless but i might as well put on the thong to hide my growing penis. No use, even wearing it, it didn't do so well contained my massive dick. And i tried moving it but i winched in pain as it pulled on my many pubic hairs. The glue had set. I looked in the mirror to see, an obivous man, in slutty lingerie, i looked rediculous. I looked like a drag queen. I was looking at myself when my sight was quickly blocked by a pair of 6 inch high heeled thigh high boots. It was obvious i had to put them on, which i did, and the glue quickly set. I walked around the house, hearing the heels click, it was horrifying, I was a man, forced to wear drag,, stuggling to walked in 6 inch heeled thigh high boots. i was soo humiliated, I just stood their, in the kitchen, horrified, and the next minute, i felt something hard hit my head, and i was out cold, I awoke about an hour later to Annie, looking down at me. laughing taking millions of photos. She then shown me one, She had done my make up and it was so stupid, My lips, bright red, they looked massive and plump, my eyelishes 2 inches long, my eyebrows looked like slugs and my face was so draggy! Then above my head was a gigantic wig, that towered 2 feet above my head. And below, was a tight, tight dress that crushed my body. I looked in the mirror, and i was horrified, Normally in feminization stories the man looks into the mirror to see a women staring back, but no, for me when i looked in the mirror i saw a man in bad drag looking back. I was humiliated. The door slammed, and Annie was gone! What would she do with the pictures, would she show Vanessa? Too Late!
"Charlie, what are you wearing, are you wearing drag! I tried to rip it off but it was no use. She told me she liked it, and that she was alright with it, even though i told her i didnt like it , she denied me. The next day she used glue remover to remove eveything but couldn'nt get the boots off. We tried everything. But it was no use! I had to wear the boots for weeks even after her mum got back, Over these weeks i told her "I hate drag, im disgusted my the queers who do it, its discustin" I werent really, i support gays but i had to show her i hated it. She wasnt having it! How was i supposed to know she had a friend drag act! She got him to come over, and they both forced me to wear drag and since then i have been forced to wear drag in the privacy of mine and vanessas house, whilst she held the pictures Annie gave her and as payback for all the time i made her wear, skimpy clothing. I protested alot but it was no use. I got used to it no matter how much i hated it, To the outisde world i was a normal man, in our house, i was an drag queen who looked nothing like a girl. Out side i would wear lingerie under my clothing, and inside i would spend my time with Vanessa and Ryan ( the drag act friend) getting my nails done and walking around in 6 inch heels and short dresses. I didnt like it but i did it to protect the pictures getting out. And even now while i right this, im wearing a short leopard print dress, with thigh high 6 inch heeled boots and a bit blonde wig. Me, my wife and ryan are watching a kinky movie. Then vanessa starts jacking me off, i didnt even realise i had a boner! Then she tapes it back under my legs. Beyond my front door my drag life has never ended, and when me and vanessa got married privatley guess who was wearing the dress!

#forced   #drag   #life  

Because I had a cold the last few days I didn't shower. But I had to drive my kids to school nevertheless and I had still some tasks to do. So I took my youngest boy (5 months old) and drove off to buy food. The only thing I could think of while in the store was a hot shower and I decided to drive home quickly to get one.

I bought all the stuff we needed and drove home. In the car on my way home I was sure I forgot something but I just couldn't find out what it was. At home, I immediately hopped under the shower and then I remembered!
I left my little son at the supermarket!!

I got back to the store and indeed, I left my son in his maxi cosi at the cash desk....

I know it's no excuse but I was very sick and I haven't slept for a few days. I can't tell you how sorry I am and this will not every happen again...

I want to confess that I am a terrible mother.

#mother   #bad   #terrible   #cold   #sick   #shower   #kids   #forget   #son   #supermarket   #store   #confession   #sin   #despair  

I masturbate to relieve my stress,I know its a bad thing but please lord forgive, it is the only thing that is tormenting me my lord please I beg you,let this not affect my results lord,thank you for your forgiveness

#sinner   #sin   #forgive  

I do not know what to do and I feel so guilty right now. My mother passed away in 2011 and I held her in my arms when she died. After the funeral, the rumours started. Even my sister, who is now not a part of my life anymore because I cut her out, accused me of killing our mother. This was especially hard for me. And now, 8 years later, I still have to listen to those accusations. They say that I treated my mother badly and that I had hit her. I have to disagree. No, I did not! I never hit my mom, but I of course was not the picture perfect son. I made mistakes and I am very sorry for them. I do not pray as often as others might do, but I think about mom all the time. I look after my mother's grave and bring flowers regularly and when I am there I am talking to her and asking her for forgiveness for all the mistakes I made.
Do you think she can hear me?
I think I might be a murderer after all... Am I a bad person? I start to think that I am. I would like to apologize here once more for how I treated my mother some times. I was a teenager and had my own head. I asked for her forgiveness, but is that enough?
Shortly after she died she visited me in my dreams, but now everything is empty. There are only nightmares.
But I will try to get better. To get a better person.
I promise, Mom.

#mom   #deceased   #died   #mother   #grave   #murderer   #sister   #empty   #lonely   #confession   #forgiveness   #guilty   #bad   #person  

I live in a multi story building with many foreign families and a lot of them have some kind of trouble with the police, distrainors, lawyers and other creditors. When I'm at home, I often hear that there's someone who keeps ringing the door bell, to talk to one of those families. Apart from me, almost no one of these people work, they are sitting at home all day and watch TV and therefore they know who's standing in front of the door and therefore don't open it. But I'm a helpful person so I let them in by pressing the buzzer for the front door down stairs. It's funny to watch the police while they are trying to get entrance to the flat.

#building   #foreign   #families   #funny   #police   #lawyers   #confession  

I never thought I'd be answering de door and seeing my15 year old brother standing outside crying and completely naked. He ran right passed me and into his room without saying a word to either me or my mother. I don't think I had ever seen my brother so naked, since we both little kids. It took some time for him to calm down and build up the courage to tell us what happed. He was obviously embarrassed about talking about it to his mother and his 17 year old sister. Like most nights he used to hang out in our community park a block away from home. A park where boys and girls form our neighborhood and the neighborhood on the other side of the park would meet. He told us some older boys were harassing him, took off his clothes and exhibited him naked in front of giggling girls. None of his friends help him and found himself with no clothes, stark naked, no place to hide and a crowd of girls having fun looking at him. Humiliated realizing his clothes were gone, he had no choice but to run a block home naked embarrassing himself. He now refuses to go to school, because most of the girls that saw him were from his school. End of the story and my brother now lives with my aunt, in a deferent town and deferent school. I stayed with my Mom, going to school and hearing girls getting themselves turned on talking about my brother's dick for months.

#forced   #stripping   #humiliation  

I'm trauma bonded to a married man, and I'm married. I have tried dozens of times to end contact and haven't spoken to him in over a month but I'm getting the itch again. I don't want to ruin my marriage anymore than I already have.
I want to be done with it but I'm compelled to be in touch with this asshole who doesn't give a shit if I exist most of the time.

He just pretends to be in love with me because I'm the only idiot who puts up with his abuse.... for more than a decade now.

#traumabond   #idiot   #married   #forbidden  

My mother has been diagnosed with alzheimer and her illnes gets worse and worse each day.
I am afraid of calling her. I always tell my brother that I called her. She would forget it anyway.

I am a bad daughter.

#lie   #mother   #alzheimer   #illness   #forget   #daughter  

I'm married, 31 and I have kids. We live across from the local high school. I work from home and my wife works away. I noticed some of the girls walking past daily, and soon started chatting with them. Before long, we got very friendly. Two friends, both in grade 10 knew my son, so we had lots to talk about. With a little effort, one of them came to visit, sexy, big boobs for her age, tall and friendly. I kept flirting, and landed the occasional hand on the shoulder. Told her I'd be back now, and called her after a while. When she walked in, I was stroking my cock. Soon I was ramming her tiny pussy, hard, forcefully. It turned into a 4-times weekly thing. I'd love for her to get pregnant, and love to dominate her, inflicting pain, forcing her, and also getting her tied up. I'm sure I'll get caught eventually, but a young schoolgirl tied, helpless, calling me daddy and begging me hurt her as I please, is worth more than the shit I'd get. I get off on hurting her, especially slapping her and biting her all over. Last week I punched her, hard, in the face and on her tit, and she cried! I fucked her hard and sent her home. Her folks saw the marks and she got big trouble. Love it

#young   #cheating   #abuse   #forced   #schoolgirl  

I’ve decided to cool off, & forgive my roommates for watching me as I slept. They saw me naked, including my big penis. They liked to eavesdrop & watch me. I’m old; and would rather stick to dealing with covid, & improving social justice. TV & laughing is more fun for me. They started waking me up. Emotions started getting hot. But we talked about it and agreed. They will respect my privacy, & leave me alone. I don’t want to play in their games. I’d rather watch TV, than play mental chess with them. They agreed to let me spend my days sleeping & watching TV. Everyone is happier that way. I’ll let them bother other people. They’ll let me sleep. Now everything is cooling off between us, and I’m cool as ice. I’ll be nice as an angel if they leave me alone. I prefer to be nice anyways, its my natural state as long as people don’t wake me up while I’m trying to sleep. I’ll admit I’m vain, and thought I was cute. But I’m too old to dance now. Time to lay down and take a nap.

#sleep   #hot   #cold   #forgiveness   #naked   #penis  

I've always hated that I never got circumcised.

#foreskin   #uncut  

I just lured our cat which lived over 10 years with us, into the car and left her somewhere in the woods. I know it sounds cruel but she just bothered us anymore with all the hair she lost and she only wanted to be fed with human food.
I know that's not an excuse for being such a heartless person but we just didn't have another way out.
Please god, forive us.

#cat   #woods   #car   #bother   #food   #excuse   #heartless   #forgiveness   #god  

I never intended masturbating but it just happened, if that happens. Now I just do it more than often. It makes me look at myself like a bad person, stuff like that. Please I want to stop, forgive me

I had always tried to ignore the group of boys that bullied me in school but secretly worried that they were going to, sooner or later, catch me alone and with no help around. Felt relatively safe while in school with teachers around but scared about leaving school to walk back home. One day my heart turned over when I bumped into them walking home and practically intimidated me off the side walk and into a wooded area. It looked like they were looking for a place where no one could see and told me to get undressed in front of group girls that were with them. I remember them laughing and girls telling them to force me to take it all off. I remember standing naked with this two boys grabbing my arms and giggling girls looking down at my penis and reaching to touch it. I remember it went hard on me and the sheer shame of being held in front of them was something that made me feel worthless. Stood there humiliating myself while they had fun and ran away. Remember picking my clothes off the ground, getting dress as fast as I could and walking away thinking I could never confess to anyone what ad just happed and eventually everyone knowing about it in school. I later found out that they had done the same thing to other boys just for the hell of giving girls thrill. Boys that kept lying about it and telling everyone it never happed just to save face.

#naked   #forced   #humiliated   #girls   #deplayed  

I'm 13 and I have masturbated before. I feel bad now because I'm Christian and I want God to forgive for what I have done...

#masturbation   #christian   #forgiveness  

I am a 13 year old girl who is very into sex. I am currently playing with my friend who is older than me. We usually play under the sheets at night so we don't get caught. I feel like it's just because he doesn't want to see me. Well I suck his dick and I give him hand jobs. He fingers me and just recently he licked my clit. This got me so horny I just wanted to do it. I want to stop because it is wrong but everything I am close to him I just become all gooey and wet.

#sex   #foreplay  

So I'm f14 and in my year (grade) all the rates (popular) boys are friends with each other and they're really dirty. And since I've got back to school they've been talking to me. I've got compliments on how my breast are big and I'm thicc and have a nice ass. Which I find quite funny lol. Anyways I'm really friends with one of them. Let's call him jay. We're just friends and our relationship is quite weird. He thinks I'm gonna give him a bj on his birthday. last week he grinder his dick on me in class when I bent over which caught me off guard. Anyways I sit next to jay in some classes. And in science we sit at the back. And we were talking and I was laughing then out of no where I put my hand on his upper thigh and he literally tenses up and I can see I did something so I pull back and I think I blushed over too much. He just laughs off and then he does it back. But as his hand is on my thigh he moves it upwards near to where my pussy is (yeah). We wear uniform and I had pants on but they're like tight pants so you can see shape and outlines of everything. And I'm completely frozen. Then he starts rubbing my 😏 yeah that. And then he's unzipping my pants. (Remember were in class) so I wake up to reality and I move his hand away and say "wyd we're in class" and he's the type of person who does give a fuck about anything so he says "and" so I make up that I'm on my period so he's like "why don't we finish off what you started on Wednesday then" which is the day where I get off my "period" which is also tomorrow. So I'm like yea sureeee. And he's been really on me ever since. So like I've never had a dick inside me so I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. But pray for me? 😂😚 I forgot to mention but he also told me he had a dream about me. "I was naked in bed and then you came and undressed and then got in and then idk what happened next" is exactly what he said. I thought was funny LOLLL but I'd be lying if I said I didn't dream about him either a few days before that.

#highschool   #friendswithbenefits   #lust   #boys   #crush   #bitchsavemebeforeidie  

Pray and roll the dice for #for

Confessions by

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