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Time Confessions

Read the best #time confession stories

Back in school, my mom made me sandwiches which I could eat during break time. The problem was that they were so disgusting! I had to throw them away every time and buy me something to eat...
I haven't talk about it with my mom because I don't want her to be upset.

#school   #sandwiched   #break   #time   #problem   #mom   #lie  

A few years ago I was living in a trailer park. Straight out of high school and desperate to be on my own. There was an older man a couple of trailers down. Seemed to be a cheerful, friendly guy. He offered me a beer a couple of times when I was still underage.

One night he asked me over to help him with a small do it yourself project in his trailer. We finished that up in a few minutes and he gave me a beer. We sat on his couch and talked. Soon he had his hands on me and kept asking if he was being too forward.

As I was still a virgin, I figured a gay cherry popping was better than none at all. He gave me my best (and first) blowjob followed almost immediately by a second blowjob. I figured it was my turn so I gave him my best amateur blowjob which he seemed to enjoy despite my fumbling.

We kept getting it on a couple times a month. He had a girlfriend as well and explained sex with men didn't exclude girls. Later that year I got a girlfriend and my gay adventures tapered off. But I was always thankful he gave me a push into sex.

#blowjobs   #bisexual  

It all started when I was 9 years old . My family needed to travel for a few weeks and hired a sitter for me, As I had to be at school without a long absence if I was to move up to the next grade without Summer School ! Bob was young, athletic and good natured so we were a better fit than I understood at that time. Over the first few hours, we got closer and closer. Bob was very attentive to me and my whims. He would look deeply into my eyes it was as if He was reaching my soul. This drew me even closer to him. soon there was a bit of brushing my hair out of my eyes & soon there was gentile furtive brushing my hair back or out of my eyes, light pats, touches or rubs and this made me feel pleasantly different than usual. After several hours of talk and play I was beginning to feel very relaxed and strangely attracted to by all the attention.. Then, He looked very deep into my eyes for a long time which started to arouse me and he pulled me very close up to him. I could feel his heat and became aware of his musky scent which gave me a tingling in my crotch. Now he clasped my head in his hands and and firmly planted a very sensuous French Kiss on my stunned lips. His tongue pushed into my mouth and started a fire to smolder that I never knew was possible. We Kissed again and again ,each time with more heat and a rising passion that I could not yet understand. We ground into each other as his hands ran all over me. he gave me hot kisses on my earlobes and the sides of my neck as he worked my shirt open. soon he was tweaking and kissing my nipples and this was making me burn with lust and desire for things I did not as yet understand. Then he let his hands slipped down on my globes in a very warm and sensuous way as he squeezed and massaged. Somehow he managed to drop my pants and undershorts to the floor and step me clear of them. Bob kissed my shoulders and chest as he removed my shirt and I was now very aroused and could not think what to do about it. gentily Bob's fingers moved from my globes towards my crevice and went lightly exploring as he moved inward. I felt a light electric fluttering as the finger tips brushed my rear entrance, but soon the touch was more intense and pulsation on that small rosebud. Out of nowhere some Crisco appeared on his fingers and it was soon spreading around my entrance with a pulsing and thrusting motion. I started to thrill to this new intense sensation and he slipped a finger slowly in and out ever so slowly with a twisting and circular motion. This got a follow up of a second finger and a more vigorous stretching and expanding motion. I noticed that my small tool was now very hard and then I felt a third finger join the stretching party. By now I was loosening up and becoming very relaxed, so I started to thrust back on his fingers as he pushed in and after some time He was all in up to the third knuckles and now rotating too ! Bob withdrew slowly from me while giving me a very hot and deep French Kiss that seemed to reach way down into me. At this point he took my hand and lead me easily down the hall to the Bedroom ! Once there, he places his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down on my knees as he moved in with his fully erect Cock which he rubbed on my lips as he massaged the nap of my neck. As his cock brushed back and forth on my lips, it was as if I was mesmerized and my mouth opened as he slid in. I closed my lips around his head and got to work with my tongue and soon he was thrusting in and out, all the time going a bit deeper. After a while he was all the way down my throat with his 8 in. tool and I was loving it ! Then he stopped and let me, up so he could take me onto the Queen sized bed. He whispered in my ear hotly that he needed me and wanted to make me his ! He asked if he could have an orgasm deep inside of me because he wanted and needed me badly. We French Kissed for a bit and I said YES that I needed that too ! After a time he moved into the missionary position and prepared to open my carnal love canal up, wide ! I was so besides myself with Heat, Passion & Raw Lust, that I would have done absolutely anything he asked of me ! Many very enjoyable hours had past to get me to this point and now I wanted to give it up completely to become his cock slut and pussy-boi ! Bob took firm but gentile charge and mounted me to make me his Bottom as I spread my legs open to give him all the access he wanted. Bob kissed my little head just a short bit, then scooped my legs under the knees and raised them to my chest as he slid a hard pillow under my buns which gave him perfect alignment to enter me. i placed my arms and shoulders over my calfs, thus locking my position up to give Bob all the action room he wanted. We continued to French Kiss and feel each other all over. I felt a tapping on my rosebud and it sent thrills through out my entire body. this continues for sometime and got stronger and stronger which sent me over the edge with craziness as I was now so hot that I was mumbling incoherently and begging Bob to ram me hard and deep, as I tried to thrust to meet his teasing thrusts ! Now Bob moved forward a bit at a time with each thrust going in slowly and deeper. After some time when he was well in, he met with some resistance that had him pause. Then he told me that he now needed to break my anal cherry and there would be some pain, but if I could bear with it the feeling afterwards would be beyond anything I could even imagine as it spread throughout my mind and body ! I told him I wanted to be his and he should go ahead with it ! Bob braces himself and quickly placed a French Kiss lip lock on my mouth that completely covered any possibility of sound coming out and strongly thrusted forward into my deep as I yelped as the pain consumed me. Now he paused to let me get my balance and let the pain subside. Soon he was thrusting in and almost out slowly again and now was starting to feel like I was being elevated to paradise on a cloud ! The feeling was very electric & thrilled every cell in my Body to the point of disorienting me far away from reality ! My Lover soon picked up the pace of his thrusting until he was hitting into me hard fast and strong and I was thrusting to meet him with all my strength ! I never dreamed Life could get this joyous & Good and juice was flowing freely ! After some time I felt a charge in my crotch & Bob filed my deep up with a massive breathtaking Orgasm that shook us both from end to end ! Now,I was marked as His & a wide open Happy Bottom ! This was just the first 24 hours of a month long Sitting Job and I was an eager student that was willing to learn to do it all. We were at it every day, as often as our strength would allow ! After that, I went to his place on the down low almost ever day to practice what we shared together freely but privately ! Then he bought other Men Friends around to try me out and I just loved the variety that some of these hot sessions brought ! Most of these men loved my Carnal Skills and use them as often as they can even now !

#sitter   #anal  

I have to admit that I am one of those men who pee in the sink. I think it's time saving, I also do it under the shower. You save time and water and it's much more comfortable.

#admit   #sink   #pee   #time   #shower   #comfortable  

I was waiting for a friend to. visit from out of town. He didn't have a car so he was traveling Greyhound. It was getting late and then the Dispatcher announced a two hour delay for mechanical reasons. Stuck in a bus terminal late at night with mothers with young kids,, assorted lowlifes, and the homeless.

Visiting the restroom, I found it cleaner than I expected but all the toilet stalls had holes in sidewalls. Being only 18, I was inexperienced and had never heard of a glory hole. The toilet seemed a more private option than the urinals. Someone followed me into an adjacent toilet and immediately I saw the biggest black dick in the world. Well, maybe the biggest in my world.

Staring at it didn't do any good. After a minute Dickman said well stick yours through. Still not bold enough. Fortunately a man came into the stall on the other side of Dickman. When I could tell the other two had gotten going, I stood on the toilet seat and watched the action. Dickman got off first than the short white guy I couldn't see very well.

I waited outside the stall after things wound down. Dickman told me that's how it's done, Kid, Don't hang around here if you don't want to play. It took a while, but eventually I took my turn with a different guy. Lucky for my friend I was so turned on when he finally got in he got the first BJ of his life and I gave the first BJ of mine.


I started cutting hair when I was 18yrs old. My boss' client at the time had a one year old and he was my first client. I have cut his hair for 32 years now. I've watched him grow up and his family has given me a lot of business and even helped me buy the salon from my boss when she was ready to retire. He could call me the day of and get an appointment. I just care for him that much. Yesterday he did just that. I didn't have any openings but told him he could come in at 7pm and I'd stay late for him. I stayed until 11. I cut his hair for 30 minutes and he used me like a sex doll for the rest of the time. He confessed that he and his wife were breaking up while I was cutting his hair. She had already moved some things back to her parents' house. I don't know what came over me but when I finished his cut, I just kissed him. We had the best sex I've had in 20 years. I'm so hopeful he texts or calls today to thank me because I'm off today and ready to repeat it.

#client   #work   #lust  

I was always so horny as a teenager. I wanted to be railed all the time. Needless to say, my neighbor was hot, but he was interested in someone else. One night I didn’t care. I was so horny it was driving me crazy. So I walked down my neighborhood 6 houses down to his house. He wasn’t home… but his dad was. He knew what he wanted and didn’t care, he invited me in. We were talking about his son funny enough, but an awkward silence ensued… he started looking me up and down. It wasn’t his fault I had on a skimpy dress, my tits we’re hanging out of it. I wear a triple D. He started caressing my thighs and slowly worked his way up to my vagina. So we started making out. He started grabbing me everywhere. I was so turned on. After about 5 minutes of that I lead him to his living room and pushed him down on his couch and strattled him. His dick was pressed against me, it made me want him even more. He started taking my dress straps off and then my tits were out for the world to see. He started grabbing them while still making out with me and then we stopped making out and he moved down to my tits, he started sucking and biting all over them. Then we made our way to his bedroom… I was grinding on him and then he took my dress off the rest of the way and I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his zipper of his jeans and pulled his pants off leaving him in his boxers, but I didn’t take his dick out, I teased him… I bounced up and down a little and started grinding up and down on him. Then I got off of him and walked out of his room. He came chasing after me, I’m guessing because I gave him blue balls. I was regretting my decision to not wait for his son, and doing it with him… but I said to hell with it, if his son and I ever happened I didn’t want it to be my first time. So I walked back to his bedroom and sat on the side of the bed until he came in, he walked up to me and grabbed my arms and pushed me down onto my back, he towered over me and started with a kiss on my mouth worked his way to my nipples, down my stomach and to my clit, he knew exactly what to do down there, 3 ex wives… I’d hope so. He made me completely unfold on his mouth. What can I say. I wasn’t going to be selfish. I stood up from the bed and pushed him onto it, the I climbed on top or him making out with him and grinding on him until I made sure he was rock hard again, and I got off the bed and pulled his boxers off. I teased him a little and started kissing his thigh, I could tell he wanted to force my mouth on him. But I kept teasing him, until he begged me to put it in my mouth. I did just that, and it was amazing. I finished him off twice. I didn’t think I’d be that good at it considering it was my first time. But it was almost like I knew exactly what to do. But I wanted more. I assume he did too, because after all of that he pulled me on top of him strattling him again and started kissing my neck. But I was thinking of something else… I lifted myself off of him just enough to slide his dick in me. Then we went crazy. I didn’t realize I could bend that way. Figured out the positions that I love and the ones I didn’t enjoy so much because they were uncomfortable. After we finished I put in my skimpy dress and walked back to my house.

#sex   #lust   #fun   #firsttime  

I've always been curious but never acted on it. I'm a married male, mid thirties, with a good sex life with my wife. She allows me to cum in all three holes. A couple of weeks ago, and I have no idea why or how; I let a man use my bottom for sex. It was my first time having a guy inside me. He is a huge cummer, and dumped a big load inside of me. That first time I sucked him hard, and he did it to me on the bed with me on my back. Then he went one more time with me kneeling on the living room floor, my chest on the couch. He played with my nipples like there were a womans tits and it felt good. The first time he fucked me it really hurt, but this time was very good. In the last two weeks I'd met with him 6 times, each time I get it twice from him. One time only once, but I gave him a BJ first. He has had me get my wife to shave me from crotch down to my feet, and has started having me wear a teddy. I've very embarrassed but I can't stop getting his cock. I really feel empty without a cock inside me. I think he wants to have a party where I am the centerpiece. I am thinking of letting him as long as they are protected. My wife has always played with my butt and has asked me why I'm so loose back there now. I don't know what to say.

#married   #gay  

As a young boy of 12, I did house work and some yard work for two men in our neighborhood. Sometimes they would get undressed or dressed in front of me, and left porn magazines around the house opened to pages so I could see pussy, cocks, fucking, lesbian etc. It started by them letting me look at the porn and jack off, while they massaged their cocks too. Then every once in a while there was a mag with men sucking and fucking other men, men with young guys, men with boys my age. The talk got quite open and being treated like an adult and offered a beer now and then made me feel very at home. Then in a jack off session, one of the guys wiped up my cum with his finger and put it in his mouth to swallow it. He used the rest of my cum to put on his partners butt hole. Later he used his partners cum to put in my ass. A couple days after he told me to let him know when I was about to shoot and then he put his mouth over my cockhead and took it in his mouth. I did the same to him and his lover. After that they had me suck them each, and one day while sucking the more fem guy I found a finger fucking my virgin butt. It hurt, but I took it. Two days later I had made arrangements with my parents when they went out of town to stay with the guys since they said they had a lot of work for me. That night, they got me drunk and the older one fucked me on the living room floor. It hurt, it was very painful I was crying and after he was done the other one did the same to me. They took turns sucking me off, but I was hurting so much it took a while for me to cum. That evening I got fucked one more time from each of them on the couch while they were watching boy/man porn. That night I was in bed with them both. The older one fucked the fem one while I sucked his cock. I got fucked two more times that night and once in the morning. Through the weekend I got fucked 13 times and sucked cock till explosion 3 times. It didn't hurt anymore but I was really embarrassed. They continued to fuck me for about 5 years. During that time when I was 14 and had a big enough cock, they brought in an old lady they knew who let me fuck her so I could get some pussy. I got to fuck the fem guy several times if I wanted, but the older one I only fucked about once or twice a year. The old lady I fucked till I turned 19.

#gay   #virgin   #mmm   #mf   #oral   #anal   #nc  

So my whole story starts with one of my favorite shows as a kid. What might this be? Little Nicky, none the less. So what got me curious? Well, anyone who has seen this distinctly knows of the scene where Hitler's punishment in hell ( spoilers for those who have never seen it) is to pick a pineapple from a cupboard and have it rimmed into his ass while he wears a maid outfit. As a kid, I got curious from this and began inserting fingers into my ass quite often and loved the feeling of it. I kept looking for what other things I could ram up there and get away with. Anything from the neck of bottles, to toys, to whatever I could get my hands on.

So skip ahead a couple years of doing this regularly. I now am finding shampoo bottles to lodge up there for the length of my shower, or to keep in there until I felt like I should get it out, then getting to where I do those plus some fingers or, hell, even another bottle ( by these I mean the ones like what you would get from a hotel)

Skip ahead a bit more and I am finding larger bottles of shampoo ( like, 12 Oz bottles with circular bottoms) to ram in there and keep in there as I finish my shower, and then rub one off after words when I am all loose and can put some fingers in there and move em around too.

Skip ahead a little bit farther, now basically in the future. Have had a steady relationship with my girlfriend for years, and finally after 2 during a night of exploring, I got her to try putting a finger in my ass as she jacked me off. She was surprised I liked it as she doesn't like anal at all. Then I told her I knew I did previously, and she got curious so she wanted to know what I could take. About 20 minutes later she ended up getting her fist inside my ass and now all I ever want is size. I can never get enough. She now on the other hand wants to peg me and keeps looking to get a strap on because she gets furiously turned on by taking control and putting anything in my ass she can find. Every now and then I wonder what it would be like to be manhandled and fucked in the ass by a guy, but I am not attracted to them, nor do I want to ruin my relationship with this wonderful woman. Maybe next time she tries to put things in my ass I ask for two hands, not just one :D

#curiosity   #straight   #destroyed   #lust  

When I was 17 a stranger in a bathroom asked if he could give me a blowjob. I was always curious so I let him and I came right away and he swallowed it all. Since then I’ve played with men and enjoy putting my cock in their mouth.

#firsttimegay   #firstblowjob   #bi   #gay  

When I was young my parents divorced , was was mad at my mom for treating him badly , I stayed with him as much as I could but he met and arrived another women who was really jello us of me .
They moved away , my mom had turned I to this huge slug and had guy after guy visit.
I stayed with my auntie a few times but she ended up coming on to me, she went down on me a few times but I just didn't like it as I'm not a lesion.
I went back to my mom's and tried to get used to shit, more than a few times I witnessed her giving blow jobs, she would come out of her bedroom cum dripping out the side of her mouth, .
There was one guy that came by a lot, he had a very pretty pens , it was lovely , I would master ate thinking of him.
I was in the bathroom peeing and he came in , he looked down saw my bald pussy I could see him start to grow as he was wearing boxers, I finished up but didn't get off toilet, he came over or me pulled his shorts down and I did what I saw my mom do.
I was so turned on I grabbed his ass as he pumped my mouth, he started to breath heavy and felt his dick get harder, I pulled back so just my lips were at his hole as I felt him pulse into my mouth, I loved the feeling , enjoyed the taste of sperm .
He finished I got up off the toilet, and went outside right into my mom, she yelled at me and slipped me on the face , unfortunately I still had cum in my mouth and when she slapped me it left my mouth and was all over my face.
She yelled at the guy told him to get out and take this slutime with him.
We left together him holding his pants me in a long tee shirt and drove away in silence . After about a hour he asked me what I wanted to do , I said I was cold and hungry so we went to his place he made me some breakfast and gave me some of his daughters clothes .
I tried to go back to my mom's house , but she was Pisces, I we think back to his place and asked him if I could stay there , he was a bit nervous about it as I was younger than his daughter (she visited on weekends) and how he could explain me being there , I went up to him took his dick out and gave him a blow job looked up at him with my mouth full of cum and said I can be your girlfriend .
He smiled and asked me if I had ever had sex before I said yes 2 times I gave a blow job , we laughed.
I've been with him since

#curiosity   #parents   #confession  

This goes back 30 years. I went to New York City in Manhattan for business. I was stressed and tired and a little buzzed and drunk. I went to an oriental massage parlor that was located in one of the lesser hotels that populated Times Square at that time. There was a cute Japanese girl giving me a massage, I was totally naked. She started rubbing my balls and cock and I got hard. She asked if I wanted a happy ending and I said yes, and gave her the required $20 extra. Then I asked her to get naked and gave her $40 more. She did it. I was fondling this skinny Japanese girl with horizontal pussy hair, and for being so thin, she had at least D cup tits with dark nipples. I tried to stick my finger in her pussy and she backed up very quickly. We started talking more, I offered her $ 150 if I could fuck her. She said no and eventually said she was a virgin. I questioned her because she was jacking guys off for a living. But she insisted. I told her I'd give her $ 100 to look at her hymen. To this day it's the only hymen I've ever seen. Then she wanted to go back to my happy ending. While she was jacking me we talked a lot, I was trying to convince her to go out with me. Finally I had a date for the next evening, and for $1000 right then I fucked her virgin cunt. To this day I have the white panties I used to wipe her blood and some of my cum off her pussy and ass cheeks. We went on the date and I fucked her again for free. Each time I came in her super tight pussy. That date night before we went out I got her to suck me off, then went on the date and could spend plenty of time when it came to her pussy fucking.
I went back 6 months later and went to get a massage. She was working the counter instead of the back. She stood up and was pregnant. I told her I guessed she'd let other clients do it to her for money. She said no, she'd only had sex twice between her legs, and once in her mouth.
I made her book me with a really young girl, fucked that girl and let her know about it before I left.
Never saw her again.

#virgin   #oral   #sex   #prostitution   #massage  

we were 12-13 and at a sleep over, he and I at another guys house. We had a few beers and we're watching tv. We had been talking about sex all day and how we had felt up girls and fingered them. The host had dozed off in front of the tv and my friend started asking about feeling a girl up. He pit his hand on my thigh and asked if that was how you started, I was wearing briefs. I was under a blanket and he had his hand under there. He rubbed my thigh a little and in a whisper asked if he was doing right. I just said yes that's right. He didn't stop and he was now inches away from my crotch. I was getting hard and didn't know what to do, I just froze as he slid up and began feeling my dick and balls. He immediately remarked that I must like that and all I said was it feels good. Last I remember is him saying it will feel better if I go in your underwear. His hand went down and his touch was driving me crazy, he had gripped my cock and was stroking it. As I really started getting excited our host woke and rolled looking at us asking if we were still watching the show. I'll never forget how it felt answering him while my other friend had a hold of my dick. I said, you can turn it off. As I rolled away from my friend he let go. The next day he asked me up to his room and it all unfolded. I had been thinking all day how good it felt and how wrong it was, the good won out. We quickly had our pants and underwear down and he was playing with mine and I was looking at his. I finally gave in and reached over and played with his. We were up there for more than an hour, we had no idea that we were edging each other, it came natural. We would stop the other when we got to close to coming. He suggested we try and come at the same time. We laid on our sides then face to face and teased away on one another. We were rubbing them together and looking down watching was putting me very close. I told him and he just responded that he he was going to "shoot off" as we said back then. He started shooting on to me and immediately used his semen on me and I started coming. I never felt anything like that before, I had jerked off but this was different. I wanted to stop doing it with him but didn't. We must have done it 30 times that summer, we did it ever time we could be alone. At 15 I had a girlfriend I was fooling around with and I stopped with him until 17-18. We were alone for some reason and drinking, I think another friend was with us and someone drove by and he got in the car with them. We parked in a secluded spot and were drinking beer when his questions about sex with girls started. I knew where he was going and didn't really want to but was a little drunk and horny. His hand came over and went at my crotch and when I didn't stop him he went for my zipper and had my jeans down in a minute. I was so hoping he would suck me. After a while I felt guilty about no touching him so I reached over, he immediately dropped his pants and I could see his cock. It had gotten so much bigger, bigger than mine by two inches and really thick. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was very impressed with it and told him so. We held them together and he was noticeably larger and his turned down a little, while mine turned up. I was a little shy of six inches and mine was really skinny back then. He was well into seven inches I would say and so fing thick. The urge to suck him became unbearable after a while, I couldn't believe I wanted to so badly. Once I went down on him I realized I was going to finish him as well. He was surprised and made me stop after about two minutes so he could suck me, which I enjoyed but all I could think about was getting back on him. We were both very turned on and I said something like let me finish you as I went back down. He gave me two warnings but I never slowed, I took all of him and probably kept sucking him for two minutes after he finished. I remember his shaking as sucked and tongued his sensitive head. As we switched positions he asked me what I did with it, I just said its gone. You swallowed it? Yes. As soon as he took, me in his mouth I was coming. I must have let go ten or more ropes and he couldn't take it all. It was all over us. He was so happy after we finished, he was holding on to me and kissing me, that's when I realized he was fully gay. We kept it up till we were 23 and he found a lover. I was never emotionally attached and never will be to a guy. But that was still some of the best sex I've ever had, only two encounters do I remember so well, that one and when my wife and I had a three way with another guy. It's like those moments are on video in my mind thirty plus years later.

I never told anyone that my high school swim team coach molested me. I grew up in a midsized city that felt very small town. The kind of place where it doesn't take long for rumers to spread.

I joined the team when i was a freshman. During practice one day i got a really bad cramp. A couple of girls had to help me stay above the water and get me to the side of the pool. The muscles on the back of my left thigh locked up and I couldn't straighten my leg.

The coach and asst coach got me out and carried me into the locker. There was a room to one side that had a padded table in it. My coach closed the door and stayed with me. I remember it hurt so bad i was crying.

She massaged my leg and it started to feel better. I didn't notice until most of the pain was gone that she was running her fingers under the bottom of my swimsuit and she would brush her hand between my legs as she was massaging me.

When I could mostly move my leg she had me turn over. I was shivering from being on the cold table. She said something about getting me out of my cold wet swimsuit. Before i could react she was pulling it down my shoulders and off. I didn't know what to do. I just laid there. It felt like forever before she coverd me with a towel.

She started massaging my leg again and brushing up aginst me between my legs. She asked me if it felt good. I don't think I said anything.

I had never been touched there by someone. I remember her talking as she moved her hand between my legs. She put her other hand under the towel and touched my breasts. I'd masterbated before but this was different. I had an orgasim unlike anything I had ever given myself.

By the time there was a knock at the door she had given me another one and had her finger inside of me and knew i was still a virgin. She covered me back up and opened the door. She told the asst-coach that she must have locked it by mistake.

When we were alone again she helped me off the table she squeezed my butt and told me to keep this our little secret. Sometimes she had me do things to her. She was my first kiss. The older i got the more i hated her for taking those first experiences.

I started to notice others girls ended up in that room with her and the way we look at each other like we knew what was going on we just didnt say it.

A few years later she got fired and left town. No one really knew what happened but there were rumors. Small town USA loves a good gossip story.

I guess i had just blocked all this out. I knew it was real I just ignored it. Then about a month ago I got a friend request on Facebook. It was her, and everything flooded back in. I felt like that scared exposed 14 year old little girl. This all happened in 1983. Far too late to do anything about. Part of me wants to tell her actions effected my life. The other part of me is terrified to say anything at all.

#teacher   #student   #molestation   #fear   #silence  

I haven't told this to anyone, but when I was 15 my first sex was homosexual anal. I fucked my boy cousins ass one night while staying at his house overnight, he was 15 also. The next day we went to the basement behind some shelves. He had his pants down and bent over the back of an old couch, with Vaseline on his butt and a jar of it in my hand I was going to lube up my cock and them use my receptive cum bucket again. He was wanting it as bad as I wanted to give it. We got so involved we didn't hear his sister (14) come down stairs with some laundry. She came back and asked what we were doing, and he stood bolt upright pulled up his tidy whiteys then his jeans and walked out. I was there with a jar of Vaseline in my hand and a hard 7" thin cock sticking straight out.
Oh, were you guys doing what we all used to do when we were little? she asked. I replied yes. From the time we were about 9 till 11 all three of us, plus one neighbor girl formed a club and used to get naked and play with each other. My cousin used to do strips for me and her brother in her bedroom if no one was around. She would let us rub our little cocks against her butt, even trying to insert them, I fingered her pussy and it got real wet before she chickened out and left me hanging, but once she started developing tits and pussy hair she stopped it all. We tried and tried to get her to at least show us her tits and hairy pussy but she wouldn't.
Don't tell my brother how much hair I have or anything, and you can only stick it in my butt, don't you dare stick it in me in my front, she insisted. Then she bent down and told me to rub some of the Vaseline on her butt. I did, then put some on my cock and fucked her up her ass.
My first and second fuck, were my cousins, a brother and sister, both anal. I continued to fuck them both for about 3 years. Her, only anal and eventually oral and her brother only anal. I did manage to suck his cock to completion about 5 times during that time though. Finally; one time when I took her on a date, we went to our normal motel, and I held her down while I ate her pussy, she loved it. About a month later I was eating her, and spread her legs, pinched her D cup tits and holding her down stuck my cock into her pussy. I finally got my first piece of pussy. Dark, hairy pussy that bled a lot. I always heard it only bled a little when breaking her hymen, but from eating her out the hymen was pretty thick. It bled for about 3 days actually, didn't stop until I fucked her a few more times. She hated that I forced her to fuck and stopped seeing me for a while. Then came back and I had a nice steady piece of pussy, ass, and mouth, plus her brothers ass.

#bi   #anal   #cousins  

Because it's spring break and therefore I don't have to go to school, I made plans to stay at home the whole time and be as lazy as possible. Next to my bed I positioned my laptop, my remote control, 20 gallons of Seven Up, my game boy and my play station 3 controller. I told my parents I am on vacation.
The only time I stand up is to go to the toilet, maybe to take a shower and to open the door for the delivery guy.

It's the best time of my life but I am a bit ashamed that I lied to everyone to be alone.

#school   #spring   #break   #lazy   #time   #life   #best   #confession  

I met this Korean woman who was in her early 30's. Good looking, tight body, great legs and ass, and huge tits. She was very chatty, and eventually after becoming a bit of a regular asked me to come back at closing time. I came back and helped her close up and as we were turning the lights off she opened her blouse and kissed me. I grabbed those huge tits over her bra kissing her as I worked my hand under it to push the bra up over her tits. DD size tits that were very firm, with very little sagging and the most perfect dark brown areolae and nipples. Her areolae were about an inch and a half wide, with big meaty nipples that were a full half inch thick, and stood out without arousal about 1/2 inch at least. I kissed her nipples and sucked on them and they grew to 1 full inch in length. She unzipped me and pulled out my cock and I bit her nipples and hiked up her skirt to reveal no panties.
"I took them off about two hours ago" she said in that lovely accent.
She had the sideways growing pussy hair that a lot of oriental girls have and the most perfect beautiful pussy lips and ass I'd ever seen. She wanted to go to her place which was only a few blocks away. First I had to stop at my office next door and finish a few things. She went with me and in the elevator I told her to take off her blouse and bra. She didn't wince, didn't make a face or sound, she just did it. She started to put the blouse back on and button it up, I told her to leave it open. No one was in the building as it was very late. When the doors opened we walked into the hall and I pulled her skirt up. Getting into my office I did what I had to do one handed as I had one hand on her ass the whole time, and most of the time had one of those nipples in my mouth. I told her to lie down on my assistants desk and finger fuck herself while I put some papers away. Her moans were loud and deep. I mentioned that I'd love to fuck that ass and she said she'd never done it but had guys put their fingers in her butt and it hurt.
Back at her place totally naked, we showered, I had her open the blinds so people in the facing building could see her naked and getting fucked. I licked that sweet oriental pussy while making her tell me about her first time getting fucked. She was 17 and with a guy she liked and one of his friends on a camping trip next to a river. She wore a yellow bikini and the boy she liked came into the water and pulled aside her bottom and stuck his cock into her virgin slit, then moved her top so he could suck her tits while he fucked her in the water. After he was done they went on the shore and his friend took his turn. She got fucked the whole 4 days and nights by two guys. As I made my way up her body mashing her huge tits, I inserted my cock and started fucking her. I really didn't care about her I just wanted to fuck this pussy and cum in her. She came herself in less than 5 minutes and came twice more again before I shot my load. She said she normally only cums once with a guy if at all, but I believed her anyway.
I started fucking this little slut and got her to agree that she would do anything for me. I made her tell me the last time before me she'd gotten fucked. It was only two weeks, so I wrote SLUT across her tight belly, and FUN BAGS on her tits. I made her tell me the names of the guys who fucked her the first time and when it was, and wrote in inkpen their names and the date along with "virgin no more" above her cunt hair. She would indeed do anything. My wife wouldn't do things I wanted, no cumming in her mouth - I made the Korean slut do it anytime, anywhere, even once in the backseat while a female friend watched and drove around. Then we all went to dinner and on the way back to my sluts apartment, make her pull off her panties in the front seat next to her friend, and lift her dress up so I could play with her pussy. Then when we all went back to the apartment, the friend came up for coffee and I make my Korean whore get totally naked in front of us both.
My wife wouldn't swing with me, so I now had a swing partner. She sucked pussy, sucked cock (or both for other couples) and I had this neighborhood kid who was a virgin, and I let him lose his virginity in her cunt. I organized a gangbang for her. It was over 2 full days and nights, she'd gotten over 20 cocks multiple times, she was so sore her pussy was bruised. I'd been pushing to fuck her asshole for a long time and her girlfriend (the one who I humiliated her in front of) told her it wasn't that bad, she should try it. So with the last 6 or 8 guys from the gangbang there and her sore, bruised pussy I rolled her over and lubed her asshole up with sperm from her used up cunt, and let the guys watch me take her butt virginity. She grunted and groaned in a little pain, then the whore actually started bucking back at me begging me for it. They guys laughed like crazy at how much of a whore this slut was.
After about a year of having a total whore/slut at my service I grew tired of her. I gave her to a policeman that used to come into the bar a lot after duty. He loved fucking her, and I let them go at it. We met about 3 years after, she was tending bar at a different place, and she called for someone to come out and take her place. I took her to that same apartment, without lube, without kissing, and bent her over the back of her couch, pulled up her short skirt and ripped off her panties and fucked her ass again.
That was the last time I saw her. I hear she was fucking so many guys after I left her, she had turned total whore. She eventually got a gambling addiction, and found some skinny, ugly guy to marry her and pay her debt.

#korean   #oriental   #whore   #slut   #mf   #mmmmf   #gangbang  

I can’t believe I’m writing this but I need help or advice
Back in high school during freshman year I dated this girl for about a month or two. And we’ve been obsessed with each other ever since. We broke up due to her making things complicated but every so often, maybe every 2 years or so she hits me up. She’ll tell me she’s been thinking about me or she’d had a dream about me and I’ve also done the same. So fast forward to 2020 I found her on social media after 3 years and she dm’d me and we tried starting over, i saw her and I wanted to kiss her so bad but I was so nervous. We just smoked and watched a tv and also caught up with each other cause so much has happened.
Now this is where things get irritating
From then till the end of 2021 I been trying to hang and link with this girl and she would flake on me and I was so confused as to why but I gave up.
Now recently (2022) she hit me again but it frustrated me cause I’m not about to keep doing this. I basically blew her off and said u had a chance and u blew it.
After a couple weeks I followed her on insta and dm’d her and basically asked everything I’ve been trying to figure out. So the last few days we’ve been talking I cannot stop thinking about her. I’ve even fantasized about her, I never had sex with a girl but I want to so bad but with her. I feel so much sexual tension but idk if she feels that way. We agreed with going with the flow and letting things happen naturally so I don’t want to bring anything sexual up yet but I still want to because idk how to stop thinking it lol.
I’m a 22 F btw

#lesbian   #sex   #firsttime   #college  

The day I learned I was a lesbian was the same day I masturbated for the first time.

I got a smart phone for my 12th birthday. About two weeks later, in the middle of the night, I am unable to sleep. So I grab my new phone. I had looked up pictures of girls before, but never naked girls. I image searched naked girls and was astounded. After five minutes of scrolling, I realized I had been subconsciously rubbing my lady parts through my PJ bottoms. I took my pants and undies off and rubbed my pussy as gently as possible. It wasn't until half an hour later that I had started to lose control and pushed my finger inside myself. I had never realized touching my privates would feel so good. I kept at it, looking at dozens of beautiful nude girls until I reached my first orgasm. I kind of yelped when I climaxed, and I couldn't back to sleep for a whole hour because I was worried my parents might have heard.

I'm 16 now with a wonderful girlfriend. I want to masturbate with her someday.

#lesbian   #porn   #orgasm  

Pray and roll the dice for #time

Confessions by

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