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Fingering Confessions

Read the best #fingering confession stories

We were off the main flow of the party and just chatting. Then I started flirting and he was flirting. Not sure how or who started it. This was my dads friend who was complimenting me. And a little touching as he tickled me. It was fun, exciting, and arousing all at the same time. Then he kissed me. As I pushed off, he started rubbing my crotch. Now I was wanting and allowing him to kiss and touch me. Next his hand is down my pants. And am feeling emboldened, so I rubbed his pants. On the outside, his dick felt thick and hard. I didn't have the courage to reach down his pants and verify it it was really that big. We remained fully dressed except my shirt he had unbuttoned enough to expose my braless tits. The perfect ones he said he had always adored in so many ways. One hand was on my tits as he licked and sucked. His other was fingering my pussy making it noisy and slushy. This was the best sex I ever had. I was biting my lip trying to keep quiet. As soon as I was about to come, we heard someone approaching. We quickly broke off and parted. He returned to the party and I went to my room. For at least an hour that night I fantasized and masturbated having multiple orgasms.
Now he wants more and I tell him it was a mistake. I said in case you didn't know, I am only 16, a virgin, and I don't act that way. And that he should just consider himself lucky to catch me at that time and place. But now we must move on and pretend it never happened.
If he's around for my 18th birthday party, I want to pickup where we left off. He's very attractive and obviously turns me on.

#flirting   #complimenting   #touching   #rubbing   #crotch   #braless   #licked   #sucked   #fingering   #wet   #orgasm   #masturbate   #young   #16yo   #attractive   #older   #pussy   #tits   #dick   #sex   #adored   #expose   #noisy   #fantasy   #virgin  

I'm a straight guy that's 16 years old, but I really enjoy fucking myself in the ass. I wouldn't want to have sex with a guy, but I just love stimulating my prostate when I'm masturbating. I started with just fingers but moved on to using hair brushes and thin bottles in my bathroom with plastic gloves or condoms on. In the future I'd like something even more intense, so I may try something like a cucumber, but I doubt I'll ever buy or try a dildo because I'm only 16 so it'll be some time before I'd be able to manage that. For some dudes the prostate is the male G-spot, so it really makes orgasms more intense. People see it as a taboo for some reason even though loads of straight guys enjoy anal with girls, there's not much difference in putting something up your ass compared to a girl's.

I honestly think more guys should experiment with themselves. You should at least give it a try to find out, it's fine if you end up not liking it because you'll know not to do it again. Just make sure you empty your bowels earlier that day and maybe take a bath to properly wash yourself. When you're ready lay down and spread your legs, then coat a finger or two with lube or something else that will make it easier to get in (Use gloves if you re still scared). Gently touch around the area and start putting in a finger slowly - don't force it or else it'll hurt. Eventually you'll loosen up and be able to get a finger in there. It feels awkward at first but you get used to it, and when you are used to it start moving your finger around a bit, but focus on trying to curve it upwards and toward your dick. You should feel a fairly hard spherical shape - the prostate (that's what feels pleasurable). You'll want to focus on stimulating this area to get any pleasure out of the process. Some guys can get pleasure from this alone and struggle to get their dick hard, whereas others may masturbate first and then finger themselves when they reach orgasm to make it more intense, and some people even jerk off and finger themselves at the same time - whatever works for you.

If you're feeling adventurous you could move on to dildos or objects to reach better (I've used some objects but I've yet to try a dildo). You could also get a girl to finger you was you have sex, or if you're willing to let her fuck you with a strap on as you masturbate. A lot of people are going to think there's no way they could do this, because it's "gay", but honestly it's not. Are you being fucked by an actual guy? No. Are you pretending a guy is fucking you as you finger yourself? No. Since both of those answers are no when a straight guy is fingering/fucking himself, that means it isn't gay - it's only an extra way of making your sex life more interesting and making your orgasms more intense.

TLDR: I'm a straight guy who fucks himself in the ass, and I think more straight guys should try to as well

#masturbation   #sex   #anal   #ass   #fucking   #fingering   #dildo   #penetration   #straight  

When I, male, was in high school I went to youth group at my church. We had a tight friend group. My friend and his gf broke up and me and her started flirting. We didn't want to date but would fool around together. We were all at one of our friends houses, I think there were about 8 of us. Me and her snuck into his parents room and started making out on their bed. I slid my hand into her jeans and panties and started rubbing her very wet pussy. I started to finger her with 2 fingers. She pushed me onto my back and pulled my pants down and started to suck my throbbing hard cock. A friend walked in and we pulled everything back up and left, a bit red in the faces. Later that year we were both on a mission trip. We were painting houses at a children's home. We kept texting dirty messages and sending pictures. In the middle of the day, everyone at the house we were staying in, including our youth pastor and his wife. She went to the kitchen to get a snack, just through a single doorway, not even a door. I followed her. She was leaned on the counter eating some cheese and crackers. I started making out with her hard and slid my hand up her shorts and started fingering her with 2 fingers. I could feel her pussy soaking my hand. We heard someone walking. I stepped back quickly grabbing a snack, trying to slow my breathing and started eating. Our youth pastor walked in. Didn't get caught and I was careful to keep my hand away from people until I got to the bathroom to wash it so no one would figure it out. She was going to get a shower but forgot her shampoo in the other room, so I offered to grab it. She was still dressed so no one thought anything of it. I handed it to her and made out briefly and left. We never dated but her senior year she invited me to prom. We were all over each other on the dance floor. I was rubbing her pussy through her long dress and she was kissing me like crazy. Her friends were judging us a bit haha. After high school we didn't really keep in touch but a couple of friends and I went out for a drink when I was visiting home. She was there with some friends. We all hung out and played pool. Me and her started making out. We did that throughout the rest of the night. Saying goodbye, we were making out in the parking lot and I put my hands on her pants and was finding her in front of all of our friends. My one friend got mad. It was her ex and they were off and on throughout all of high school. She was a lot of fun. I wish we would've had sex at some point. But life goes on.

#teen   #fingering   #sneak   #sneaking   #sneaky  

I was abused by my cousin at a young age of 6-8 years , he was in high-school . I didn't know it at the time. I thought it was our 'special and secret' game. I used to enjoy him fingering me. I would kiss him with all I had. I'm a pretty great kisser because of that.
I enjoyed coming home from school, dressing up in a short skirt and my green body top, you know, the ones that clip at your crotch, those ones. With nothing underneath. That is how he liked me. I would then trot off to his room, sit on the dresser and he would sit on the dresser chair and start touching me down there. Very slowly, very tenderly, very soft.... then his finger would slide in me and he would start kissing me at the same time. He was a horrible kisser, too much saliva. But it was our special 'game'. and i felt the need to make him happy and proud of me. This went on for two years until he moved out of our house. I never told until I was 19 and I discovered what abuse was..

A direct result of this is that i am a very sexual person. Constantly touching myself.... and until 2 years ago i always felt dirty afterward.. But i have now made peace.. I now masturbate and I feel okay with pleasing myself.

#abuse   #fingering   #masturbate  

So, freshman year in high school I had my first boyfriend (I am female). We had dated before during the summer but it hadn't worked out. I never stopped having feelings for him, and I got some friends to talk him into asking me out. We were at one of my friends birthday parties, and she told him that he should date me. He laid on my chest while we played "never have I ever" and he was heavier than me, so I wasn't super comfortable but I loved being with him so I didn't say anything. After that we played truth or dare, and some friends dared us to play "seven minutes in heaven. We got to the closet and there was memory foam in it so it was very comfortable. That night we stayed in that closet for nearly two hours, simply laying with each other. He asked me out and I said yes. Shortly after he did, he kissed me and used tongue. We laid together for a bit longer and he started groping me. It felt nice, and he told me I have very nice boobs (32 D). After that we tried to fall asleep together, and he used my tit as a pillow. But the friends came in at about 2 or 3 am and told us we had to sleep in separate rooms. People thought we were fucking. A few days later there was a soccer game, it was raining and our friends encouraged us to go behind the school and make out. So we did, after talking for a while he kissed me. He groped my ass and tits. We both do cross country, so the following week on the bus home from a cross country meet (it was pretty late, and winter so it was dark) he put his hand on my leg and kept sliding it up until he was touching my vagina through my jeans. He also had his arm around me and was trying to grope me. I whispered to him that it probably wouldn't work because I was wearing jeans, and he stopped. I leaned on him and we stayed like that, his arm around me and my hand on his leg. I decided that I wanted to him to keep going, and his hand was on top of mine (the one on his leg) so I took that hand and put it near my breast. He didn't seem to get it so I put it right on it so that he would touch it. He groped it and used his hand to draw circles around my nipple. Then we started to approach our school so he stopped, and we got off the bus and parted ways. Flash forward to Thursday of that week. We had a cross country practice and after practice, I changed and we went in the back of the school, behind a shed. We started kissing, and he was groping my ass and tits. After a moment he started rubbing his hand on my pussy, through my pants. Then he slipped his hand down my pants, and started rubbing on it through my panties, but they had slipped to the side. He then moved them fully and rubbed around. Then he put his hand farther down, and slipped his finger into my vagina. His hands are bigger than mine so it hurt a bit when he first put it in, but then after I got used to it I started moving my hips against his movements. He didn't know what he was doing, so he kept taking his finger out and trying to rub my clit (which he didn't find). Then he would put it back in and just sort of jam it in and out. It wasn't too bad, probably because it was a brand new thing for me. While this was happening he tried to get his hand under my bra, and ended up just moving it to the side so he could feel my breasts without it in the way. He was gentle at first but then started getting a little rough. He stopped fingering me and lifted up my shirt, and then started kissing(maybe licking??) my chest, and massaging my breasts. He tried to unclip my bra, and I decided to do it for him. Then, he noticed the time and said he had to go. He hugged me once more, and left.

Later that night I told two of my closets friends, and I decided to talk to him because I did not like how quickly the relationship was moving. So, we started talking and I told him that. He said that he wasn't planning on doing that it had ended up doing it anyways. He started talking about how hard the relationship was and how he had gotten more stressed when it had started. Then I told him something about how much I had wanted our relationship to work, and he said that he wasn't as into it as me. I was crying at this point. He asked me what he did wrong while he was fingering me and I explained to him a bit of how he should've kept a steady rhythm and how he should've actually found my clit, and maybe went for my G spot. After that he told me that he wasn't happy with our relationship and that we werent similar, and that I was too quiet (I was quiet bc i was nervous around him) and stuff like that. He said that he was pushed into the relationship. He said that he felt that he should've never gotten into the relationship, and that hurt me a lot because I really, really liked him and wanted to spend more time with him, but not move so quickly. He had said that he had asked me out on impulse, and was only thinking of the physical things (basically wanted to use me). And that our relationship was stupid. Then I asked him what he was going to do (was he gonna break up with me or wait and see if it worked out.) He said " I don't think I can do this anymore". I was crying so hard at this point because I had wanted this relationship for so long, and it turned out that he didn't even care about me. Then he said "in any case, bye, see you tomorrow. This will work itself out." I later learned from a mutual friend that he had broken up with me. I certainly did not think that he did, because his texts were very misleading. I felt so hurt from that and hated him. But I couldn't really hate him because I still liked him. Every time I saw him it hurt me. Then when I asked him if he had actually broken up with me (because he was super unclear and I wanted to check with him) he said yes, and left me by saying "k". He was extremely rude, and took so much from me. If I had dated him longer and not boughten up the fact that we were moving too quickly, I probably would've lost my virginity to him.

I know this isn't exactly a blowjob story, but I am still pissed about that and wanted to tell someone.

#highschool   #fingering   #hatred   #breakup  

When my little sister in law was 16 (im married to one of her elder sister now), she used to stay home after playing games or watching tv till late. Then she will sleep in our bed with my wife in between.
She is really cute, sexy and is certainly one of the most gorgeous girl and now woman i know. She is 23 now. I have always and still fantasize about her a lot.
I usually sleep later than them and on one night when i came into the bed i saw her sleeping. It was one of these hot summer nights and she was wearing a small top and short.
That night i could see her with her long beautiful legs and i couldnt resist to touch her legs and her ass in the dark.
Things got escalated and even if i was scared to death, i felt her pussy over her shorts. Then i pulled her shorts and panties a bit down so i could access her pussy more. I was terrified but yet so excited.
I touched her pussy and clit. It was so soft and i put a bit of saliva on my fingers and rub her softly. I could feel she was getting wetter from me touching her clut and pussy entrance. And when i slightly pressed my finger into the pussy entrance my finger went through. My whole finger was inside her but i didnt move it. My wife was next to her and i was scared she woke up.
I took out my cock and masturbated while keeping my finger inside her. I came hard trying not to breathe too heavily. Then i tasted her pussy. It was so sweet. I wished she woke up and wanted more.
Yesterday i read a confession on this website posted a few years ago and the story looks so much alike from her end. Is it her? If yes she knew everything and she said she like me and find me handsome and like what i did to me.
What should i do? I want more from her. I like her a lot still.

#fingering   #sleep  

I had a sexual relationship with my team leader at office. he said he likes to finger woman. I let him do that. Most of the time we have sex, he fingers me and the actual penetration would be only for five minutes after which he cums. I was okay with his way of sex. I never complained. But, one weekend when we met, he said he was going to finger me more that day. I wondered what he wants to do with me. That day he freaked me out. He kept fingering me for an half an hour. I went crazy. I had multiple orgasms. Collapsed in the bed, but he kept doing that. I begged him to stop that, but in vain. He looked like he was not getting enough. I had no idea how many times I have had orgasms that day. Finally he enters me after what felt like an eternity and cums in five minutes.

I was afraid at his extremity of desire to finger women. I broke up with him for that reason after that day.

#sex   #fingering   #breakup   #relationship  

When I was 14, my boyfriend at the time and I had been going out for about 4 months. We went to the movie theatre to see a movie and sat in the back. It was winter so we both had our big heavy coats in our laps. About halfway through the movie, I felt his hand on my thigh. I wasn't surprised by this so I just didn't react. A few minutes later, though, I felt his hand moving up towards my crotch. I was getting kinda nervous but also turned on so I let him keep going. He slipped his hand into my pants and rested it on top of my pussy through my underwear. I was really wanting it. He just left his hand there lightly pressing against my clit. I was practically dying for his fingers inside me so I shoved my own hand down his pants and started stroking his cock. I was surprised by how big it was lol but he took that as a cue to start fingering me. He slid his hand under my underwear and started rubbing me. He wasn't rubbing right where I like it, but it was dark and he'd never fingered anyone before (and it felt fucking good and hot) so I just kept jerking him. We pleasures eachother for the rest of the movie. Neither of us orgasmed, but we both had lots of fun. I have no idea what happened during the rest of the movie lol.

Every time he came over or I went over to his house after that though his hands went into my pants and he got steadily better. He even gave me oral for a few minutes once. Sadly we broke up before we could do anything else :(

#fingering   #teen   #boyfriend  

I am 14 and a girl. My friend Ashley and me always hang out together and one day we did something that we shouldn't of been ashamed about but yet we weren't. We were in my basement and watching a movie. She rested her head my boob (I wasn't wearing a bra). I acted like I didn't notice until she looked at me kissed me (no tongue yet) and squeezed my boob. I didn't know what to say, I've never been with a girl and neither has she. She took of my shirt and started sucking on my tits. I moaned alittle bit (no one was home). Then she unzipped my jean shorts and rubbed my pussy over my underwear. I got wet and she could definitely tell so she started eating me out. Finally, I took of her shirt and shorts. She started kissing me and this time hard her tongue went as far back as she could and it made me so fucking horny. She took of my underwear ever so slowly and really started to rub and all of a sudden her finger slipped in. It felt so good and i couldn't help but do it back. This was one of the sexiest moment and we still do that to this day.

#lesbian   #fingering  

When I was still with my ex, we never had time alone because everyone seems to always be home. So every little chance we get, we would be all up on each other.

One night, my sister and her boyfriend was taking him home (at the time, both of us doesn't drive yet). My sister has these big fluffy pillows that she keeps in the backseat of her car for decorations. I would put the pillow of my lap so that he could sneak his hand under and fingered me. I always made sure to wear shorts so that he would have easy access to my pussy. it really turned me on that we were doing this right behind their backs! And the pillow was big enough that I could spread my legs and they wouldn't even know.

So as they are arguing about something, he is fingering me under the pillow and it felt so good!! I remember trying not to moan. Sometimes, if I was brave enough, I would pretend to hug the other pillow so that he could touch my breast without them seeing. So one hand would be fingering me and the other would be squeezing my tits.

Although we are not together anymore, I still get horny whenever I think back about all the crazy things we did together.

#fingering   #pillows   #backseat  

When I was younger I was a regular at the county fair. I hung out with a group of friends that got a little wild. There was a camping tent set up in the back of the fair. My friends and I would pick up random guys and make out with them in the tent. I am embarrassed about it even today as I am a very conservative wife. It was a competition to see who could get further. Lots of kissing, fingers, dry humping, not sure if anyone made it all the way ...

#tent   #fingering   #kissing  

My gf is a squirter, and she loves to cum all over me when I eat her out. That's the way she likes me, soaked in her sweet pussy juices.
After we're done she won't let me take a shower or brush my teeth so that she can smell her all over me when we're out, and she loves to taste herself on my lips when we kiss. It gets her so horny that she can't wait to get home and squirt for me all over again.
One time we were out with her best friend. Her friend complimented me on how I smelled. That instantly turned on my gf, she squeezed my arm so hard I couldn't feel my hand. Next thing I know we're in the bathroom with my fingers deep inside her, and her squirting all over the floor.
She's a dirty little minx and I love it.

#sex   #squirt   #public   #fingering  

Im 19 now and when i was only 16years old, my brother in law (married to my elder sister) came into my room thinking i was asleep. it was all dark and i could feel his hands all over my body. i was wearing only a small top, mini short and panties that night. and of course i was still a virgin with no sexual experience at all. he started feeling me over my short before he pulled it down and rub my inside legs over my panties. i was scared but at the same time and for the first time i was getting hot and wet in between in legs. i could feel that he was scared too but this didnt prevented him from pushing my panties aside and rubbing my bare pussy. he was caressing my clit for a few minutes before he inserted one of his fingers deep into my wet pussy. it didnt hurt at all and even if he was too scared to move his fingers to wake me up, it felt so good. i didnt even think he was my brother in law at that time... all i knew was hes handsome and i like him a lot. he let his finger inside of me and was masturbating. i could tell by his breathing that he cum. he then left and it never happened again. i wished there was more. i wish he came back,
since i keep appearing in front of him in sexy clothes to tempt him and yesterday i was wearing a dress and no panties and made sure he had a glimpse of my pussy in my another sister birthday. i am so bitchy.

#fingering   #sleep  

This is a rather long confession. I'm 13 years old and I love to touch myself. I often touch myself before I get in the shower. I lay down on the floor fully naked and rub my clit till I cum. I developed faster then most. My ass is bigger than a basketball, my waist is small, hips wide, and breast a good size. I started when I was younger and I would lay on my couch and rub my clit until I orgasmed. I didn't have any cum come out at the time it just felt really good. I stopped for 2 years then began to go at it for hours everyday. Then I stopped again. I recently started doing it again. I even went on this site called kikboys or something of that nature. I was talking to grown men and women. I don't think I'm a lesbian but I sometimes get turned by lesbians eating each other out and trading nudes with other girls. I touch myself a lot actually. I've touched my self for 6 days in a row and multiple times at that. I joined kik boys or Saturday. I felt like shit and stopped because I have a boyfriend. He has no clue that I'm like that. I find these confessions totally sexy. I get soaked. It makes me want to try new things. I used a massage thing yesterday but I had on some shorts, so the orgasm wasn't that amazing. I've also heard about edging. I've tried it but when I get so close I can't stop. I need to feel it. An orgasm is so good. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I love fingering my tight soaking wet pussy till I can't take it anymore. Please forgive me...

#masterbation   #fingering   #orgasm  

I'm 15 f and recently my family and I travelled to see some old friends. They have a son my age, let's call him R. It'd been a year since I had last seen him and since then he'd grown and was now taller than me. He wasn't particularly attractive but I was bored and horny. I had been flirting with him all day and we just confessed to each other that we both enjoy smoking pot and drinking. He asked me to sneak out tonight and meet him as he had several drinks. I agreed. He snuck into my room and we started drinking. I'm a lightweight and an incredibly affectionate drunk. Soon I was cuddling him, touching his hair. I made any excuse to be near his crouch so I could feel his hard on. It was nearing 5am in the morning and we were incredibly wasted. We decided to jump into my bed for a cuddle. At this point I turn to him and ask if he's ever kissed a girl. He replies with a no and I say would he like to. We start passionately making out and his hands roam all over me. Soon my shirt is off and he's pulled my pants down and he's eating me out and fingering me. It was an amazing experience and I don't feel guilty at all. We're just two teens messing around

#fingering   #drunk   #sex  

When I was about six my friends would take me out to an old car that they didn’t use and we would go in the boot of the car and we would rub up against each other and would finger and go down go each other I wasn’t sure what was going on at the time but I remember all the things they would do to me and all the bad things we did to each other.

#fingering   #masturbation   #goingdown  

When my girlfriend leave I go into the hamper and put on a pair of her dirty panties and bend over her bed and finger my asshole for gay men who cum to me and it makes me so horny.

#gay   #panties   #fingering  

Pray and roll the dice for #fingering

Confessions by

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