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Therapy Confessions

Read the best #therapy confession stories

So sometimes i get really angry at my sister recently i pushed her kind of hard into a wall and the next day she literally told me how when i was ‘trying to cool myself down’ and ‘taking deep breaths’ that i was doing good bc she thinks i’m talking about my “anger issues” with my therapist and she thinks that those are things i’m fucking working on and i get it who th is she to assume what’s going on between me n my therapist and she’s such a bitch for saying i have anger issues and i don’t like that why tf does she thrill she can talk about my feelings with me ew.

#anger   #therapy   #sibling   #sister  

I want to be a therapist. I want to help anyone on here who needs someone to talk to.

#help   #therapist   #therapy   #dark  

I work as a relation therapist. More and more I see that ı lost too much by not talkıng about sex related things with my patients. I had a whatsapp sexting session with my patients and had sex with one of them and it was the best ı had in years. Since I knew about them by all means it was very easy for me to hit the 12.

#therapy   #sexting  

This is going to be a long one

Currently rn im 12 and when it was 2020 nov 11 my dad passed away and ofci was devastated im still not over it but fast forward to the end of May I had to move in with my bsf and like after a month of living with her I started cutting bcs of how sad I was and bcs of how much I wanted to kms I just couldn't bring my self to do it bcs I was scared for some reason but when I told her abt my cutting she responded with "really damm bro SAME I DO IT TOO!" And she nly had like to tiny cuts on her arm but I had asked her why she did it and she said "idek why I do it im not even sad" I was mad, sad
I was thinking how could my own "bsf" do that. My mom at the time compared me to my bsf bcs she dressed more girly than me that really broke my heart bcs my own mother told me that to my face and she even calls me fat, useless, idiot, etc. We ended up moving on June and I was still cutting my self that whole time. When it was around the 5 of July my bsf had came over my new house she had stayed 4 days one of those 4 days my mom and I got into a huge argument and she called me all types of bad names and u cried and cried alot and ended up cutting really bad and they were all pretty deep and both my sister found out abt it (my cutting) and my big sis took away my razor. Okay so my siblings have a counselor she's been with is for 4 years now and yesterday (August 1st) she came over to my house and she took me to get school supplies (it was only me and her) and we also got McDonald's after we were done eating in her car I was ded up telling her abt my cutting and scuicide thoughts and she told me that I need therapy, now she has to talk to my mom abt it and im scared of how my mom is gona react and what she's gonna think abt my cutting.

#mom   #cutting   #therapy  

Pray and roll the dice for #therapy

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