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Hear Confessions

Read the best #hear confession stories

I always feel sympathy for boys and end up being with them because I feel sorry for them. Instead of because I like them. They end up cheating on me and I end up being heartbroken and sad.

There is this man I meet regularly in the park when I am walking my dogs and we started talking a few months ago. He also has two small dogs (I do not know the breed) and we let our dogs play together. It is really nice, we talk a lot about everything, he has the same humour as me and he is very attractive. I am always looking forward to going to the park in hopes that I meet him. And then it happened, I couldn't believe it. He kissed me one day. Out of the blue.. while we were laughing about something (I can't remember now what it was) and the moment was just perfect...

The thing is... I am single, but he is married!!!!
He never mentioned her to me, never muttered a word about her! And he is never wearing a ring (I've checked). She came by the park when our dogs had a "play date" to bring him is phone (because he forgot it at home). That's how I found out. That was after the kiss, I think like a week later...

We never talked about the kiss since then and I don't know what to do.. I actually thought I was going to fall in love with hime before I knew he was married. Now I am heartbroken and I don't know if I should tell her?

#crush   #dogs   #kiss   #married   #wife   #heartbroken   #confession  

I just lured our cat which lived over 10 years with us, into the car and left her somewhere in the woods. I know it sounds cruel but she just bothered us anymore with all the hair she lost and she only wanted to be fed with human food.
I know that's not an excuse for being such a heartless person but we just didn't have another way out.
Please god, forive us.

#cat   #woods   #car   #bother   #food   #excuse   #heartless   #forgiveness   #god  

I killed my hamster when I was 14. I got a drum set for christmas and me and some friends wanted to start a band. One day, my parents were at work and my friends came over to our first band rehearsal. After a while, we tought it would be a funny idea to find out what would happen if we put the hamster into one of the drums. We did and I played some tones on it. We heard him squeaking and trembling but we tought it was great fun.
After another short play, I got him out. He was already dead - heart attack or something.

I am very sorry. I confess that I was a stupid young teenager.

#hamster   #drums   #funny   #teenager   #confession   #panic   #heart   #sin  

I am in a relationship with this guy who's from a different religion.. we're in love and our families are definitely not gonna accept this. Both of us have set our priorities, and our families come above everything. So, we've decided to split in a few years peacefully, to marry someone our families choose for us, for their sake. The thing that bothers is that I've never loved a guy before him, and am not quite sure of how to move on after this or whether i will be able to at all. I just don't know anything at all now and it's scary.

#love   #relationship   #religion   #family   #heartbroken  

I think I am going to break up with my girlfriend. She got her hair cut short and I do not like it. It just looks terrible.
I do not want to sound superficial but now she really looks ugly.

#hair   #short   #confess   #heartless   #breakup   #superficial  

I confess that I don't like my children as much as I should. I just can't be interested in the stuff they make or in the things they love.
I have a 15 years old son and a 11 years old daughter.
I always question their behaviour and the things they like, I don't get most of it.
Sometimes (and please don't hate me) I just think how stupid they are and I wish I don't have children.

#children   #heartless   #son   #daughter   #behaviour   #secret  

What could be worse than losing the love of your life?
I can tell you: Losing not only the love of your life but also all of your money, even your car.

But it's not what you think. I didn't get hurt. I was the once causing it.

I tricked a woman into thinking I was in love with her. She believed it. It was a turbulent romance with a lot of sex, many drugs and fightings.
I slept at her place because I don't have an own apartment and she even paid some of my bills!
She loved me, no she ADORED me, I can feel it. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? But she was such a pain in the ass, she always wanted to cuddle and go to a nice restaurant and do couple stuff I guess. It was terrible!

So I dumped her.
Took her checkbook and her car when she was at work and drove off.
She hasn't heard from me since and she won't... ever.

I don't regret anything.

#heartless   #romance  

I am still very devoted to my ex boyfriend.... We don't see each other anymore but I don't want to lose contact to him.... The last time I saw him was in March and he doesn't answer me in Facebook... If he only knew how I feel about him... He took a part of my heart with him....

#boyfriend   #ex   #love   #contact   #facebook   #heart   #desperate  

I still have contact to my ex boyfriend... It's not really my ex BOYFRIEND... we had some kind of friends with benefits relationship and it didn't take long until I fell in love with him or crushed on him quite hard... he didn't return the feelings and that almost destroyed me but I couldn't stop seeing him. I lied to him and said that I also only want the sex and the friendship, nothing more...
After a while we saw each other less and less which was terrible because I wanted to see him every day... He started to become more distant and then I found out that he met someone else and tried to woo her.
At the beginning he didn't even tell me about it and just told me new excuses why we couldn't meet.
I was so heartbroken... And I told my best friend about it. She said I need to block him, ghost him and never talk to him again. But I was just so infatuated and I didn't wanna lose him.
Then I met my now boyfriend and the situation got easier. I wasn't that heartbroken anymore and we still texted from time to time.
I am still jealous when I think about him and his new girlfriend, but it's not like I want him more than my boyfriend.
I couldn't tell my best friend that I am still in contact with him. She already thinks I am stupid for keeping up with him for so long... so now I am keeping it a secret that I still text and maybe meet up with him some time.
I just want to be friends with him again. Not anything sexual. I love my boyfriend but I also do not want to lose my friend...

#liar   #boyfriend   #sex   #friends   #friendswithbenefits   #love   #crush   #heartbroken   #lie   #bestfriend  

my report card came out a month ago and my dad is still mad at me. he emotionally abuses me by calling me names and insults. i’m 16. the fact that i am scared of him, scared to explain myself is frustrating me. i got 2As, 3Bs, and 3Cs. my school’s grade boundaries go down to a U. i thought i did pretty well until my dad screamed at me about it; how i was a “lazy bitch” and how i “don’t deserve anything.” until this day he still says that i am useless and scolds me. last night, he told my mom that he was sending me to public school and that that was that. i was devastated. this is my last year. i can’t just be pulled out and put into a school with a different system. he isn’t giving me a chance. he doesn’t trust me. that breaks my heart that no one in my house trusts that if given this last chance, i can get better grades. i hate to be constantly screamed at and insulted at. i hate that my dad screams at me for every single small mistake i do. my dad never lets me turn the ac at night. last night i was sleeping with my grandparents and they had told me that they wanted the ac turned on. so i did. this morning my dad had lashed out at me for wasting electricity by turning it on. my mom came in defense of me and explained that my grandparents had wanted it turned on. he stormed off and left. i want to run away. i’m 16 and there’s a certain extent to how much i can sustain myself. what do i do?

#abuse   #dysfunctional   #heartbreak  

I've never confessed this to anyone; but it hurt me when he spoke about him. If he had asked, if he had meant it, I think I might have dropped everything right there to be with him. My friends treated me like a junkie, and I can't even fault them. I lied so much, while all I could think about was. Something. Him. It feels like everything has changed, and I don't know how to feel about it. Is it really possible to get over someone if you still love them? If so, how?

#heartbreak   #love   #relationship   #problems   #lying   #addiction  

I think I'd like to hurt someone. Not like hurting someone physically, but more emotionally. I want to break someone's heart.
I've been heartbroken so many times already. I've cried so many times for people that I loved, but they did not love me back.
I also want someone to cry because of me because they think I am the ideal one.

#hurt   #love   #heartbreak   #heartbroken   #sin   #confession  

I'm almost deaf, so I hear very badly but I don't want anyone to know because they would certainly treat me different and I don't want to be treated like a disabled person. Not even my parents know whats going on.

#deaf   #hear   #ears   #disabled   #person   #confession   #lie  

I am not sure I love my girlfriend anymore. Or if I even loved here in the first place.
I met her when I was in a rather shitty place mentally. I was still in love with my "fuck buddy", but she did not love me and started a relationship with someone else. That hurt. Like deeply.
So, I got together with this chick and she's really wonderful. Sweet, considerate, funny... But I can't get over my "ex". She's in my head 24/7.
We sporadically still text with each other and she always says that she wants to stay friends, but I don't think that I will ever see her again. And that destroys me.
And I am still with this other girl, who sould be THE ONE for me... but she isn't. And I am annoyed when I am around her, I am angry, I am heartbroken... But I can't tell her all those things. We stopped having sex and I think that is my fault.
I don't know what to do. Should I stay with this girl? I am not sure that I truly love her or if I am just with her because my "ex" does not want me?!

I am torn.

#love   #confused   #heartbroken   #whattodo   #fuck  

It’s not a confess but I want some help. I’m a 19 year-old Middle Eastern girl who loves a 27 year-old Brazilian guy whom I met online in December 2018. He travels a lot and he sometimes talks about traveling to my country and meet me. I love him as I mentioned above but he never mentioned that he loves me or not he just told me twice that he “admires me” and told me once that he doesn’t feel the age gap between us, nothing more. The problem is that I understand that we are so different to be together, for example I follow a religion while he doesn’t and the cultural differences of course. What should I do with this love?

#sadism   #heartless   #stupidy   #love  

On the 8th of April 2015 I confessed to a girl who seemed to have no interest whatsoever in me. We got closer and closer as the days passed. Two weeks from the confession day, she asked me out on a date (25th April). We went for a movie date. That was my first and my last date with her. We held hands throughout the movie. We weren't even officially together when we went on that date. On the night of 10th May 2015, she asked me to officially be her girlfriend. I was over cloud 9. My happiest moment. We were like the happiest couple but I don't know why she started ignoring me. Exactly on her birthday was our one month as a couple. Things weren't roses between us but I still loved her. The ignoring got worse after her birthday. For 2 weeks I felt like poop. Being ignored by the person I loved the most. I decided to break it off with her considering the fact that she didn't seem to have interest in me anymore. She agreed which shattered my heart into pieces because what's lost will never return.
I cried like a baby that night. 45 days with her. It's not that long but every memory just makes me smile. It's been 2 months since the break up and now she treats me like a stranger. It hurts.

#heartbroken   #breakup   #hurts   #lesbian  

Sometimes I just want to drop everything and leave without telling anyone and start over. Fuck it. I won't be missed anyway. Just leave everything behind.

Hey those who are reading this I want to confess that I am so bad i have mad my sister cry my mom told me that she is died for me and my family don’t want to be as a part..they don’t want to enjoy my milestone as I have succeeded 3k followers on my food blog page I want to die💔I don’t have any best friend or friend to whom I can talk I am alone

#deppressed   #heart   #broken  

I'd cut with a razor blade I got from tech class. I took it home, I cut in my ankle. It did this 6-7 times. One time when I was visiting my mom, (she had known about my depression). I was crying. I was saying I wasn't a good person which I still think I'm not. That's when she noticed the cuts. I was in a fetal position. My scars were completely noticeable at that time and I was wearing flip-flops. My mom wants me on medication, but I've seen what that's done to people. So when I was leaving my mom to go back to my dad, she told me I was faking depression for attention. In the car she told me I was trying to show her my scars, faking my anxiety attacks sometimes panic attacks and my depression all together,

#depression   #cutting   #unheard  

Pray and roll the dice for #hear

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