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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #never

Enjoy every moment: you never know when things might change.

Natalie Imbruglia

#enjoy #every #know #might #moment

I never had the exposure to techniques and so forth that children have today with art workshops, but I always had crayons and pencils and still have work going right back to when I was five or six years old.

Robert Indiana

#art #back #children #crayons #exposure

I always worked in institutions, I never had a restaurant of my own before, but I have opened over 30 hotels, restaurants and casinos. I understand what it takes to keep them running.

Robert Irvine

#before #casinos #had #hotels #i

I just never subscribed to the theory that at age 55, you fall off the face of the earth on the Tour. I always felt that was too young of an age for that.

Hale Irwin

#always #earth #face #fall #felt

I made a lot of mistakes out of the ring, but I never made any in it.

Jack Johnson

#i #lot #made #mistakes #never

My kids are not that interested in my movie career, by the way. My son, in particular, never talks about it. He just wants me as his dad.

Hugh Jackman

#career #dad #his #interested #just

I did 125 films, and over 100 television shows, and you've never seen the same character twice.

Brion James

#did #films #i #never #over

We really never know what we're gonna play when we get on stage.

Keith Jarrett

#gonna #know #never #play #really

If it hadn't been for the rise of the working woman's wardrobe, I never would have found the time to sneak a kid in.

Betsey Johnson

#found #hadn #i #kid #never

Amsterdam was a great surprise to me. I had always thought of Venice as the city of canals; it had never entered my mind that I should find similar conditions in a Dutch town.

James Weldon Johnson

#amsterdam #canals #city #conditions #dutch

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