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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #oath

It is foolish to tear one’s hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

#fear-and-loathing #grief #inspirational #sorrow #inspirational

I've bespelled this locket, for you; my own, my mate. The day has come when death forced us to part. You must know that I for you, forever, I shall wait. So until we meet again I hold your love safely within my heart. Remember, your oath was to temper strength with mercy. No matter how long apart we shall be, I hold you to that oath eternally... eternally...

P.C. Cast

#dragon-s-oath #house-of-night #death

Haters are those, that never were given any chances, that blew their chances, or that never took the chance.

Anthony Liccione

#covet #despise #detest #dislike #envy

I think Michael Moore is loathsome, though, not because he dislikes Bush, but because he seems to dislike America.

Tucker Carlson

#because #bush #dislike #dislikes #i

As I become a part of you, you become a part of me. I will be honest, good, and true. I heed your Call. 'Tis you I seek. From this moment on, there is no other for me but you.

Shayla Black

#love #mate #oath #love

One thing, though," Qhuinn murmured. "What?" The voice that came out his throat was unlike anything he'd ever heard from himself before. "If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun." Blay's laughter rumbled around the tiled walls. "Of course you will--" "I'm dead fucking serious." Blay's blue eyes shot over his shoulder. "If there are any who dare to hurt you," Qhuinn growled in the Old Language, "I shall see them staked afore me and shall leave their bodies in ruin.

J.R. Ward

#blaylock #heartbreak #oath #qhuinn #revenge

When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves.

Chuck Palahniuk

#self-loathing #self

Why does shame and self-loathing become cruelty to the innocent ?

Anne Rice

#shame #cruelty

Finish-the-fucking-story". "Music!

Johny Depp Benicio Del Toro


To one's enemies: "I hate myself more than you ever could.

Alain de Botton

#twitter #twitter

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