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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pattern

After realizing that we would eventually be able to build molecular machines that could arrange atoms to form virtually any pattern that we wanted, I saw that an awful lot of consequences followed from that.

K. Eric Drexler

#after #any #arrange #atoms #awful

Math is sometimes called the science of patterns.

Ronald Graham

#math #patterns #science #sometimes

Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns, controlling patterns in time and space.

Ronald Graham

#called #controlling #juggling #patterns #sometimes

I play patterns. I'll make up a pattern and just play it.

Richard Manuel

#just #make #make up #pattern #patterns

I have patterned myself after my father and God.

Adam Petty

#father #god #i #myself #patterned

A key ingredient to achieving your goals is to make sure your goals are totally congruent with who you are as a person. Your head and hearts desire must match. It's such an important step in goal achievement and if we miss it, we can end up travelling a long way down the wrong path!

Rachael Bermingham

#goals-in-life #inspirational-quotes #life-pattern #motivational-quotes #inspirational

There's a pattern when tours start - a pattern of infighting, of making up, of breaking up, of addiction. There's a pattern of going to jail. There's a pattern of passion for music.

Nikki Sixx

#breaking #breaking up #going #jail #making

Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.

Alfred North Whitehead

#art #enjoyment #experience #imposing #our

When the wave, equally suddenly, retreated, it left a void which resembled that of the morning, yet had a character of its own, because though the pattern was repeated it was in reverse order: the scattered schoolchildren who passed my window now were on their way home and there was something unrestrained and boisterous about them, whereas when they had walked past on their way to school in the morning they still bore the silent imprint of sleep and the innate wariness we feel toward things that have not yet begun.

Karl Ove Knausgård

#impressions #patterns #equality

Man has one name, and many more than two natures. But the essential two are these: that he shall strive to impose order on chaos, and that he shall strive to take advantage of chaos… A third element of man’s nature is this: that he shall not understand what he is doing.

John Brunner

#human-nature #order #pattern #understanding #nature

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