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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pov

And sometimes people don't realize that 90 percent of the persistent poverty counties are located in rural America.

Tom Vilsack

#counties #located #people #percent #persistent

If we as a nation are to break the cycle of poverty, crime and the growing underclass of young people ill equipped to be productive citizens, we need to not only implement effective programs to prevent teen pregnancy, but we must also help those who have already given birth so that they become effective, nurturing, bonding parents.

Jane Fonda

#also #become #birth #bonding #break

Think about it: Reducing crime and poverty and ensuring that we have an educated, stable work force has a direct effect on you and me and the future of our country.

Jane Fonda

#country #crime #direct #educated #effect

Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is wrong as a cure for poverty.

Henry Ford

#capital punishment #charity #crime #cure #fundamentally

Anyone who thinks it's smart to cut immigration is sentencing Australia to poverty.

Malcolm Turnbull

#australia #cut #immigration #poverty #sentencing

Although they are some of the hardest working folks I know, rural Americans earn, on average, $11,000 less than their urban counterparts each year. And they are more likely to live in poverty.

Tom Vilsack

#average #counterparts #each #earn #folks

You almost have to create situations in order to write about them, so I live in a constant state of self-imposed poverty. I don't want to live any other way.

Tom Waits

#almost #any #constant #constant state #create

The media seems to think only abortion and gay marriage are religious issues. Poverty is a moral issue, it's a faith issue, it's a religious issue.

Jim Wallis

#faith #gay #gay marriage #issue #issues

We cannot ignore the disparity in resources that continue to plague many of our school systems, especially those serving predominantly inner-city minority and impoverished children.

Diane Watson

#children #continue #disparity #especially #ignore

The reason we have poverty is that we have no imagination. There are a great many people accumulating what they think is vast wealth, but it's only money... they don't know how to enjoy it, because they have no imagination.

Alan Watts

#enjoy #great #how #imagination #know

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