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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #richard

I think there's a suspicion in the South of people putting on airs. You see it in most successful Southern politicians, but you also see it in someone like Richard Petty, who may be a multimillionaire stock car driver, but he's also beloved because he has a nice self-deprecatory way about him.

John Shelton Reed

#airs #also #because #beloved #car

Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would the other.

Stephen Richards

#stephen-richards #anger

When others walk away from a lost cause, then that is the time you can step in and seize success.

Stephen Richards

#cosmic-ordering #law-of-attraction #mind-body-spirit #mind-power #money

Whatever belief we have actually stems from the thankfulness that we feel and this feeling further attracts more happy feelings towards us.

Stephen Richards

#mind-body-spirit #mind-power #money #motivational #new-age

Failures can be called ‘strengtheners’ as they make you determined to reach your goal with the lessons they teach.

Stephen Richards

#mind-body-spirit #mind-power #money #motivational #new-age

The beautiful unruliness of literature is what makes it so much fun to wander through: you read Jane Austen and you say, oh, that is IT. And then you turn around and read Sterne, and you say, Man, that is IT. And then you wander across a century or so, and you run into Kafka, or Calvino, or Cortazar, and you say, well that is IT. And then you stroll through what Updike called the grottos of Ulysses, and after that you consort with Baldwin or Welty or Spencer, or Morrison, or Bellow or Fitzgerald and then back to W. Shakespeare, Esq; the champ, and all the time you feel the excitement of being in the presence of IT. And when you yourself spend the good time writing, you are not different in kind than any of these people, you are part of that miracle of human invention. So get to work. Get on with IT, no matter how difficult IT is. Every single gesture, every single stumble, every single uninspired-feeling hour, is worth IT." Richard Bausch

Kathy Fish

#writing-advice #beauty

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