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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #universiti

I worry when athletes are simply used by their universities to produce revenue, to make money for them, nothing to show at the back end. I grew up with a lot of players who had very, very tough lives after the ball started bouncing for them. And that's why I'm going to continue to fight.

Arne Duncan

#athletes #back #ball #bouncing #continue

One can't write without having read - you have to read before beginning to write - and universities offer a very good opportunity to read.

Nathalie Sarraute

#beginning #good #good opportunity #having #offer

Education, in K-12, technical college and universities needs to be a top priority in Wisconsin.

Tom Barrett

#education #k-12 #needs #priority #technical

Everybody around the world wants to send their kids to our universities. But nobody wants to send their kids here to public school.

Walter Annenberg

#everybody #here #kids #nobody #our

The chief role of the universities is to prolong adolescence into middle age, at which point early retirement ensures that we lack the means or the will to enforce significant change.

J. G. Ballard

#age #change #chief #early #enforce

I hope the story of 2011 is that America gets its mojo back. You've got to remember that America has the best universities; it's got some of the best businesses. It's got an unbelievable work ethic, rule of law. The story of 2011 will be America blossoming again.

Jamie Dimon

#america #back #best #blossoming #businesses

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe, Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.

Oriana Fallaci

#europe #find #i #nearly #nurture

America has a strategic interest in continuing to welcome international students at our colleges, universities, and high schools. Attracting the world's top scientific scholars helps to keep our economy competitive.

Norm Coleman

#attracting #colleges #competitive #continuing #economy

In discussions around the hiring and firing of Black faculty at universities, the charge is frequently heard that Black women are more easily hired than are Black men.

Audre Lorde

#black #charge #discussions #easily #faculty

The tendency to gather and to breed philosophers in universities does not belong to ages of free and humane reflection: it is scholastic and proper to the Middle Ages and to Germany.

George Santayana

#belong #breed #does #free #gather

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