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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #absolutely

You are absolutely free to describe me as a turtle or something.

Paul Giamatti

#absolutely free #describe #free #me #something

I remember that all of a sudden, the car felt like I couldn't control it. It was absolutely the most horrifying experience. We rolled over, off the freeway. I think there was something wrong with the car.

Tracey Gold

#car #control #experience #felt #freeway

It's absolutely philistine not to recognize what a great book 'An American Dream' is. Norman Mailer is his own worst enemy, and if you don't catch him in a defensive position, he'll admit it. I'd really like to help that man.

Germaine Greer

#admit #american #american dream #book #catch

I have this wonderful personal chef who sources and stocks all my organic produce and I basically live on five smoothies a day. I'm totally vegan. I blend this green concoction with kale, cucumber, broccoli, string beans, avocado. My protein comes from protein powder. There is absolutely no milk, butter, cheese.

Larry Hagman

#basically #beans #blend #broccoli #butter

The Berlin Wall go down, that was the most wonderful thing that could happen, absolutely. I celebrated with everybody in Berlin that day when the Wall was down.

Nana Mouskouri

#berlin #berlin wall #celebrated #could #day

I feel like I'm a stay-at-home mom, which I was for the five years before this. She's absolutely been my focus. That's the choice I made. Desperate Housewives is perfect for me. I get to go back to work and still be able to take my daughter to school and pick her up.

Teri Hatcher

#absolutely #back #been #before #choice

I think he was absolutely right not to go to UN last week... First things first - that is, values and people here in their local communities, and remembering all politics is local, and trusting people more.

Patricia Hewitt

#communities #first #first things #go #here

I was just absolutely exhausted. The media said I've been treated for a nervous breakdown. All that stuff I just took as people taking the opportunity when you're down to give you a kick.

John Hewson

#been #breakdown #down #exhausted #give

But if we begin thinking about the world being over 100 million years old, then it's absolutely by chance that you and I are sitting here alive today, while all the others are dead or have never been born.

Thor Heyerdahl

#absolutely #alive #been #begin #being

Beautiful sentences pop into my head. Beautiful sentences that aren't always absolutely accurate. Then, I have to choose between the beautiful sentence and being absolutely accurate. It can be a difficult choice.

Christopher Hitchens

#accurate #always #beautiful #being #between

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