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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #api

I had accumulated some capital and was at an age at which I was interested in generating income. But even though I was risk averse, I was interested in growth stocks.

James MacArthur

#averse #capital #even #generating #growth

No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation.

Orison Swett Marden

#about #alone #business #cannot #capital

Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor.

Karl Marx

#employed #labor #machines #may #quell

I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department.

Joseph R. McCarthy

#communist #communist party #department #five #hand

What happened after publication of our paper was that, for the next 40 years, people said, all right, we now know the answer to the capital structure question under ideal conditions.

Merton Miller

#answer #capital #conditions #happened #ideal

America is a nation with no truly national city, no Paris, no Rome, no London, no city which is at once the social center, the political capital, and the financial hub.

C. Wright Mills

#capital #center #city #financial #hub

But this is not to say that the society which inflicts capital punishment commits murder.

Benjamin Tucker

#capital punishment #commits #inflicts #murder #punishment

The German experience brings us face to face with the major problem of the revolution in Western Europe. In these countries, the old bourgeois mode of production and the centuries-old civilisation which has developed with it have completely impressed themselves upon the thoughts and feelings of the popular masses. Hence, the mentality and inner character of the masses here is quite different from that in the countries of the East, who have not experienced the rule of bourgeois culture; and this is what distinguishes the different courses that the revolution has taken in the East and the West.

Anton Pannekoek

#culture #hegemony #politics #revolution #experience

If the worker and his boss enjoy the same television program and visit the same resort places, if the typist is as attractively made up as the daughter of her employer, if the Negro owns a Cadillac, if they all read the same newspaper, then this assimilation indicates not the disappearance of classes, but the extent to which the needs and satisfactions that serve the preservation of the Establishment are shared by the underlying population.

Herbert Marcuse

#philosophy #political-science #social-science #science

Once I learned, I went online and ordered every romance novel I could find. They're fairy tales for grown-ups.

Gena Showalter

#fairy-tales #romance-novels #novel

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