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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #assure

The American press has the blues. Too many authorities have assured it that its days are numbered, too many good newspapers are in ruins.

Russell Baker

#assured #authorities #blues #days #good

Assuredly, Loving Souls, you should go to God with all humility and respect, humbling yourselves in His presence, especially when you remember your past ingratitude and sins.

Alphonsus Liguori

#assuredly #especially #go #god #his

If you're sitting in the audience, you probably can't see the preparation and work that goes into creating a great scene or a great part, but I can assure you that a good film depends on lot of different things falling perfectly into place.

Tobey Maguire

#audience #creating #depends #different #different things

I have - I have more than an interesting task in piloting Wales into our new democracy, without wanting to exercise draconian powers on behalf of anybody else - I can assure of that.

Ron Davies

#assure #behalf #democracy #draconian #else

You can either read something many times in order to be assured that you got it all, or else you can define your purpose and use techniques which will assure that you have met it and gotten what you need.

E. F. Schumacher

#assured #define #either #else #got

Well, I have a couple of projects in the pipeline, but I'm taking things slow for now and being choosy about the roles I take up. One thing I can assure you of is that you are going to see a lot of me!

Natasha Henstridge

#assure #being #choosy #couple #going

I think 'tradition' is in the past - and how can someone really 'fear' a color? A man may prefer navy to turquoise, but a self assured man could wear any color and he knows that. It's a distinction of confidence.

Jean Pigozzi

#assured #color #confidence #could #distinction

He hesitated till the last moment, but finally dropped them in the box, saying, "I shall win!"--the cry of a gambler, the cry of the great general, the compulsive cry that has ruined more men than it has ever saved.

Honoré de Balzac

#pride #self-assuredness #truism #men

Businesses should be assured that law enforcement will operate with the utmost sensitivity toward victims of cyber attacks.

Preet Bharara

#attacks #businesses #cyber #enforcement #law

A losing trade, I assure you, sir: literature is a drug.

George Borrow

#i #literature #losing #sir #trade

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