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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #disregard

One sees a blatant disregard for the precious souls of mankind.

Thomas S. Monson

#disregard #mankind #precious #sees #souls

Reference to the territory and total disregard for the nationality of the companies is of course the best guarantee that competition assessment remain just that and doesn't get affected by trade or other considerations.

Mario Monti

#assessment #best #companies #competition #considerations

If you decide to move to another country and to live within its laws you don't express your disregard for the essence of the culture. It's a form of aggression.

V. S. Naipaul

#another #country #culture #decide #disregard

Notwithstanding this high Ecclesiastical authority, he who dared accept truth only because it could be proved, or proved to be good, and disregard authority, was commonly stigmatized as an infidel.

Ethan A. Hitchcock

#authority #because #commonly #could #dared

Obeying instructions I should never dare to disregard, expressing, also, my own firm conviction, I rise in behalf of the State of New York to propose a nomination with which the country and the Republican party can grandly win.

Roscoe Conkling

#behalf #conviction #country #dare #disregard

A two-speed Europe will not be a strong Europe. The idea of making decisions and policies in a narrow circle, disregarding smaller EU members, will make it hard to engage them to commit to a common policy, which will weaken the union.

Georgi Purvanov

#commit #common #decisions #disregarding #engage

We must not, however, be like the leaders of the great romantic revolt who, in their eagerness to get rid of the husk of convention, disregarded also the humane aspiration.

Irving Babbitt

#aspiration #convention #disregarded #eagerness #get

Any theory intended to describe and analyze socio-historical reality cannot restrict itself to the human spirit and disregard the totality of human nature.

Wilhelm Dilthey

#any #cannot #describe #disregard #human

For I am not so enamoured of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them.

Nicolaus Copernicus

#disregard #enamoured #i #i am #may

It is impossible to disregard such an important medium as television. We should know how to use it, learn to work in it and express new values in it.

Tahar Ben Jelloun

#express #how #important #impossible #know

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