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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #emissions

Factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to the most serious environmental problems. The meat industry causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, planes and ships in the world.

Joan Jett

#cars #causes #contributors #emissions #environmental

Nuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy.

Michael Burgess

#economy #electricity #emissions #energy #environmentally

I think the Caribbean countries face rising oceans and they face increase in the severity of hurricanes. This is something that is very, very scary to all of us. The island states in the world represent - I remember this number - one-half of 1 percent of the carbon emissions in the world. And they will - some of them will disappear.

Steven Chu

#caribbean #countries #disappear #emissions #face

You know, if you're Guy Kawasaki and you create a car that gets 500 miles a gallon with zero emissions, people on the Internet would say: 'I could have done that in half an hour, and it's been done before. What's the big deal? I expected something more from him.' Meanwhile, they didn't do it, right? They're still living at home with their mothers.

Guy Kawasaki

#before #big #big deal #car #could

Senator Hillary Clinton is attacking President Bush for breaking his campaign promise to cut carbon dioxide emissions, saying a promise made, a promise broken. And then out of habit, she demanded that Bush spend the night on the couch.

Craig Kilborn

#breaking #broken #bush #campaign #carbon

There is no question that global warming will have a significant impact on already existing problems such as malaria, malnutrition, and water shortages. But this doesn't mean the best way to solve them is to cut carbon emissions.

Bjorn Lomborg

#best #best way #carbon #cut #emissions

The pace of global warming is accelerating and the scale of the impact is devastating. The time for action is limited - we are approaching a tipping point beyond which the opportunity to reverse the damage of CO2 emissions will disappear.

Eliot Spitzer

#approaching #beyond #co2 #damage #devastating

Cuts in carbon emissions would mean significantly higher electricity prices. We think the American consumer would prefer not to be skinned by Obama's EPA.

Fred Upton

#american consumer #carbon #consumer #cuts #electricity

If we keep pulling death from the ground, we will reap death from the skies.

Van Jones

#environment #fossil-fuels #death

Without international participation, jobs and emissions will simply shift overseas to countries that require few, if any, environmental protections, harming the global environment as well as the U.S. economy.

Fred Upton

#countries #economy #emissions #environment #environmental

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