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#equal rights

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #equal rights

The woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not.

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

#does #equal #equal rights #intelligent #men

The embattled gates to equal rights indeed opened up for modern women, but I sometimes think to myself; that is not what I meant by freedom, it is only social progress.

Helene Deutsch

#equal rights #freedom #gates #i #indeed

In every commercial state, notwithstanding any pretension to equal rights, the exaltation of a few must depress the many.

Adam Ferguson

#commercial #depress #equal #equal rights #every

Since the ousting and capture of Saddam Hussein by U.S. forces, civil rights and personal freedoms have been restored in Iraq, as well as equal rights to all, not just to Saddam's entourage of terrorists.

Jim Gerlach

#capture #civil #civil rights #entourage #equal

We all fight over what the label 'feminism' means but for me it's about empowerment. It's not about being more powerful than men - it's about having equal rights with protection, support, justice. It's about very basic things. It's not a badge like a fashion item.

Annie Lennox

#badge #basic #basic things #being #empowerment

International socialism recognizes the right of free independent nations, with equal rights.

Karl Liebknecht

#equal rights #free #independent #international #nations

Humanistic values of equality and equal rights for all nations and individuals as crystallized in the principles of the United Nations Charter are mankind's great achievements in the 20th century.

Tran Duc Luong

#achievements #all nations #century #charter #crystallized

Well, my view before was a Western view, and I certainly understand marriage equality and civil rights, equal rights for all, but having visited developing nations and some of the poorest nations in the world, I realize how deep it goes and how much work really needs to be done to create equality for all.

Jason Mraz

#certainly #civil #civil rights #create #deep

You know who is against democracy in the Middle East? The husbands. They got used to their way of life. Now, the traditional way of life must change. Everybody must change. If you don't give equal rights to women, you can't progress.

Shimon Peres

#change #democracy #east #equal #equal rights

The pure connecting factor is that those of us who describe ourselves as feminists want equal rights for all people.

Betty Buckley

#describe #equal #equal rights #factor #feminists

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