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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #evidence

These mysteries about how we evolved should not distract us from the indisputable fact that we did evolve.

Jerry A. Coyne

#conclusion-before-evidence #confessions-of-the-darwinists #conjecture #darwin #darwinism

It is not so much that I have confidence in scientists being right, but that I have so much in nonscientists being wrong.

Isaac Asimov

#evidence #science #science

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes, whether conceptualize as a transcendent being, as an eternal, unchanging principle such as soul, or as a fundamental substratum of reality. ... In the Buddhist investigation of reality, at least in principle, empirical evidence should triumph over scriptural authority, no matter how deeply venerated a scripture may be. ~ 14th Dalai Lama in his talk to the Society for Neuroscience in 2005 in Washington.

Dalai Lama XIV

#evidence #science #scripture #science

Pain is life - the sharper, the more evidence of life.

Charles Lamb

#life #more #pain #sharper

People sometimes say that you must believe in feelings deep inside, otherwise you’d never be confident of things like ‘My wife loves me’. But this is a bad argument. There can be plenty of evidence that somebody loves you. All through the day when you are with somebody who loves you, you see and hear lots of little tidbits of evidence, and they all add up. It isn’t purely inside feeling, like the feeling that priests call revelation. There are outside things to back up the inside feeling: looks in the eye, tender notes in the voice, little favors and kindnesses; this is all real evidence.

Richard Dawkins

#love #love

Tax cuts continue to benefit families, seniors, and small business owners, as evidenced by unparalleled economic growth in Nevada and across the country.

Jon Porter

#benefit #business #business owners #continue #country

Any perjury case is a tough case. You just don't go on 'he said-she said.' You have to find corroborating evidence.

Victoria Toensing

#case #evidence #find #go #just

Mr. Speaker, the scientific evidence is overwhelming that embryonic stem cells have great potential to regenerate specific types of human tissues, offering hope for millions of Americans suffering from debilitating diseases.

Jim Ramstad

#debilitating #diseases #embryonic #embryonic stem cells #evidence

I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.

James Randi

#because #claims #confirming #date #ever

Power is not sufficient evidence of truth.

Samuel Johnson

#power #sufficient #sufficient evidence #truth

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