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#health care reform

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #health care reform

Reconciliation cannot be used to pass comprehensive health care reform. It won't work because it was never designed for that kind of significant legislation; it was designed for deficit reduction.

Kent Conrad

#cannot #care #comprehensive #deficit #deficit reduction

Yes, I do agree we need health care reform; however, this bill badly misses the mark. Congress can and must do better for the American people.

John Mica

#american #american people #badly #better #bill

I'm not saying we don't need health care reform. We do need health care reform.

Jim Renacci

#health #health care #health care reform #i #need

Well, first let me say that I think health care reform is important. It has to be a priority. And our system is broken. The Finance Committee bill is the best effort yet, due in large measure to the efforts of my colleague, Olympia Snowe, but it's not there yet. It falls short.

Susan Collins

#bill #broken #care #colleague #committee

The reason Gov. Romney passed Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 was because many Republicans viewed health care reform, mandates and all, as a way to inoculate against Democratic charges that Republicans didn't care about people who lacked health insurance.

Ari Fleischer

#against #because #care #charges #democratic

When you stop and look at so much of the kind of activism that has been triggered, the Tea Party and the like, as a result of Obama's efforts - TARP, the stimulus package, and now the health care reform - there is a lot of sense this government is changing.

Juan Williams

#been #care #changing #efforts #government

The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty.

Bill McCollum

#clearly #constitution #each #health #health care

After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.

Barack Obama

#care #century #debate #health #health care

We will have health care reform in America.

Dick Durbin

#care #health #health care #health care reform #reform

I'm one of those that have said, one of my key principles is I will not support a health care reform bill that is not deficit-neutral, period.

Mike Ross

#care #health #health care #health care reform #i

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