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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #insensible

Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music.


#harp #insensible #itself #like #mouths

A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity.

Rosalind Russell

#insensible #man #prosperity #relish #tasted

'Tis very great pity that they who are so apt to over-rate themselves in smaller matters, shou'd, where it most concerns them to know, and stand upon their Value, be so insensible of their own worth.

Mary Astell

#concerns #great #insensible #know #matters

The half minute which we daily devote to the winding-up of our watches is an exertion of labour almost insensible; yet, by the aid of a few wheels, its effect is spread over the whole twenty-four hours.

Charles Babbage

#almost #daily #devote #effect #exertion

It is almost impossible to imagine that any one could be so insensible to the high morality of Mr. Mill's character as to suggest to him any course of conduct that was not entirely upright and consistent.

Millicent Fawcett

#any #character #conduct #consistent #could

A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity 'til he has tasted adversity.


#insensible #man #prosperity #relish #tasted

The chief benefit, which results from philosophy, arises in an indirect manner, and proceeds more from its secret, insensible influence, than from its immediate application.

David Hume

#arises #benefit #chief #immediate #indirect

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