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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #keeping

The argument we always used to use was that keeping records in the catalog was good for people that were coming new to the music, but I think that was talking over a ten year or fifteen year time span.

Evan Parker

#argument #catalog #coming #fifteen #good

Work at the same time on sky, water, branches, ground, keeping everything going on an equal basis... Don't be afraid of putting on colour... Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression.

Camille Pissarro

#basis #best #branches #colour #equal

I am not very good at keeping secrets at all! If you want your secret kept do not tell me!

Miley Cyrus

#good #i #i am #keeping #kept

The change began in Somalia, where we discovered that we were involved in an operation where there was no peace, so there was no more a peacekeeping operation because there was no peace.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

#began #change #discovered #involved #more

This game, it seems when you play it the best, is when you're not really thinking a lot and just reacting and keeping it at its simplest point - just see it and hit it.

Jason Giambi

#game #hit #just #keeping #lot

Ever since boyhood I've made a religion of keeping in shape by regular, conscientious exercise.

Gene Tunney

#conscientious #ever #exercise #i #keeping

People who go to work every day and perform the services essential to keeping our economy functioning deserve to live above the poverty level.

Marcy Kaptur

#day #deserve #economy #essential #every

The government wants to control the banks, just as it now controls GM and Chrysler, and will surely control the health industry in the not-too-distant future. Keeping them TARP-stuffed is the key to control.

Stuart Varney

#chrysler #control #controls #future #gm

A wise governor told me a long time ago, political capital you don't get more of by keeping it. You get it by using it.

Scott Walker

#capital #get #governor #keeping #long

Tax breaks can serve a vital role in keeping and bringing jobs to our state; however, without accountability, they are little more than loopholes at taxpayers' expense.

Jeanne Kohl-Welles

#breaks #bringing #expense #however #jobs

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