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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ned

What I am really concerned about is what art is supposed to be - and can become.

Bruce Nauman

#am #art #become #concerned #i

And I've also come to the conclusion that, as far as guitar solos and things like that are concerned, it's more important to complement the music rather than take away from it.

Dave Navarro

#as far as #away #come #complement #concerned

I had never auditioned for Broadway - any play - and I was not familiar with what you're supposed to do.

Ednita Nazario

#auditioned #broadway #familiar #had #i

But I was very, very lucky, and it was a wake up call as far as motorbikes are concerned. I never flirted with death on the bike, but now I'm totally convinced they're death machines.

Liam Neeson

#bike #call #concerned #convinced #death

I came to water late. I learned to swim at the age of 20.

Liam Neeson

#came #i #i came #late #learned

It's an extraordinary thing, this tiny little province of Northern Ireland, where carnage happened. And I was part of it. I grew up in it.

Liam Neeson

#extraordinary #extraordinary thing #grew #happened #i

I then remained in Berlin until Dec. 1938, spending my time between pictures at my villa on the Riviera.

Pola Negri

#between #dec #i #my time #pictures

In the next shot the cameras zoomed to the fiancee who noticed the lights in the Czarina's room go out and the camera then turned to the pond where two goldfish were making love.

Pola Negri

#cameras #fiancee #go #goldfish #lights

I think there, there also had been just before I got to Honduras a rather spectacular capture of an arms shipment that from Nicaragua across Honduran test, territory destined for El Salvador and I think that some of that equipment had been also to Cuba and the Soviet bloc.

John Negroponte

#also #arms #been #before #bloc

In honour I gained them, and in honour I will die with them.

Horatio Nelson

#gained #honour #i #them #will

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