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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #nin

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.

Doris Lessing


As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes.

Mel Brooks

#gonna #long #make #mistakes #spinning

There's a story behind everything..but behind all your stories is always your mother's story..because hers is where yours begins.

Mitch Albom

#life #mother #story #life

People sometimes sneer at those who run every day, claiming they'll go to any length to live longer. But don't think that's the reason most people run. Most runners run not because they want to live longer, but because they want to live life to the fullest. If you're going to while away the years, it's far better to live them with clear goals and fully alive then in a fog, and I believe running helps you to do that. Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that's the essence of running, and a metaphor for life — and for me, for writing as whole. I believe many runners would agree

Haruki Murakami


I do not forget any good deed done to me & I do not carry a grudge for a bad one.

Viktor E. Frankl

#good #grudge #life #meaning #viktor

I believe that I am not responsible for the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of life, but that I am responsible for what I do with the life I've got.

Hermann Hesse

#meaning-of-life #life

They say all marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning.

Clint Eastwood

#heaven-made #lightning #marriage #married-life #matrimony

If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering.

Viktor E. Frankl


Nobody wanted your dance, Nobody wanted your strange glitter, your floundering Drowning life and your effort to save yourself, Treading water, dancing the dark turmoil, Looking for something to give.

Ted Hughes

#drowning #poetry #life

He could not be mistaken. There were no other eyes like those in the world. There was only one creature in the world who could concentrate for him all the brightness and meaning of life. It was she. It was Kitty.

Leo Tolstoy

#levin #love #life

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