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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #possibility

However, when my parents married in 1945, China was in turmoil and the possibility of returning grew increasingly remote, and they decided to begin their family in the United States.

Steven Chu

#china #decided #family #grew #however

The enjoyment of life would be instantly gone if you removed the possibility of doing something.

Chauncey Depew

#enjoyment #gone #instantly #life #possibility

It bothers me to know there is the possibility that I as a Christian would be not only an underdog, but that I would be trodden upon if I claimed that I was a Christian.

Lee Greenwood

#christian #claimed #i #know #me

Man has the possibility of existence after death. But possibility is one thing and the realization of the possibility is quite a different thing.

Bret Harte

#death #different #different thing #existence #man

My hope that the Church will emerge as a strong leader in society is just that a hope. What I described in The Catholic Moment is not a prophecy but the outline of a possibility. There are no guarantees that my hopes expressed in The Catholic Moment will ever be realised.

Richard John Neuhaus

#church #described #emerge #ever #expressed

A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving.

Ayn Rand

#achieving #action #desire #goal #possibility

Of course, with the increasing number of aeroplanes one gains increased opportunities for shooting down one's enemies, but at the same time, the possibility of being shot down one's self increases.

Manfred von Richthofen

#being #course #down #gains #increased

Opening day. All you have to do is say the words and you feel the shutters thrown wide, the room air out, the light pour in. In baseball, no other day is so pure with possibility. No scores yet, no losses, no blame or disappointment. No hangover, at least until the game's over.

Mary Schmich

#baseball #blame #day #disappointment #feel

Albert Camus, a great humanist and existentialist voice, pointed out that to commit to a just cause with no hope of success is absurd. But then, he also noted that not committing to a just cause is equally absurd. But only one choice offers the possibility for dignity. And dignity matters. Dignity matters.

David Simon

#albert #also #cause #choice #commit

That's what makes it so right. Your eyes-- your soul is there, but the rest of you is still so undefined. That's the beauty of childhood. The eyes show everything you've seen so far, but the rest of you is still so open to possibility, to whatever you might become.

Bree Despain

#childhood #dark-divine #mr-barlow #possibility #soul

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