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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pride

I am determined that nothing but the deepest love could ever induce me into matrimony. [Elizabeth]

Jane Austen


St Thomas (Aqinas) loved books and lived on books... When asked for what he thanked God most, he answered simply, ‘I have understood every page I ever read’.

G.K. Chesterton

#pride #love

There are few couples as unhappy as those who are too proud to admit their unhappiness.

P.D. James

#love #pride #unhappiness #love

Love hath no pride.

Karen Marie Moning

#pride #love

Anger can keep you warm at night, and wounded pride can spur a man to wondrous things.

Patrick Rothfuss

#motivation #wounded-pride #anger

Shortly after you left the room, Bushell came over and spoke to your father. I was not near enough to hear what he said, but Maria Lucas told me afterwards that he had been -' (she smiled) 'amazingly impertinent.' 'Peter actually spoke to Papa?' 'He did. According to Maria, he had the impudence to criticise Mr Bennet for his treatment of you. I must say it gives me the most favourable idea of his character.

Jennifer Paynter

#cute #honor #jane-austen #love #mary-bennet

Peter.' It was the first time I had used his name. 'You heard me sing tonight, did you not?' 'Yes, love.' The endearment took my breath away - made me forget what I meant to say. I stood there with but one thought: He must care about me.

Jennifer Paynter

#love #lovely #mary-bennet #peter-bushell #pride-and-prejudice

I lost the letter in rather embarrassing circumstances. We were to dine at Parramatta Government House that same evening, and Peter had come in early from harvesting the wheat, sitting down in all his dirt to read the precious missive. I sat beside him, fresh from my bath. And so handsome did my husband look, long legs sprawled in Dungaree trousers and frowning over my father's spiky hand, that I could not resist reaching out to smooth away the frown. He caught my hand to his lips, still reading, and then chancing to look up, and reading my face more swiftly than he would ever read the written word, pulled me onto his lap.

Jennifer Paynter

#jennifer-paynter #love #mary-bennet #peter-bushell #pride-and-prejudice

Do you want it bad enough to get over being hurt?

Richard Castle

#pain #pride #love

But look behind you, Mary.' She nodded towards the dais. 'One of the musicians seems to be trying to attract your attention.' It was Peter. He was standing on the dais smiling across at me. My delight at seeing him was such that I could not disguise it - did not try to disguise it.

Jennifer Paynter

#expectation #happiness #jane-austen #love #peter-bushell

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