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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #serves

The underdog often starts the fight, and occasionally the upper dog deserves to win.

E. W. Howe

#dog #fight #occasionally #often #starts

There is a very remarkable inclination in human nature to bestow on external objects the same emotions which it observes in itself, and to find every where those ideas which are most present to it.

David Hume

#emotions #every #external #external objects #find

Buddy Guy finally got a break and made it. And Buddy Guy deserves it.

Luther Allison

#buddy #deserves #finally #got #guy

I love my wife, she deserves anything and everything.

Aaron Spelling

#deserves #everything #i #i love #love

Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.

Dave Barry

#again #choice #come #deeply #each

In all the sciences except Psychology we deal with objects and their changes, and leave out of account as far as possible the mind which observes them.

Charles D. Broad

#as far as #changes #deal #except #far

If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation.

Thomas Bulfinch

#called #claim #deserves #enlarge #helps

Your brain forms roughly 10,000 new cells every day, but unless they hook up to preexisting cells with strong memories, they die. Serves them right.

Doug Coupland

#cells #day #die #every #every day

In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers.

Harvey Cushing

#also #applies #apt #breathless #clearly

Any man and woman, and I've been on the record, any man or woman who wears the uniform and serves this country is a hero. I've said that repeatedly at all the town halls I've had.

Joe Walsh

#been #country #had #halls #hero

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