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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #students

The number of students participating in A.P. has more than doubled in 10 years, and today almost 15,000 U.S. schools offer A.P. courses.

Gaston Caperton

#courses #doubled #more #number #offer

When I was a college student and I got interested in linguistics the concern among students was, this is a lot of fun, but after we have done a structural analysis of every language in the world what's left? It was assumed there were basically no puzzles.

Noam Chomsky

#among #analysis #assumed #basically #college

Young people know how important it is for dads to be involved in their lives. As I travel the country and talk with students, some of them tell me that their lives would be totally different if their father was around.

Arne Duncan

#country #dads #different #father #how

One works in one's laboratory - one's chaotic laboratory - with students and colleagues, doing what one most wants to do - then all this happens! It is overwhelming.

Haldan Keffer Hartline

#colleagues #doing #happens #laboratory #most

The Nobel Prize is given as a personal award but it also honors the field of research in which I have worked and it also honors my students and colleagues.

Robert Hofstadter

#award #colleagues #field #given #honors

Asian countries produce eight times as many engineering bachelors as the United States, and the number of U.S. students graduating at the masters and PhD levels in these areas is declining.

Mark Kennedy

#asian #asian countries #bachelors #countries #declining

My old school in Liverpool is now a performing-arts school, and I kind of teach there - I use the word lightly - but I go there and talk to students.

Paul McCartney

#go #i #kind #lightly #liverpool

The result was, when Congress convened in January 1971, everyone was now an environmentalist. They had seen a new force, college students, who favored the environment.

Pete McCloskey

#college students #congress #environment #environmentalist #everyone

If you want to get out of medicine the fullest enjoyment, be students all your lives.

David Riesman

#fullest #get #lives #medicine #our lives

I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.

Carl Sagan

#am #amazed #among #capability #college

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