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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #understanding

I am somewhat of a meliorist. That is to say, I act as an optimist because I find I cannot act at all, as a pessimist. One often feels helpless in the face of the confusion of these times, such a mass of apparently uncontrollable events and experiences to live through, attempt to understand, and if at all possible, give order to; but one must not withdraw from the task if he has some small things to offer - he does so at the risk of diminishing his humanity.

Bernard Malamud

#experience #humanity #meliorist #optimist #pessimist

I hold the hands of people I never touch. I provide comfort to people I never embrace. I watch people walk into brick walls, the same ones over and over again, and I coax them to turn around and try to walk in a different direction. People rarely see me gladly. As a rule, I catch the residue of their despair. I see people who are broken, and people who only think they are broken. I see people who have had their faces rubbed in their failures. I see weak people wanting anesthesia and strong people who wonder what they have done to make such an enemy of fate. I am often the final pit stop people take before they crawl across the finish line that is marked: I give up. Some people beg me to help. Some people dare me to help. Sometimes the beggars and the dare-ers look the same. Absolutely the same. I'm supposed to know how to tell them apart. Some people who visit me need scar tissue to cover their wounds. Some people who visit me need their wounds opened further, explored for signs of infection and contamination. I make those calls, too. Some days I'm invigorated by it all. Some days I'm numbed. Always, I'm humbled by the role of helper. And, occasionally, I'm ambushed. ~ Stephen White "Critical Conditions

Stephen White

#life #psychology #traumatic-experiences #understanding #wisdom

A trip to the cancer unit of any pediatric hospital will tell you that the Law of Attraction doesn't work. Some angels are so bright, brave and valiant that God gave them the hardest lives when they chose to come to earth. They don't need to pray to be saved because they already are.

Shannon L. Alder

#cancer #cancer-patients #children #circumstances #faith

The only way to prevent pride from taking root in our heart and our life is to embrace a life filled with faith, understanding, and forgiveness.

Heather Bixler

#faith #forgiveness #inspirational-religious #pride #understanding

He showed the fineness of his nature by being kinder to me after that misunderstanding than before. Nay, the very incident which, by my theory, must in some degree estrange me and him, changed, indeed, somewhat our relations; but not in the sense I painfully anticipated. An invisible, but a cold something, very slight, very transparent, but very chill: a sort of screen of ice had hitherto, all through our two lives, glazed the medium through which we exchanged intercourse. Those few warm words, though only warm with anger, breathed on that frail frost-work of reserve; about this time, it gave note of dissolution. I think from that day, so long as we continued friends, he never in discourse stood on topics of ceremony with me.

Charlotte Brontë

#dr-john-graham-bretton #frankness #friendship #honesty #lucy-snowe

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever,- One foot in sea and one on shore, To one thing constant never.

William Shakespeare

#happy #ladies #men #sadness #understanding

…she eventually forgave him, because she understood him.

Whitney Otto

#understanding #forgiveness

There is a saying that to understand is to forgive, but that is an error, so Papa used to say. You must forgive in order to understand. Until you forgive, you defend yourself against the possibility of understanding. ... If you forgive, he would say, you may indeed still not understand, but you will be ready to understand, and that is the posture of grace.

Marilynne Robinson

#understanding #forgiveness

Forgiveness requires a sense that bad behaviour is a sign of suffering rather than malice.

Alain de Botton

#forgiveness #malice #suffering #understanding #forgiveness

Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can buy friends, men no longer have any friends.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#friends #friendship #reflection #time #understanding

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