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#women are

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #women are

Women are only children of a larger growth. A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humours and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters.

Philip Stanhope

#child #children #consults #does #flatters

Most women are not as young as they are painted.

Max Beerbohm

#painted #women #women are #young

You know, it's about getting out there and having a good time. Not about worrying - all these young books for women are like I'm 29 with a closet full of Prada shoes and I can't get a date. Come on.

Aisha Tyler

#books #closet #come #date #full

Women who love women are Lesbians. Men, because they can only think of women in sexual terms, define Lesbian as sex between women.

Rita Mae Brown

#between #define #lesbian #lesbians #love

As is the case with many Middle Eastern nations, women are nowhere near equal to men when it comes to basic freedoms and rights that we take for granted every day.

Ginny B. Waite

#case #comes #day #eastern #equal

Women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions which men think it manly to pay to the sex, when, in fact, men are insultingly supporting their own superiority.

Mary Wollstonecraft

#degraded #fact #in fact #manly #men

Just as women are afraid of receiving, men are afraid of giving.

John Gray

#giving #just #men #receiving #women

In God, the characteristics of men and women that we admire in men and women are combined. That's been a traditional Catholic teaching that God is the combination of opposites.

Andrew Greeley

#been #catholic #characteristics #combination #combined

We Abolition Women are turning the world upside down.

Angelina Grimke

#down #turning #upside #upside down #women

Men are very competent in their workplace - and this is going to sound sexist - women are better at running households and juggling lots of things, kids and scheduling and that kind of thing.

Patricia Heaton

#competent #going #households #juggling #kids

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