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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #art

Don't blame the marketing department. The buck stops with the chief executive.

John D. Rockefeller

#buck #chief #chief executive #department #executive

Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor.

Christopher Caudwell

#art #beauty #economics #poetry #truth

Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked ladies. Women's magazines also often feature pictures of naked ladies. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is hairy and lumpy and should not be seen by the light of day.

Richard Roeper

#art #beautiful #because #body #day

Wal-Mart doesn't really care about your faith. Wal-Mart cares if you have money to spend, and it is going to be as generic as possible in exploiting the holiday season for every buck it can make.

Richard Roeper

#buck #care #cares #every #exploiting

Over the last several quarters we have been growing faster in Asia and Europe than any other place on the planet. We have 18 percent of the global PC share, about 12 percent in Europe, and 8 percent in Asia.

Kevin Rollins

#any #asia #been #europe #faster

By making bold cuts in spending and commonsense entitlement reforms, we will make our government simpler, smaller, and smarter.

Mitt Romney

#commonsense #cuts #entitlement #government #make

I suppose I walk that line between comedy and cruelty because I think one illuminates the other. We're all cruel, aren't we? We are all extreme in one way or another at times and that's what drama, since the Greeks, has dealt with. I hope the overall view isn't just that though, or I've failed in my writing. There have to be moments when you glimpse something decent, something life-affirming even in the most twisted character. That's where the real art lies.

Martin McDonagh


Ah! My Lord! now I understand, Oh, yes! What a voice! What an artist! I understand all!

Landon Ronald

#artist #i #lord #now #oh

I felt I was drawing close to that age, that place in life, where you realize one day what you'd told yourself was a Zen detachment turns out to be naked fear. You'd had one serious love relationship in your life and it had ended in tragedy, and the tragedy had broken something inside you. But instead of trying to repair the broken place, or at least really stop and look at it, you skated and joked. You had friends, you were a decent citizen. You hurt no one. And your life was somehow just about half of what it could be.

Roland Merullo

#denial #love #mediocrity #settling #tragedy

Anytime I am around a male body part it is kind of exiting.

Nicole Richie

#anytime #around #body #i #i am

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