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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #barack

What if Barack Obama established a Presidential Advisory Committee that would meet once every couple of months, bringing together the former presidents for a conference in order to seek their collective wisdom? There is a wealth of experience in former presidents that generally goes untapped.

Tony Campolo

#barack #barack obama #bringing #collective #committee

I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African American.

Jimmy Carter

#african american #american #animosity #barack #barack obama

I think Barack Obama is a one-term President.

Dick Cheney

#barack obama #i #i think #obama #president

The grass roots are energized because the absolutely highest priority in the country in November is to defeat Barack Obama. I have spoken with literally thousands and thousands of tea-party activists - I have yet to meet a single tea-party leader that is not going to vote for Mitt Romney.

Ted Cruz

#activists #barack #barack obama #because #country

In 2008, Barack Obama did get Democrats hyperventilating, whipped up to a creamy froth, while John McCain creaked ahead like a cranky granddad whom Republicans let move to the front of the buffet line, deferring to seniority, as they had in 1996, when Bob Dole turtled to the top of the ticket.

James Wolcott

#barack #barack obama #bob #buffet #cranky

With Barack Obama as president and the super-happening Michelle Obama as First Lady, you would think a new tone, a new tune, a kicky new jazzitude, would have entered Washington discourse, but it remains a landlocked island unto itself, held captive by its tribal fevers.

James Wolcott

#barack obama #captive #discourse #entered #fevers

The clearest way to cut some of this fiscal drag would be to extend the current payroll tax holiday and increase it - as proposed by President Barack Obama. This would cut the fiscal drag by almost half.

Mark Zandi

#barack #barack obama #clearest #current #cut

That is who Barack Obama is - a person of admirable character - and that is who he has remained for me over these last four years. I have not agreed with his every decision, but never once have I seen him break his cool, lose his composure, or abandon his insightful perspective - even during the most serious and/or absurd national disasters.

Elizabeth Gilbert

#absurd #admirable #agreed #barack #barack obama

Well I think that, if you want to look at polarizing people right now, I wouldn't look at Palin, I'd look at Barack Obama.

Laura Ingraham

#barack obama #i #i think #look #now

Barack Obama is betting on the American worker.

Ted Strickland

#american worker #barack #barack obama #betting #obama

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