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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #believe

If you believe you can, you might. If you know you can, you will.

Steve Maraboli

#believe #inspirational #knowing #life #motivational

I want to learn your trickery and feel what it’s like to have me wrapped around your finger. I want to lie to everyone because it gets me where I want faster. I want to be like you, because you are blind; and now that I finally see, I don’t want to.

Coco J. Ginger

#blind #breaking-up #breakups #broken-heart #broken-hearted

Many Sunnis, who are still stuck in the Saddam era mindset and believe Iraq belongs to them, are trying to prevent a new country from developing at all.

Brent Scowcroft

#belongs #country #developing #era #iraq

People don't understand computers. Computers are magical boxes that do things. People believe what computers tell them.

Bruce Schneier

#boxes #computers #magical #people #tell

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Christian D. Larson

#inspirational #inspirational

Palestinians don't really believe in a state of Israel. They, unlike a majority of Israelis, who have come to the conclusion that they can live with a two-state solution to be determined by the parties, the majority of Palestinians are still very reluctant, and they need to be pushed to get there.

Charles Schumer

#come #conclusion #determined #get #israel

A long time ago people believed that the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese. Some still do, to this day. The man on the moon is looking down and laughing.

Vera Nazarian

#beliefs #believe #cheese #flat #flat-earth

Believe me, you lose more than a gallon of fluids during a race. You could lose between six and 10 pounds during a race, depending on hot it is.

Michael Andretti

#between #could #depending #during #fluids

Gates is the ultimate programming machine. He believes everything can be defined, examined, reduced to essentials, and rearranged into a logical sequence that will achieve a particular goal.

Stewart Alsop

#achieve #believes #defined #essentials #everything

Liberals believe that they can't get a fair shake from the media anymore.

Eric Alterman

#believe #fair #fair shake #get #liberals

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