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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #bio

If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.

James A. Baldwin

#blaze #could #earth #father #fathers

Biography should be written by an acute enemy.

Arthur Balfour

#biography #enemy #should #written

I didn't become an actor because I wanted to act. Actually, I wanted to become a marine biologist. But most of all, I wanted to be accepted.

Willie Aames

#act #actor #actually #because #become

The biographies and autobiographies are on the whole more impressive than the fiction of the last two decades, but the freakish best sellers among them are least likely to withstand the test of time.

Harold Acton

#autobiographies #best #biographies #decades #fiction

Johns Hopkins introduced me to two defining events in my life: commitment to biomedical research and meeting my future wife, Mary.

Peter Agre

#commitment #defining #events #future #hopkins

When my mother left her second husband, she wrote her autobiography and presented it to him for his approval.

David Antin

#autobiography #her #him #his #husband

It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin.

Dave Barry

#biological #cells #despite #directions #egg

Most victims of my autobiographical verse are either far too polite, remarkably understanding unaware that I have written poems about them.

John Barton

#autobiographical #either #far #i #most

In many biological structures proteins are simply components of larger molecular machines.

Michael Behe

#components #larger #machines #many #molecular

Since natural selection requires a function to select, an irreducibly complex biological system, if there is such a thing, would have to arise as an integrated unit for natural selection to have anything to act on.

Michael Behe

#anything #arise #biological #complex #function

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