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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #bull

I know the problem of obesity. I got to tell you, I think that's tepid. I just don't think the bully pulpit is going to be enough to sufficiently fight obesity. We're going to have to have incentives in here.

Max Baucus

#enough #fight #going #got #here

Enough Is Enough America. Let's Work To End All Violence. At Home, In The Streets, Against Women, Children, Brothers, Sisters And Start Moving Forward To Help Make Our Nation Safe For All!

Timothy Pina

#legend-of-the-peace-panda #home

I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit.

Mel Brooks

#humor #profanity #shit #vulgarity #humor

To win you need to have first lost. That makes you so hungry to win that you'll do everything you can to achieve it.

Brendon Clark

#bull-riding #inspirational #win #winning #inspirational

Injustice is ABUSE...No matter who or where it's committed! It must be stopped at all times!

Timothy Pina

#inspirational #inspirational

Truth Is As Plan As The Inspired Words David Wrote In The Psalms: A future Awaits For All Those Who Seek Peace..But All EVIL Will Eventually Be Destroyed; There Will Be No Future For The Wicked.

Timothy Pina

#legend-of-the-peace-panda #inspirational

For today...Be kind to those in despair.  Your words, thoughts and prayers can be the difference between one's life or demise✌

Timothy Pina

#inspirational #inspirational

We must do all we can...Use all our powers to help save Tibet! Humanity will regret it...if we don't!

Timothy Pina

#inspirational #save-tibet #inspirational

Sadly despair is usually the #1 teacher of spirituality~uniting us together in our darkness...leading us to light!✌ @800273TALK

Timothy Pina

#inspirational #inspirational

❤Speak up, spread the word, take a pledge, take action...we can all do something to try and end the abuse of bullying!

Timothy Pina

#inspirational #inspirational

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