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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #censors

On things like censorship, I think everything should be allowed on television. You know, I mean anything. I don’t know who believes that anymore. Every left wing party says there should be some degree of censorship, that some things are bad taste. But it’s unjustifiable for anyone to decide what is bad taste.

Richey Edwards


We knew the difference between that which cannot be expressed and that which must. We understood that while words are a path taking us only so far, they are a requisite to the journey. They are like road maps that show us which way to go.

Laura Bynum

#censorship #words #censorship

The Motion Picture Association of America wipes the sweat off its brow and sings the PG-13 song.

Bradley Sands

#pg- #censorship

... the Chinese have become very good at coming up with puns, alternative words, and memes. For example, they talk about the battle between the grass-mud horse and the river crab. The grass-mud horse, caonima, is the phonogram for "mother-fucker" - what the netizens call themselves. The river crab, hexie, is the phonogram for "harmonisation" or "censorship". So you have a battle between the caonima and the hexie. When big political stories happen, you find netizens discussing them using such weird phrases and words that you can't understand them even if you have a PhD in Chinese.

Michael Anti

#china #weibo #censorship

There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them.

Bernard Malamud

#censorship #fear #censorship

Ich berichte hier von illusorischen Bibliothek totgeborener, totgeschwiegener oder scheintoter Bücher, die im Keimen oder Erscheinen begriffen waren zu der Zeit, als ich anfing ins Caféhaus zu gehen. Ich berichte von dem Schrifttum eines untergegangenen Kulturreiches.

Walter Mehring


Although erotica authors are being targeted, this is an issue that should concern all indie authors. It affects indies disproportionately because indies are the ones pushing the boundaries of fiction. Indies are the ones out there publishing without the (fading) protective patina of a "traditional publisher" to lend them legitimacy. We indies only have each other.

Mark Coker

#indie-writing #censorship

What is also strange to me is that public libraries have always been in the forefront of opposing censorship.

Matthew Lesko

#always #been #censorship #forefront #libraries

I wouldn't totally rule out doing Letterman or the Tonight Show if I had a set that I just happened to write that I thought was funny but was still appropriate for network censors. But I'm not going to go out of my way.

Joe Rogan

#censors #doing #funny #go #going

Our censorship has sort of gotten a little too far. Too much censorship is just as bad as having none at all. Children need to be exposed to things, because if they don't see it, eventually, it's not like it's not going to happen, but it's just that there needs to be a balance.

Zoe Saldana

#balance #because #censorship #children #eventually

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