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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #choices

The destination of the journey could not be altered, only the manner in which one approached it - whether one chose to walk erect or to be dragged complaining through the dust.

Robert Harris

#destiny #inspirational #inspirational

You can never know about about your own destiny: are the people you meet there to play a part on your oun destiny, or do you exist just to play a role in theirs?

Libba Bray

#destiny #exist #life #life

People took what they wanted, they clutched at coincidences, the few there were, and made a life from them. . . . Choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains.

Paolo Giordano


Maybe you had to be dying to finally get to do what you wanted. I fidgeted around with the puzzle pieces for a while longer, but I wasn't lucky. Nothing seemed to fit without a whole lot of work. Then I had this thought: What if it was enough to realize that you would die someday, that none of this would go on forever? Would that be enough?

Carol Rifka Brunt

#dying #philosophy-of-life #life

To hold the rank of responsibility, requires you to make decisions that will not only hurt the enemy…but also your own. And there will come a time when the situation will be absolutely so bleak that every eye will turn to you out of fear and desperation. In that moment, you’ll have to become like the steel of your ship…and make the hardest choices of your life. Because if you don’t, there will be no one is else to do it for you. And you will always be alone in this.

Commander Paladin Martian Fleet - from Beyond Mars Crimson Fleet

#desperation #military #military-philosophy #rank #resposibility

Morality and legality have nothing to do with one another. I'm more than fine with breaking a law if it disagrees with my values and morals.

Ashly Lorenzana

#choices #law #legality #life #morality

Want a better life? Make better decisions.

Toni Sorenson


The life we live is an expression of the choices we make.

Laurie Buchanan

#choices-and-consequences #life

Harry, life isn't simple. There is such a thing as black and white. Right and wrong. But when you're in the thick of things, sometimes it's hard for us to tell. You didn't do what you did for your own benefit. You did it so that you could protect others. That doesn't make it right - but it doesn't make you a monster, either. You still have free will. You still get to choose what you will do and what you will be and what you will become.

Jim Butcher

#free-will #life

Happily Single is permission to CHOOSE your life rather than having it handed to you, and it’s living life on your own terms instead of those that are expected of you.

Mandy Hale

#choices #choosing-your-life #confidence #happily-single #independence

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