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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #conventional

Charlie's not your conventional mathematician... we sexed him up a little bit.

David Krumholtz

#charlie #conventional #him #little #little bit

Conventional wisdom on government's role in inequality often has it backwards. Tax reforms have resulted in a more progressive federal income tax; government transfer payments have become less progressive.

Paul Ryan

#become #conventional #conventional wisdom #federal #government

It is now conventional wisdom that Americans do not care why we went to war in Iraq, that it is enough that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

Adam Schiff

#better off #care #conventional #conventional wisdom #enough

In most conventional novels, God is not allowed to be nuts. Nor are nuts allowed to be God.

John Sladek

#conventional #god #most #nor #novels

They used to be seen as insane or unthinkable acts of madmen. But if they take place they'll be called "war" too. And there will still be no conventional war.

Bruce Sterling

#called #conventional #insane #madmen #place

In our day the conventional element in literature is elaborately disguised by a law of copyright pretending that every work of art is an invention distinctive enough to be patented.

Northrop Frye

#conventional #copyright #day #disguised #distinctive

Here society is reduced to its original elements, the whole fabric of art and conventionality is struck rudely to pieces, and men find themselves suddenly brought back to the wants and resources of their original natures.

Francis Parkman

#back #brought #conventionality #elements #fabric

There are things so deep and complex that only intuition can reach it in our stage of development as human beings. And to Poe... well, a great logician could be an enemy to him, what he called conventional world reason.

John Astin

#called #complex #conventional #could #deep

I would finally renounce my delusional hypotheses and revert to thinking of myself as a human of more conventional circumstances and return to mathematical research.

John Forbes Nash, Jr.

#conventional #delusional #finally #human #hypotheses

People always blame the girl; she should have said no. A monosyllable, but conventional wisdom has always been that boys can't manage it.

Anna Quindlen

#been #blame #conventional #conventional wisdom #girl

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