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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #crisis

Liberty is the act of making the Government Fear what you KNOW!

Faith Brashear

#faith #happiness #justice #liberty-s-crusade #life-lessons

Feelings are your guide. Trust your feelings and learn to express them, and do not blame anyone for how you feel. Be yourself, observe yourself. Look to understand any crisis you have been in or will be in.

Barbara Marciniak

#feelings #family

Nuclear weapons and TV have simply intensified the consequences of our tendencies.

David Foster Wallace

#human-nature #responsibility #television #world #nature

Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth in intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness.

Paul Brunton

#crisis #growth #intuition #intuition

Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes of men. Silently and imperceptibly, as we wake or sleep, we grow strong or weak; and at last some crisis shows what we have become.

Brooke Foss Westcott

#cowards #crisis #eyes #great #grow

I really do think that any deep crisis is an opportunity to make your life extraordinary in some way.

Martha Beck

#crisis #deep #extraordinary #i #life

The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as long as the financial system is in crisis.

Ben Bernanke

#economic #economic recovery #financial #financial system #get

It's difficult when you're an appointee of any administration to publicly come out and say before a crisis occurs to say that we need to do X, Y and Z to avoid a crisis, because you probably wouldn't be around very long if you did that.

Henry Bonilla

#any #around #avoid #because #before

Come a crisis, we want other people.

Danny Boyle

#crisis #other #people #want

David Brinkley was an icon of modern broadcast journalism, a brilliant writer who could say in a few words what the country needed to hear during times of crisis, tragedy and triumph.

Tom Brokaw

#broadcast #could #country #crisis #david

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