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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #delirium

Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge.

Lauren Oliver

#lauren-oliver #love

Find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.

Lauren Oliver

#inspirational #lauren-oliver #love #novels #romance

There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him.

Antonin Artaud

#every #frightened #genius #had #head

Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?" "I don't know any other way." "Let me show you." And then we're kissing. Or at least, I think we're kissing—I've only seen it done a couple of times, quick closed-mouth pecks at weddings or on formal occasions. But this isn't like anything I've ever seen, or imagined, or even dreamed: this is like music or dancing but better than both.

Lauren Oliver

#delirium #lauren-oliver #lena #romance #dreams

The most wonderful thing in life is to be delirious and the most wonderful kind of delirium is being in love. In the morning mist, hazy and amorous, London was delirious. London squinted as it floated along, milky pink, without caring where it was going.

Yevgeny Zamyatin

#delirium #london #love #life

I'd rather die on my own terms than live on theirs. I'd rather die loving Alex than live without him.

Lauren Oliver

#delirium #lauren-oliver #lena #love #romance

This is the strange way of the world, that people who simply want to love are instead forced to become warriors.

Lauren Oliver

#delirium #julian #lauren-oliver #lena #requiem

Alex loved books. He was the one who first introduced me to poetry. That's another reason I can't read anymore.

Lauren Oliver

#delirium #lauren-oliver #lena #pandemonium #love and desire enjoy a symbiotic relationship, meaning that one cannot exist without the other. Desire is an enemy to contentment; desire is illness, a feverish brain. Who can be considered healthy who wants? The very word want suggests a lack, an impoverishment, and that is what desire is: an impoverishment of the brain, a flaw, a mistake.

Lauren Oliver

#desire #love #love

I told you," he whispers back. I can feel his breath just tickling the space behind my ear, making my hair prick up on my neck. "I like you." "You don't know me," I say quickly. "I want to, though.

Lauren Oliver

#delirium #lauren-oliver #lena-holoway #love #love

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