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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #democratic

Democracy can only spring from practising it early, and democratic action was not to expected from young people brought up under a close authoritarian system.

Dora Russell

#authoritarian #brought #close #democracy #democratic

The merit of a democratic regime rests on one's continual willingness to exchange views, and to compete on the basis of individual merit and capacities.

Jose Eduardo Dos Santos

#capacities #compete #continual #democratic #exchange

I believe that the will of the people is resolved by a strong leadership. Even in a democratic society, events depend on a strong leadership with a strong power of persuasion, and not on the opinion of the masses.

Yitzhak Shamir

#democratic #democratic society #depend #even #events

I found that there is very little interest in Washington for true election reform. That neither the White House nor either house of the Congress seems to be as committed to guaranteeing democratic participation in this country as we seem to be in other countries.

DeForest Soaries

#congress #countries #country #democratic #either

I think Democrats made a mistake running away from liberalism. Liberalism, uh, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John and Robert Kennedy - that's what the Democratic party ought to reach for.

Theodore C. Sorensen

#democratic #democratic party #democrats #franklin #franklin roosevelt

To my mind, there is a solution which has to do with democracy, because democratic governments are subject to the will of the people. So, if the people will it, you can actually create international institutions through the democratic states.

George Soros

#because #create #democracy #democratic #governments

Virtually everywhere in the world, people still wake up and want their country to be more like the United States than any other nation. We are the envy of the world because of what we stand for and how our democratic process, flawed as it may often seem to be, operates. We should take pride in that.

Eliot Spitzer

#because #country #democratic #democratic process #envy

When the United States was founded, the very idea of a nation premised on democratic principles of freedom and tolerance was viewed by the vast majority of the world as an experiment doomed to fail. Dictatorships, monarchies, and theocracies had for many centuries ruled the world.

Eliot Spitzer

#democratic #dictatorships #doomed #experiment #fail

The Democratic party of Florida has put a temperance plank in its platform and the Republican party of every state would nail that plank in their platform if they thought it would carry the election.

Billy Sunday

#democratic #democratic party #election #every #florida

Punishment is now unfashionable... because it creates moral distinctions among men, which, to the democratic mind, are odious. We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility.

Thomas Szasz

#among #because #collective #creates #democratic

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