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#different thing

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #different thing

I'm really not that weird. I'm a combination of a lot of different things. Maybe it's just easier to make me look weird than another model who is specifically Caucasian.

Devon Aoki

#caucasian #combination #different #different things #easier

I spent almost 3 months with Bergman, four hours every afternoon. We sat and went through the whole script. To be honest, most of the time we talked about life and other different things. It was really a wonderful time.

Bille August

#afternoon #almost #bergman #different #different things

The trouble with people like Tony Blair is they get confused, they think intelligence is education when they're two different things.

David Bailey

#confused #different #different things #education #get

I don't write about the same thing every time, everyday, different things are happening out there and if you take the time to look around, you can see that, then you can put it all together and tell the story.

Desmond Dekker

#around #different #different things #every #every time

I have a normal life and I have this glamorous life, but to me it's two different things.

Heidi Klum

#different things #glamorous #glamorous life #i #life

I need my products to work and be fast! I don't love having 50 different things in my bathroom, like a different cream for every inch of my face. That's so not me.

Heidi Klum

#cream #different #different things #every #face

The trick is the paradox - turning your story inside out. Now if it is something that appears to be of total normality and then suddenly turns inside out and is a different thing all together then that's fun to write.

Nigel Kneale

#different #different thing #fun #inside #normality

The great thing about McDonald's is that they have a lot of different things on the menu. I love their salads.

Beyonce Knowles

#different #different things #great #great thing #i

I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't fun. It's just a whole different thing these days.

Bill Kreutzmann

#different #different thing #doing #fun #i

I'm involved in so many different things, and there are so many profound reactions to what I do because I am big counter culture.

Laura Schlessinger

#because #big #counter #culture #different

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