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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #dorne

Who seems most hideous when adorned the most.

Ludovico Ariosto

#hideous #most #seems #who

Beauty when unadorned is adorned the most.

St. Jerome

#beauty #most

I would rather be adorned by beauty of character than jewels. Jewels are the gift of fortune, while character comes from within.


#beauty #character #comes #fortune #gift

Architecture is a science arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning; by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts.

Marcus V. Pollio

#architecture #arising #arts #formed #help

This truth is a remedy against spiritual pride, namely, that none should account himself better before God than others, though perhaps adorned with greater gifts, and endowments.

Johann Arndt

#adorned #against #before #better #endowments

Fairest and best adorned is she Whose clothing is humility.

James Montgomery

#best #clothing #fairest #humility #she

The poets, therefore, however much they adorned the gods in their poems, and amplified their exploits with the highest praises, yet very frequently confess that all things are held together and governed by one spirit or mind.


#all things #amplified #confess #exploits #frequently

Its okay, Beth.I don't want my life to go back to the way it was before i met you.I thought i had it all,but really i was missing something. feel like a completely different person now.This might sound corny,but i feel like i've been asleep for a long time and you've just woken me up...

Alexandra Adornetto

#halo #love #xavier #life

If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells." --Prince Oberyn of Dorne.

George R.R. Martin

#badass #dorne #awesome

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