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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #doze

Bobby and I went through some old questionnaires about customer requirements for languages, then we compiled a new one and sent it out to a few dozen people we knew.

James Frank

#bobby #compiled #customer #dozen #few

Every man, through fear, mugs his aspirations a dozen times a day.

Brendan Francis

#day #dozen #dozen times #every #every man

). Dozens of nations have agreed to join in monitoring and, if necessary, intercepting and boarding ships on the high seas in the event they are suspected of engaging in one or both of these threatening activities.

Frank Gaffney

#agreed #boarding #both #dozens #engaging

The human being is a most curious creature. He thinks he has got one soul, and he has got dozens.

David Herbert Lawrence

#creature #curious #dozens #got #human

Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.

Vince Lombardi

#board #coaches #dime #dozen #get

No memory is ever alone; it's at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.

Louis L'Amour

#associations #dozen #each #end #ever

I've had over a dozen models come in and pose fro me live for these new Cirque pieces. Cirque is a world-wide phenomenon and they are just incredible athletes. I've been to all the performances and am really fascinated by all of their productions.

Richard MacDonald

#athletes #been #come #dozen #fascinated

The spy boom has been a beautiful windfall for architects, construction companies, IT specialists, and above all defense contractors, enriching thousands of private companies and dozens of local economies hugging the Capital Beltway.

Rachel Maddow

#architects #beautiful #been #beltway #boom

It is unacceptable that immigrants, including children, are shackled and detained in deplorable conditions. And it is unacceptable that already this year immigrants have died by the dozens in the California desert or in other parts of the Southwest.

Roger Mahony

#california #children #conditions #deplorable #desert

Washington is gripped by crab-in-the-bucket syndrome. And there's no cure in sight. Put a single crab in an uncovered bucket, and it will find a way to climb up and out on its own. Put a dozen crabs in a bucket, and 11 will fight with all their might to pull down the striver who attempts escape.

Michelle Malkin

#bucket #climb #crab #crabs #cure

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