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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #education

Responsibility educates.

Wendell Phillips

#educates #responsibility

Civic education and civic responsibility should be taught in elementary school.

Donna Brazile

#education #elementary #elementary school #responsibility #school

I'm not just a politician, I'm a guy who has a real deep, substantive, commitment to education.

Roy Romer

#deep #education #guy #i #just

A masculine education cannot spare from professional study and the necessary acquisition of languages, the time and attention which I have bestowed on the compositions of my countrymen.

Anne Seward

#attention #bestowed #cannot #compositions #countrymen

We must ensure our system of higher education offers world-class quality for a world-class economy.

Bob Taft

#education #ensure #higher #higher education #must

A dynamic economy begins with a good education.

Bob Taft

#dynamic #economy #education #good #good education

If we practiced medicine like we practice education, we'd look for the liver on the right side and left side in alternate years.

Alfred Kazin

#education #left #like #liver #look

Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.

Clarence Thomas

#cannot #doors #education #good #good manners

I've done quite a few adverts. I've also done some presenting and acting work in Spain. I did a lot of Spanish education videos for people wanting to learn English.

Christopher Parker

#also #did #done #education #english

No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.

Assata Shakur

#education #heroes #history #knowledge #education

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